The Prophecy

1586 Words
SACRIFICE MUST BE MADE TO ALLOW GREATNESS TO rise CHILD OF THE SUN CAN’T SUCCEED IF SHE DOESN'T SURVIVE When the children of the moon meet the children of the sun, THEY WILL FOREVER BE BOUND TOGETHER, FATED TO BECOME ONE. WHEN HER GREAT ABILITIES ARE AWAKENED, THE CHILD OF THE SUN BOTH MOON CHILDREN SHE WILL NEED TO KEEP FROM COMING UNDONE WHEN HER POWER AWAKENS, EVIL WILL BECOME A FORMIDABLE FOE. A TRICKERY HE WILL USE TO STRIKE A DEADLY BLOW Darkness will be released, but all is not lost. VICTORY WILL COME AT A GREAT COST AT THE HEIGHT OF EVILS POWER, SECRETS WILL BE RELEASED. DESTROYING ALL CREATURES, MAN, AND BEAST TAKE MOON CHILDREN AND SUN CHILD. Your story isn't done. YOUR TRUE POWER WILL BE TESTED WHEN ONE EVIL HAS WON WHEN THE FATED THREE SHINE THEIR LIGHT, THE THREE WILL PREVAIL. THE WORLD WILL BE SAVED, AND EVIL WILL FAIL. BAND TOGETHER, FAMILY AND FRIENDS OR EVIL WILL SUCCEED The sea holds the key to what you need. Elena’s Pov We all listened to the prophecy. After Lauren finished, everyone was quiet as we stared at her. Her eyes returned to normal. Solem looked at her questionably. "I don't know where that came from," she says, looking confused. "Serene has the gift of prophecy," I told her. "It probably runs in the family." Lauren nodded, as if unsure. I tried to decipher it. See what it meant. My sons were destined to meet this girl, and the fate of the world was at stake if they didn't master their power. I wonder just how powerful she would be if they all accepted each other as mates. I committed the prophecy to memory so I could ask the moon goddess about it later. It seems something big is coming. Something only these children can prevent, and it looks like we need to find this seer. I need all the information I can get to help them prepare. Kayla Pov I repeated the prophecy over and over. So, these beautiful boys and I were fated to meet long ago. I couldn't believe it. Also, I'm wondering what evil is coming. "Well, the evil must be Lord Alverez," I said to Solem. "I believe so as well, and now that you have met your mates, your power has awoken. It happens when you channel your inner fire." I looked at them, shy and smiling, remembering the trance the three of us were in. They probably sensed my embarrassment because they both smiled. I swear I forgot how to breathe. "This also means whatever magic that seer put on you at the time is gone. She will probably notice that soon and come looking for you, and so will Alverez. He will try to take your power and kill you. I must get to him first," Solem says. The twins growl. "Who is this, Alvarez?" Elena asked. Solem tells everyone the story of my parents and their sacrifice for the prophecy. It makes me sad. They allowed themselves to be killed just to make sure I had a chance of making the prophecy come true. To face an evil that even the prophecy says we may lose. I sit down; it's a lot to take in. "She will need to train then," Lauren says. Everyone looks at her. "I have not brought her this far to have some wacky job, dark wizard, to kill her. We will have to protect her." "I agree," Elena said. "I would train you myself, but my energy comes from the moon. I can only teach you the basics of all celestial energy. She will need you, Solem." "If you would like to train her on my pack grounds, I will allow it. We have a room that keeps all the magic inside. It will be the perfect training room for her," Solem nods. "I can do that, but I can only be there in projection form," Solem says. "I can't leave this realm as the only protector the realm has." "We will have to create an open space outside then. I will have its magic tested for your training. The room we have requires blood to go inside. Without blood, you cannot enter." Elena stated, "II will also have her trained in hand-to-hand combat by our best trainers. Hank and Will are going to enjoy being able to teach a new celestiall," Elena stated, smiling. They must have trained her. "We need to get back," she said. "We don't want the effects of being away too long to start." "LLauren and Kayla, since this is your first-time project, you will be very tired and will probably sleep for a day or two. I will make sure you get the nutrients you need." "Thank you for your generosity, Luna. Elena, I will send word of my travels to Pitha. Pitha is mail that burns and reappears wherever the receiver is. Elena nods. Lauren hugs me. "Wake up soon," she tells me. I hugged her back, nodding. I watch as she and Elena disappear. The boys are still there, and their eyes are both on me. It's kind of intense. I look at Solem. "Can I have a minute, please?" I asked Solem. He nods and leaves the room. I looked back at the twins, unsure what to say. They seemed to mindlink with each other as if wondering how to approach me. Lauren probably told them what happened, but I don't feel scared. At least not with them here. One of them steps forward. The one with the blue eyes. He stuck out his hand. "Hi, I'm Aiden," he says. I grab his hand and shake it, and I pull back quickly, feeling sparks. I know about the wolf tingles mates get when they touch, but the spark came from the energy created from where our fingers touched. He must have felt it too, because he pulled back as quickly as I did. Why is this so intense? I want to look away from his blue eyes, but I can't. They seem to hold me, and I can't speak. "Hi, I'm Ethan," the other twin said, stepping forward. I shake his hand, and I feel the same spark and pull back just as quickly. I feel a blush rise on my cheek as they keep looking at me. This was awkward. "I'm Kayla," I say shyly. "We know," they say in unison, smiling. That is adorable. They seemed to be in a trance, staring at me. "So does all this stuff about prophecy freak you guys out?" I ask. They both jumped as if I had splashed water on them. I chuckled softly. "No," Aiden says. "Our mother was in one, and we were caught up in the mix of it." "But that's a story for another time," Ethan says right after. I nodded my head. "I'm sorry I passed out on you both. I had something happen to me by some wolves who don't like humans, and when I realized I was on another pack land, I guess I was just afraid the same thing would happen here too," I told them, looking down. I hear them growl, and I quickly step back. "We will kill anyone who ever hurts you," Aiden says. I looked into his blue eyes. I believe him. "We saw what happened," Ethan said. I looked at him, confused. "Serene, our pack witch, has the gift to look into people's pasts by touching them," Aiden says. "She can also share her visions with other people touching her," Ethan says. I nod. I'm upset. Not because of what they said, but because of what they saw. I wouldn't want anyone to have to watch me suffer. Least of all of them. I hung my head in shame, and I could feel the tears start to form. "Can we hug you?" They both ask. I look up at them. I'm not used to people asking me for permission. I hesitated, but I nodded slowly. "We need you to say it, Kayla," Aiden says. I can hear pleading in his voice, and I understand. "Yes, you can hug me," I choked out, tears threatening to pour out. They are by my side in less than a second, both hugging me. I can feel our energies mingling together. It's unlike anything I've ever felt before, but instead of enjoying the new feeling, here I am pouring tears on Aiden's shoulder. Ethan hugs me tighter and puts his head on my shoulder. Once I finished crying, they both wiped my face. I can see Solem coming back. I take a deep breath, trying to control myself. "Thank you. I told them both. "Anytime," they say together, and I smile a little. "We're about to leave Solem," I said. "Okay, then," he says. Have your mother send me a Pythia to let me know when she wakes up. I will be starting her training when her body is recovered," he tells the boys while hugging me. They nod "I will see you soon, sister," he whispered. I nod "Can you both be there when I wake up?" I asked them. "Like you even have to ask," Aiden says, and I smile. I took one look at the boys, knowing I would see them on the other side. My boys. My mates. I close my eyes and imagine myself traveling in my own body. Feeling the pull, I float away.
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