Drama, Drama, Drama

2708 Words

**Savannah's POV** Both men continued to stare at me, but I was so unsure of what to do right now. Damon had an amused look on his face, but Santiago looked full of rage, and ready to kill. Both men upset me, and both were expected me to choose them over the other. Even though Damon was very forward and creepy in the beginning he apologized and seemed to mean it. After kind of explaining his reasons, I understood a little, but that doesn't give him the right to show up to my home uninvited and then practically push his way in. I know Santi probably meant well with his actions, but at the same time I cant help but be angry that he threatened Damon. I didn't ask him to do that. As a matter of fact, I was crystal clear that I didn't want him to do that at all.  All of this drama, and confus

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