
1249 Words
Catherine’s POV "W-What are you doing, Alessandro? Please I'm not in the mood," I begged, as he loosened the belt of my bathrobe. He paid no attention to my protests and just smiled wickedly before forcing my bathrobe open, and exposing my nakedness. "You are my wife and your sole duty in my life is to ensure that I'm always sexually satisfied," He spat, unbuckling his belt and getting rid of his pants. Interesting. So now, I was his wife because he was in need of a release. As much as I wanted to have the old Alessandro back, I didn't want him like that. He was a predator while I was his prey that was shivering with fear as he pried my legs open. At that moment, I realized that begging him wasn't going to do anything, so I just decided to lie down as take it. He was right. My job was to give him s*x whenever he wanted whether I was in the mood for it or not. After all, I lived under his roof and he bore all my responsibilities because I was his housewife. It was my role to ensure that I always looked pretty and was ready to spread my legs the moment he asked me to. I was nothing but a human s*x doll to him. Hell, even s*x dolls were cared for better than I was. Scratch that, I was his c*m dumpster, nothing more. The last time we went on a date or one of his company's charity galas was a month after our wedding. After the devil struck, he had completely changed toward me. He had changed from the kind and loving Alessandro who used to send mocha frappe and cinnamon rolls to me every morning, when I was a medical student. The Alessandro that used to buy me the most expensive custom made jewelry and clothing became a monster in the early months of our marriage. Sometimes, it felt as if an alchemy had occurred one night, and the devil had swapped souls with him. Because he wasn't the Alessandro that I got married to. Instinctively, I pressed my legs together while he fervently sucked and fondled my boobs. "Spread your damn legs, Catherine," He spat, yanking my legs apart. "This is the only thing that you're good for anyway. You are nothing but a leech of a gold digger." My heart broke into minute irredeemable pieces at his utterance, but I didn't show it. I only managed an expressionless mien while he lathered my chest with his saliva. "Your body is so f*****g repelling," Alessandro said, but still reattached his mouth to my n****e. Since you find me so disgusting, please get off me. I inwardly thought. "You are no longer tight like before," Alessandro sneered, shoving three fingers at once into my p***y. "Have you been w*****g yourself out?" Tears rolled down my cheeks as I shook my head, knowing fully well that he didn't and would never believe me. "I-I would never do that," I wept, and he scoffed before forcing his c**k inside me. Today was the worst wedding anniversary ever. Not only had he asked for a divorce, he had also ignored the food that I had painstakingly prepared for him. And now, he was forcing me to have s*x with him, against my will, while uttering the worst accusations and insults ever. What exactly could I have done to him that made him hate me so much? Why did the universe hate me so much? Was I not worthy of a loving marriage with my first love? Was I undeserving of a happily ever after? "Oh, please," He scoffed. "You can't fool me with the miserable despondent aura that you carry about. Be honest with me, how many men have you had apart from me? Are they up to ten? twenty?" My ears had to be playing tricks on me because I couldn't believe Alessandro's disgusting utterance. Did he think I was also a serial cheater like him? How could he even think I would do something like that? "Laura is older than you yet she's tighter and smarter than you," He panted, delivering brutal thrusts to my p***y. Laura. That name always made me sick with jealousy and misery. She was prettier, smarter, and by far more gorgeous than me, according to Alessandro and his mother. I had neither seen a picture of her nor had I met her in person, and I was truly thankful for that. Alessandro didn’t even bother with foreplay before forcing his huge c**k inside me. I burst into fresh tears as he wrapped a hand around my throat and f****d me harder. "Why are you pretending not to like it, huh?" He spat. "Do you act like this with your other men?" His thrusts were so merciless and swift, that I barely had time to gather myself before he pounded me again. "I-I have never and would never have s****l relations with any other man but you and you know it." I sniffled. "That's what I used to think," He scoffed. "Until I found out that I never truly knew you." "W-What?" I stammered. "You're a f*****g pretender and a foolish tattletale," He spat. "You are also the most immature person that I've ever seen in my life." He didn't give me a chance to prod him for more information as he tightened his grip on my throat and plowed me as if I had offended him. This was too much. I thought, gazing up at the ceiling. An excruciating moment later, Alessandro released his seeds inside me with a groan, with his face buried in the crook of my shoulder. "You are actually useful sometimes," He grunted, gazing down at me. As I had no idea of how to respond, I just pressed my lips into a thin line and fluttered my eyes shut. A few minutes later when I opened my eyes, he was gone. With a groan, I dragged myself up from the bed, inwardly hoping that the child in my stomach was fine. Yes, I was pregnant. I had taken a pregnancy test some days ago, after struggling with incessant bouts of nausea and dizzy spells. After what happened that night, I resolved to leave Alessandro's life for good. A toxic marriage like ours was not a safe ground to raise a child. I didn't want to traumatize my kid. Even if it meant that I would become a maid somewhere in order to provide for my child, then so be it. At that moment, the scales of foolishness fell off my eyes and I realized that I couldn't put up with the maltreatment anymore. I didn't want Alessandro near us in the future or ever. It wasn't like he cared about me anyway. Hell, he'd probably host a banquet with Laura after I left. My former best friend, Mandy, would probably laugh in my face if she found out about how Alessandro had been treating me. When I told her that I was moving to America with Alessandro, she had strongly warned me against doing so. And had told me that I would live to regret it. Like the lovesick fool I was, I had ignored her warning to be with my love. As I scrubbed my skin under the trickling shower, I wondered why it took me so long to realize how much of an archfiend Alessandro truly was.
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