Day I thought everything was fine.

1926 Words
#10. Real way out. My ribs are broken, but I want to smile. The joy that I, and especially my son, were no longer in danger from this place overshadowed everything. As I try to climb higher, Toby squeezes my hand and pulls me up. —You're heavy!—my boy laughs. Tom finally reaches the truck where we were sitting on the ventilation grate. The iron pieces of the wheelchair were in Tobias's belt, and when I reached out, I managed to hit Tom with one of them. I can feel the metal bending. My foot slips, and I feel my foot graze hard on the asphalt. A scarlet line remained on the roadbed. The driver looks around in confusion and probably thinks that the ghosts attacked his truck.  Bones snapped, and the hammer hit my shoulder. The car stopped-the driver was afraid, it seems, he decided not to risk it... The cross he took from the glove compartment burned Tom. Without even touching it. The giant growled. I grab Tobias and walk slowly toward the trailer. — When he opens the trailer to check the condition of the cargo, we'll jump in!—I coughed loudly, blood running down my lips. It looks like my entire chest is a mess of flesh and bone... So good, but it hurts... One feeling warms me-salvation is near... I hear the lock knocking. Under the driver's nose, I push the blond man forward.  When it gets dark in here, I smile. The warmth of knowing that we could be anywhere but not in the hospital ... I sincerely hope so...  Gradually, one by one, my memories come back to me. It's a little frustrating not because of the fact that you have to remember, and due to the fact that once all this was taken away from me. But, if there was an opportunity to change something... I wouldn't change anything. I would give my life for my only son... We were startled by a sudden buzzing sound-the driver on the radio turned on a disc with Beethoven tunes. I crawled to the door and peered through a small crack-the monsters were quickly disappearing in the distance. The truck smelled of road dust, metal, and damp wood. — The most pleasant place in twenty-nine years...—I grin into the silence. We can still hear Mary's screams. We are already far from it. They are in our mind... I knew it... — Who is this Mary Hamilton, do you know?—I ask. — A girl with an empty soul. She sold herself to a demon and became a demon herself. In this situation, it would be better if the devil didn't have his eye on us... Although you can understand Mary-her classmates killed her family... When we return to our bodies, we need to find any way to destroy this place. There are so many souls there... They are shouting, asking... They ask for freedom. If only I knew more about what fate has given me... I would like to free everyone, but now the main thing is for us to get out of this ourselves...—Tobias shuddered.—Dad, you go to sleep, and I have to go back... Don't worry, I'll be quick... In reality, a second passes, but here... I shouldn't have said that...—Toby dissolved into an intangible haze. I turned to the wall and touched the cold strips of metal. I can hear something scratching in my head. I hope it doesn't get any worse... I hope we find a way out... Not a stupid trick, but a real way out ... #11. City. I felt a heavy tap on my shoulder and opened my eyes. Tobias almost laughed at the startled look on my face. — Here we are! We're a bit unlucky, it's still a long way to Mexico city, we need to find another car or-worse-a bus. There might be one of them in the crowd.—the blond man stopped abruptly.— We need to do everything faster...— — Toby, I remember that expression from your childhood. What's wrong?—I look at my son expectantly. I can see that the Firefly is afraid to tell me something. — We need to get out of there before 00:00. Otherwise...— he looks up with startled green eyes.—die...— *** These words rang the alarm in my head for a long time. "Until twelve... otherwise you will die... Otherwise, you will die!"  I followed Tobias and didn't hear much of what he was saying. — You and I are ghosts now, I understand you correctly Toby?—I ask, losing the thread of the conversation. — Not exactly. I can exist on both sides, and you... well, you almost dead. But I'll get you out of here, I promise...—my Firefly looks around.—Do you see a right car for us?— — Alas, I'm in the same situation. I don't see a car in the direction of Mexico city ... I saw, here it is, here ! Toby! Is a drug delivery car be good for us? I've seen this guy before, he bringing medicine to the Central hospital... Yes, it's definitely him! I remember his face very well... Come quickly!—a sudden pang of fear pricked me.—Tobias, is this one of them? That cloud is suspiciously black! It's a ghost?— — It's Tom!— Toby and I ran as fast as we could. I tried to force myself not to turn around, but fear overshadows many things. Too overshadowing... I could see the black smoke now. I don't know if I'm crying out in pain or out of fear. — If I die, it will be easier! Toby, go away...—I slowed down. — What happened, you are insane?! You stay, I stay! Got it? I'm not leaving without you!