Chapter 10 -He opens up

1102 Words

*Her* Skylar awoke for the first time feeling refreshed for the first time since being with the pack. Usually she wakes up with a headache because of all the feelings trickling in from all the various wolves. Except for some reason, this morning there were none. Skylar was soon to realise why.  As she stretched she noticed she was weighed down by two heavy arms. She tried to pry them off of her, but they only wound up tighter. Skyler was about to scream when a moan and a familiar voice mumbled. "Stay....for another....five minutes...." Skylar felt relief, horror and curiosity. Relief because David had returned home safe and sound, horrified because he had actually snuck into bed with her and curiosity because she couldn't read everyone's emotions. It's like a wall had been built.  Sky

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