4. Prayers and Blood

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~Mature scenes ahead~ Greta Lovelace I awoke with a start, sweating profusely on my bedsheets. I felt a chill run down my spine and the fear of what happened in my dream coursed through my veins. It was like waking up from a nightmare, only this time it had been real. I sighed and put my face in my hands, trying to convince myself that it had all just been a dream. But no matter how much I tried to deny it, I could not shake the feeling of betrayal and danger lurking within me. My thoughts instantly went to Vladimir—was he okay? Was he thinking about me as well? Why did the dream have to end like that after being so intimate? Please let him be okay. As these questions swirled inside of me, I realized that it was already afternoon and I had to get up. With a heavy heart, I rose from my bed, determined to put the nightmare behind me and focus on the day ahead. You are a witch, Greta, I reminded myself. Dreams are not just what they seem. As I glanced at Mel the Terrible, she remained asleep in her cage, kicking her feet in the air. It was a peaceful sight, and it made me smile despite my worries. With a deep sigh, I decided to take a bath to clear my mind and rid myself of the nightmares that had haunted me earlier. I moved towards my bathroom, stripping off my nightgown as I went. The room was decorated with a rustic charm; faux stone walls and old wooden beams ran along the ceiling while a large clawfoot tub sat right in the center of the room. The air in the room was filled with the scent of lavender and chamomile, creating an atmosphere of relaxation. Steam was rising from the water I had already run, filling up the claw foot tub that promised me some tranquil moments away from all my woes. Despite our Grand Lair being inside a massive cave, we had modern plumbing and running hot water that gave solace even during our darkest hour. We were witches, not savages. I stepped into the hot water carefully, letting it engulf me until I was entirely submerged in its warmth. Closing my eyes, I lay still for some time - feeling all my stress wash away like sand from an incoming tide - until eventually, I entered into a trance-like state of calmness and relaxation. As I lay in the steaming hot water, my thoughts drifted to Vladimir. He was the only man who could make me feel this way with just a look. His presence in mind alone sent a wave of warmth spreading from inside my body, and I couldn't help but remember the bit of our dream where we were making love. I remembered his lips trailing across my skin, sending sparks of electricity throughout my being. I felt aroused as I imagined him sharing the tub with me, and how special it would feel if he were here with me. My hands and fingers began to wander around my body and over my skin as I pictured us being intimate in the bath together. I felt an intense pleasure wash over me and I shuddered as my imagination ran wild. My breathing grew heavy as I imagined his hands caressing every inch of my body, sending waves of pleasure throughout me. His lips pressed passionately against mine, intensifying the sensations coursing through me even further. My hands moved lower until they reached between my legs and started caressing myself intimately. My breathing increased as I pleasured myself, fantasizing about what it would be like if Vlad was there with me at that moment, sharing in this intense experience of pleasure and passion. My hands continued to explore my body as I imagined Vladimir's caresses. My fingertips trembled against my skin as they trailed up and down my curves and I moaned in pleasure. My breasts were particularly sensitive and I teased and massaged them, feeling the excitement build within me. My nïpples stood erect and hard, eager for attention. I pinched them between my fingers, sending jolts of pleasure through me with each touch. I bit my lip to stifle a moan as I pictured it was my soulmate touching me instead of myself. The intensity of the sensations coursing through me increased with every passing moment until, finally, I could no longer contain myself and delved my finger into the folds of my womanhood. I gasped at the intimate contact as waves of pleasure surged through me with each caress. I continued to pleasure myself, exploring further and further inside until the sensation became unbearable and climaxed in a blissful release that sent shockwaves throughout my body. The euphoria that followed was unrivalled by anything else I had ever experienced before - it was like floating on a cloud above all worldly concerns for a few precious moments before slowly returning to reality. As the warmth and glow of satisfaction faded away, I felt completely revived from all that had come before it - relaxed, rejuvenated, invigorated. The bath water had cooled slightly while I'd been lost in ecstasy but it offered what I needed. Clarity. I stood up from the soothing warmth of the bath and put on a bathrobe. I dried off