My Brother and His Lover

2386 Words

Markus My brain short-circuits for a moment. I stare with wide eyes at the impossible view in front of me and, for the first time in my life, I have no words. Not a single one - no snarky comments, no sassy comebacks. My mind is a blank space, my mouth opens and closes but nothing comes out. I still have the f*ucking plate with yesterday’s leftovers I just prepared to go eat in my room while sulking because I knew that this was going to happen, just like Quinn told me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. However, I certainly did not expect to witness any of it or to be this painfully turned on by it. So here I am, standing in the middle of the room staring like an id*iot and unable to function. All my life there’s been this sick, twisted part of me that considered Grey mine, on

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