—Firefly pulls me by the hand. Sparks danced in front of my eyes and my face was attacked by a parabrik. Here, in this world, there is only one advantage-when fighting, wounds disappear faster. I couldn't figure out what got us up in the air-Tobias knows a lot more than I do about all this... I was almost blown off the roof of a truck by a gust of wind. A short, ugly creature hung on the edge of the roof. I somehow managed to knock him down with my fist. As it fell, it grabbed me. But not with hands. Teeth... Shocked Toby didn't react immediately either. My finger, bitten off by this Ghost, rolled down the road and disappeared. My chest ached with fear. That's the same... I've been through war and I wasn't afraid, even when my friends was killed, and all this makes me feel unspeakably terrified. — I hope you're right-handed...—my Firefly said softly. — Well... I'm working with two...—another rush and I grab the edge of the trailer.  I just realized that Tom and Russell had disappeared. I wish I hadn't thought about them! Russell's weapon appeared through the trailer, a cross between a club and an axe, a narrow club studded with iron blades. It grazed Tobias's leg, but we ran to another spot without making a sound. The car brakes at a traffic light and we fall to the asphalt. I look around, dazed. Mexico city... My beloved, beloved city ... — Don't sto... Ahhh!—Tobias stared at what was sticking out of his chest. Tom's Axe... The hammer sank into the asphalt not far away, and the axe was an extension of the hammer. — Toby... You're... No!—I said incoherent sentences. — Run to the hospital...—my son gasped, choking on blood. Toby disappeared into my arms and I ran. I ran so fast and desperately, as if I was doing it for both of us. My precious Firefly... I'll do everything I can to make sure you're all right... Here's the familiar white corridor... And here is my ward ... #12. I. .... I thought I was yelling, but it was actually a bellow. I feel like every cell in my body is aching and my middle finger is still missing from my hand... I wanted to show it to the old woman with the scythe... —... Toby... Toby...—I mumble, trying to said something clear. — Hush, Mr. Bauer... I said Toby was in an car crash... I had to explain his injuries... Now they will bring him back after the operation... I'm Gina. Tobias's wife and the mother of his four children, your grandchildren.—the blonde girl I'd seen earlier in my brief vision of reality opened the curtains.—I'll have to introduce you to them...— I tried to speak, but my lips didn't work properly. I couldn't move a finger... only my neck and head could move. How awful I feel! The doctor runs into the room, pulls out a flashlight, checks my reactions ... * * * — Dad? Dad?—in my sleep, I feel the light touch of my son's hand. It took me a moment to pull away from Morpheus. It's been a long time since I've had a good night's sleep... — Dad, I'm so glad I got you out on the thirteenth try!— I turned to my son and looked into his happy green eyes. Tobias's stomach was bandaged, and the bandages were slightly red. Some of the scars Toby had received in the astral world were still there. Trying to smile makes every muscle in my body ache. — I'll have to blow up that place, because I haven't given up my heroic plans... Damn it! Tom can fight and is admirable with an axe...—the bandages became redder. — M-my... llllitle... boy...—I said it with difficulty. Almost atrophied vocal cords persistently do not want to Wake up. I stared at the sleeping firefly until my head ached from the awkward position. I couldn't sleep now... ***  I was beginning to drift off sleep a little when I heard a tapping sound in the hallway. Quiet, rhythmic... It very much reminds me of something... In the dark, I saw on the monitor how panic drives my heart to madness. The heart unit beeped almost continuously. I take a deep breath to restore my heart rate. When the beep of the machine gets quieter, I hear it again... Knock, knock, knock ... " Easy, easy, it's all right... Everythings fine..."—I say to myself. — Chuck... Charlie... Before she and Tom saw me, I came to you...—in the half-light I recognized Russell.—I'm sorry, Charlie! I chose the wrong side... I didn't know it was possible to get out of there...— I can look at him for a longer time and realized that I hadn't imagined it at the time-his head had been cut off and joined to the body of a slimy humanoid slug. His hands were like giant worms. — Why... why...—I tried to ask him, "why are you here?" I suddenly realized that I could hear his voice in my own head. I tried to focus on the question and heard the answer: — It may be all nonsense, but I want to help. And you will help me, because I know... I know how to destroy this place, or at least get rid of the curse. Then all the souls that are locked up there now will be free... Find this man when you can... I have to go... I don't want to put you in danger... You can't protect yourself now...—the man disappeared. I would like to wave after the old man... I understand why he did it... I would would be on his place... If my little Toby wasn't with me... My finger is twitching. Am I coming to life?
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