Chapter 25-02

1054 Words

*Parker Mason* I stared tiredly at the papers scattered across my desk. I never get a break, its so stressful. I ran my fingers through my hair before leaning on my elbows. I've been working all night. I never get sleep around here. I adjusted my glasses on my face as I read the next file that I had. 'Alpha,' a voice said through the mind-link. I immediately knew it was my Beta, Zander. I took my glasses off my face. 'What is it, Beta?' I asked with slight irritation in my voice. 'We've found rogues entering our territory towards the east. We have captured them and they are waiting the be questioned, Alpha.' An annoyed growled escaped me. Rogues are good-for-nothing mutts. They deserve to be taken care of, and thats what I do best. I smirked at the thought before standing up from my d

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