#2. A meeting that happened too early...

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We left very early, the sun was just rising.  The feeling of drowsiness has not gone away, unfortunately ...  A somnambulist is more tired of sleep than reality.  I looked at the objects through the dusty window glass. Signs flash by...  I didn't have time to see everything.  At times, everything seemed to blur around them.  Another stop and I was violently shaken in my seat.  A giggling man stood against the wall.  Neither Tom nor I paid any attention to him at first.  He looks like an ordinary street i***t. On his hands-children's knee socks without a bottom, a bib is worn on the naked body. Pants have been seen for many decades.  I turned away and stared into the interior of the bus.  By experiencing madness, madmen become boring.  — You can't save her!—I heard a whisper.—You won't save anyone, Tobias!— The scream burned my ears.  Blood suddenly flowed from his ears.  My head spun and I lost consciousness under a quiet phrase in a whisper.  It rang in my head for a long time afterwards.  And I didn't see any movement...  He tore his face apart and screamed:  — Give up hope, everyone who enters there!—  * * *  It was still dark in the eyes when we reached the "Tomb".  Blindly, I sank into a chair. — Mary, Pete, hi! Pete, if you have any cognac, bring it here!—I hear Tom's voice.— Here the guy feels bad! —  — Peter, wait. That's not what you need. And here...—I hear a woman's voice.  The metal lid creaks on the glass thread. A familiar, bitter smell hits my nose. The droplets hit the glass of the glass and I can hear it filling up. Searing moisture fills my mouth.  I clung to the glass, and when my consciousness was stronger, I took it myself and began to drink greedily. To the very last drop.  — Tom, where did you find this guy? And, Mary, do you know him, too?—I hear Peter Brady's voice, a little sleepy, but always calm. — If you tell me everything, you won't be able to believe it. Peter, Tobias and I... anyway, you're going to die after 15 years, and Mary sent us here...—Tom patted me on the shoulder.- Boy, are you okay?—  — I feel a demon in me. He's trying to hide... He's inside me... Am I going to stay like this?—I asked, looking at Mary.  — You're already like that. Even death can be fixed, but not this... Peter, you immediately believed what I showed you... I met him in that place...—Mary leaned over, searching for something under the table.— ... the place I took you to when I decided to show you what I could do...— I saw that the man with the glasses ' eyes had changed.  Scared? If you are afraid, Peter, then you believe it! — We need to stay here until the possibility of a treaty with Baal disappears. And then, most likely, we will separate...I said in an exhausted tone.—Isn't that right, Tom?—  — Yes, something like that... I think we should all be together on this day. Maybe more... The world is already dead where we come from.—Tom sat down on the bar stool.  — And I'm the reason?—Mary asked.  — Well... Not exactly like that.—I felt Tom's eyes on me.—You are one of those whose soul Baal should not have received...—  — Who else?—the girl stopped looking at us so intently.—Although... It's better not to know. Are you hungry? We have rooms upstairs besides our own. We can't keep you in there all the time.—  — We're going to the hospital now. Will you come with us, or will you be here?—Peter asked, taking his jacket off the rack. I don't know much about him, but it seems that a thin jacket over a T-shirt is a rare occurrence with Peter. I turned and looked at Tom. I do not know, almost do not know, what we should do here.  — We'll go together.—Doherty said.—I don't know exactly when that will happen. Pete came running to my room this morning, covered in blood...—  — It was about my death.—Peter said.—Not about Mary.—  —Mary won't die right away. It's going to be much worse...—only a little later I realized that I shouldn't have told everything at once... There was a feeling that turned out to be very unpleasant.  I didn't say a word as we drove to the hospital.  It was like a doctor telling a patient that his illness can't be cured-it's too late...  — Don't be sad.—Mary said to me suddenly. — I don't think you should have said it all at once... It was harsh.—  Mary came into the salon with her daughter, and Rowena Hamilton-Brady screamed loudly when she saw me.  —Rowena, don't be afraid! This uncle may seem strange, but he's a friend of ours...—  — How many years have you been together?—I asked suddenly.  — It's impossible to count... It seems like a thousand years or two thousand years have passed... But in fact, five or seven years... Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to remember... The memory is not great...—Hamilton opened the window a crack.—How long ago did you discover your powers, Tobias?—  — I've been going into other dimensions since I was six. It turns out that the gift in me never slept... I guess I've always been a somnambulist...— I glanced out the window at the cars moving in sync with us. It was as if my ears were ringing, the heavy axe of fate was very close, it seemed that it was about to descend on my neck...  This feeling is an irresistible fate...  I saw blood, a knife, pain and tears...  — There's a girl being beaten!s—suddenly Peter stopped the car.  —Peter, don't play the hero, don't!—I almost shouted.  I don't know why I wanted to stop it so badly, almost maniacally...  Neither of us got out of the car-Peter called out to a cop he knew who was coming out of the cafeteria, and the shaven-headed and long-haired guys immediately ran away, as if they had even disappeared. They disappeared too quickly.  — Don't ask the girl to come with us, don't...—Tom hissed at Peter, giving him a solid shove.  Brady looked at me blankly.  I shook my head.  I think the girl's name is Iris, if I heard it right. She was wounded, as I had already prevented Mary from helping her. I don't care about her. Not because I don't know her, but because that would probably be the reason for the fateful deal that would see Peter lose Mary for ten years...  — Get Peter to go to the cafeteria now! I really need to be home later!—suddenly I said softly to the girl and was even surprised at my own words.  It was as if someone was guiding me.  Somebody...  But who? How tired I am of all these endless questions!  *** I walked the halls because I had nothing to do. I just couldn't sit still, everything was so sharp, painful and bright after the vision.  What else can I see? What if I ever see Gina or the children die? Or my own death?  — What are you doing? Scary, right?—Mary stepped out of the balcony, waving her hand through the smoke.—I understand. So you're also a medium, not just a somnambulist. My father was also a medium, and he paid with his life for his magnificent abilities... People like us have a rule: if you stand out, you die... That's exactly why I always avoid people like me.—  — It's not an option, it's not an option...—I said softly after her.  Gina, honey... Even if I lose my mind, I will come to you...  ***  Tom came back with two huge oranges.  — It's a phenomenal thing-I almost ran into myself!—I'm sorry, —he said, sitting down beside me.—I had to jump under the counter at lightning speed!—  — So there are two of you and me now?—I stared at the big guy in disbelief. — The other one will probably have normal hair and eyes that don't sparkle with a thousand lights...—  For the last time... What's the matter? It was probably the most heartfelt conversation I've had in thirty-five years of my life. Although slightly acidified by large, but unripe oranges.  — And when will the spell end? Do you know what Mary used?—I asked, looking up from the sour citrus for a second.  — I don't know... It was something from the black book. I didn't look into it, I accidentally put my nose in it, and after that my eyes became inflamed for a whole week... You and Mary are strange people, it's true...—  The wind has picked up. I stared at the leaves of the wet newspaper fluttering in the air. It's going to rain, and it's probably going to be cold... is this storm even real?  — Do you think she can find this spell?—I asked Tom.  Doherty said nothing.  Too bad we're in a different time...  And when will this all end?
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