my skin and hair, enjoying the feeling of being wrapped in a comfortable cocoon. After that, I changed into my clothes - a skirt, corset, and a collared silk blouse. Once I was fully dressed, I drew on my cloak and sauntered out into the halls of the Grand Lair. As I walked through the corridors, witches bowed at me as they passed by. They whispered “Witch Mother” as they lowered their heads in respect. Although they called me mother, they were not my biological offsprings. They were just part of a younger generation of witches born within Vermont – The Daughters of Vermont. I merely acknowledged their presence with a nod before continuing on my way to the Altar of the Balance. The altar stood before me like a beacon in the dark hallways - surrounded by ancient symbols and intricate patterns carved into its surface. It emanated an aura of powerful magic that was both comforting and unsettling at the same time. Sumus Custodes in Statera, read the silver inscription just at the base of the altar. We are the Watchers of the Balance. The chancel dedicated to the Balance was a grand sight, its ethereal beauty captivating all who laid eyes upon it. It stood at least twice as high as me, a towering monolith of exquisite craftsmanship. The base was made from white marble, with intricate carvings that depicted the phases of the moon. Above this, the main structure was made of shimmering silver and encrusted with hundreds of sapphires and rubies - arranged in elaborate patterns that seemed to flow and dance around one another in a mesmerizing display. Atop the altar were two more silver crescent moons - each fashioned with breathtaking detail. The whole scene was bathed in a soft light cast by dozens of burning candles, flickering flames that only added to the divine atmosphere created by the altar itself. I could feel its power emanating off it - calling out to me like an old friend - and I knew that here I would be able to restore balance to my inner world. I drew the wand from my pocket and started my invocation. "O Mater Luna, Regina Nocis, adiuvo me nunc," O Mother Moon, Queen of the Night, help me now, I whispered. The fact that it was still high noon didn't matter as the Balance always listened. Just like how the moon was always in the sky, only hidden from view by the blinding daylight. I chanted out ancient words with a power that shook the very foundations of the universe, my voice ringing with a reverberating force. I felt as though the earth and the heavens bent to my will as I sought the answers to my questions, channelling the energy around me and forging a path towards the Balance. The atmosphere around me burst into an electrifying melody, one that brought on an eerie yet calming sensation of infinite possibilities. I was enveloped in this magical music, feeling it course through my veins as I prayed to the Balance for guidance on my journey. I knelt before the altar, my hands clasped in prayer, gazing up at the warm glow of the candles. I held my breath, waiting. But the silence was broken only by the distant echoes of footfalls from the other parts of the Grand Lair. I let out a weary sigh and was about to rise when a soft voice called out behind me. "Your Grace." Startled, I spun around and saw Melina standing at attention before me with her hands folded respectfully against her chest. "You should be thankful I was done with my divination, Sister Melina," I said with a weak smile. "I know I shouldn't be here, but something is of the matter," replied my Sister, her eyes darting left and right. "Quit your trembling, Sister," I told her as I approached. "What is it?" Melina paled to the point that she almost looked grey. "There are... There are wolves at our door. Our Sisters are fending them off." My thoughts automatically drifted to Vladimir. A thundering beat started between my lungs. "Which ones?" "I... I..." Melina stammered. "We should just go, Your Grace." Taking a deep breath, I nodded at her. Then, Melina took out her wand and used the transportation spell to take the both of us outside of the Grand Lair. The scene before me was a flurry of activity. Ten of my Sisters stood in line, their cloaks billowing in the wind, and their wands raised pointedly in front of them. I could feel the magic tingling in the air around us as if every single one of them had concentrated their magical energy into one place. I squinted my eyes and focused on the figure at the center of the commotion. As soon as the wind gusted past me, I identified a scent: honeysuckle and rainforests. A chill ran down my spine when I realized who it was. "Stop!" I called out loudly with an authority that echoed through the grounds. My Sisters glanced back at me with surprise before slowly lowering their wands and bowing to me. They parted ways to show me what they were shielding from my view. Horror dawned upon me when I saw who it was. It was Juan Santiago, and in his arms was my bloodstained soulmate. Vladimir.
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