A First

1410 Words

Kayla Pov I've been here for three weeks so far. My body has healed up thanks to my celestial powers. There isn't a scratch on me. My hair is now to my waist, and it has so much volume. My eyes are bright green and filled with life and love. The twins have been the perfect mates, not rushing me or asking my permission about what I wanted to do. I can feel our chemistry, and I find myself wanting to give into it, but then Liam comes into my mind, and I shy into a corner in my mind. It's not mating with them that I'm afraid of; it's being afraid of them losing control and not letting me have any control like they have been doing lately. What if their wolves take over and decide they don't want to be patient anymore? I haven't exactly met their wolves yet. I only met them once, two weeks ag

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