Chapter 27-01

824 Words

I quickly stood up from my chair and scowled at him with a look of disgust. He stood up as well and came around his desk. "So whats it going to be? I give you freedom and you give me your body, or you'll be locked here." he then placed his hands on either side of me, trapping me against his desk and whispered with a low voice, "And I still get your body." I glared up at him my eyes narrowed and shoved at his chest making him stagger back a little, "Excuse me?" I was behind livid by the words that just came out of his mouth. My glare didn't falter when Parker towered over me clenching his jaw while trapping me against his desk once again. "You heard me." Parker's voice was low and intimidating that it made me feel so small. But I will not let him get to me. Standing up taller, I snapped

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