Chapter 5-01

1031 Words
Alpha Parker stood there with his eyes a bright yellow color showing that his wolf was at surface. His jaw was clenched and so were his fists which hung stiffly by his side. "Mine" he growled as he stalked towards us not looking at me but glaring at Anthony. I glanced at Anthony who had a blank look on his face. His arm was still around my waist making Parker growl louder. Since Anthony made no move to react, I smacked his arm away from me. "Don't you touch her" Parker growled while grabbing the collar of Anthony's shirt and pulled him up so they were face to face. "You understand, pup?" I frowned before standing up and shoving Parker away from Anthony catching him off guard. Parker snapped his head towards me and growled. I growled back before snapping, "I'm not yours, I'm not anybody's." Turning on my heel, I walked out and to the kitchen in search of something to eat. I'm in the mood for something with Nutella in it. I searched through cabinets in search for the tasty goodness. I finally spotted it on the top of a shelf so high up. Letting out a frustrated groan, I bit my lip as I stood on the tips of my toes in attempt to reach. My fingers didn't reach anywhere near it which added to my frustration. Screw my 5'3 height. I let out a deep breath through my mouth before I push myself onto the counter so my knees rested on it as I continued to reach for the Nutella. "Almost there" I grumble as the tips of my fingers grazed the container just a little bit. Damn it, why do they have to make these cabinets so high up? How do people get what they need when it's this high up? I almost lost my balance when someone whispered deeply in my ear huskily. "What are you doing?" I gulped as I felt electricity shoot through me as I felt a hand placed on my exposed stomach. Lips grazed my ear as he spoke. Immediately I knew it was Parker. I let out a heavy breath, "Getting Nutella." I respond before pushing his hand away from my stomach and pulled my shirt down to cover my stomach. "Why are you dressed like that?" Parker questioned letting out a low growl. Turning my head I noticed he was standing face to face with me and a couple inches taller. Damn, he is really tall. Here I am, kneeling on a kitchen counter trying to reach for something he could easily get. "Why does it matter?" I asked rolling my eyes as I turned back around and continued to reach for the Nutella. Swiftly I was turned around to face Parker. His eyes her a charcoal black color. "Don't you speak to me like that! Show me some respect" Parker's voice was cold and hard and he stared deadly at me but I could see the lust in his eyes as they checked me out. I couldn't tell if he was pissed or it was his hormones. Rolling my eyes yet again, I mumbled a 'whatever' before getting down from the counter suddenly not in the mood for food anymore. I decided that I'd go over to Sarina's house because of Halloween next week, the day before the Mate Bond which is next Saturday. Today is Tuesday so all of the young pups are attending a human school in the nearby city. I exited the pack house and went to my house to change into something more appropriate. "I'm coming to your house" I said to Sarina through mind-link. "Oh so you think you can just invite yourself over?" Sarina joked through the mind-link. "Well you invite yourself all the time, don't think that I haven't noticed that the chips are slowly disappearing." "My door is open" Sarina finally said. I laughed at her before I entered my quiet house hunting that everyone was still asleep. Quickly I showered then changed into dark blue skinny jeans and a black tank top. I then pulled a purple sweater on that hung off my shoulders. After getting ready I left my house and started towards Sarina's. "No! I don't want that one" I complained as Sarina brought it up again. "Come on, you should totally be Jasmine for Halloween. She is your all-time favorite princess" Sarina groaned. I sighed before speaking again," I want something more cool and sexy put together, but not too sexy." Sarina thought deeply as she thought about my request. She stood up and went over to her computer on her desk. "Something cool and sexy" she muttered as she typed away on her computer before a smile grew on her face. I raised my eyebrow as I observed her expression, "What?" Sarina observed the image on her computer. Curiosity came over me causing me to go up and look at this image myself. I stared at her computer screen. "Isn't it perfect for you?" Sarina asks with excitement in her voice. I looked at the costume before my eyes and observed it. "I guess I'm Cat Woman for Halloween" I state as I nodded my head. This is a damn good costume. I turned towards Sarina, "Now we have to find you a costume." "True" she responded looking back at her screen and typing away. That's how we spent our morning up until the evening, searching up costumes and settling on one. After hanging out at Sarina's house I decided to go for a run. Entering the forest, I went behind a tree and undressed before shifting. I took my clothes in my mouth before taking off. The trees flew by me quickly as I ran past them. I slowed down by a river and took a nice long drink. The sound of a twig snapping caught my attention. My ears perked and I scanned the area. Lifting my nose I sniffed the air and the familiar smell of firewood filled my nose. Another twig snapped and I darted my eyes to my left to come face to face with a firewood colored wolf. Parker.
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