Chapter Six-2

2001 Words

“You could?” Gytha asked. “But how?” “His Lordship’s sister, miss, is at the moment in India with her husband.” Gytha listened intently as Mrs. Meadows went on, “She left over a year ago and gave me all her winter clothes to care for, saying that they would be no use to her in the heat.” “You don’t think that she would mind my borrowing them?” Gytha asked. “No, of course not, miss. In any case I’m certain that by the time her Ladyship returns she’ll want everythin’ she possesses replaced as bein’ out of fashion.” “It sounds very extravagant!” Gytha murmured. Mrs. Meadows smiled. “Her Ladyship’s husband, Sir Murray Weldon, is a very rich gentleman and he never denies her Ladyship anythin’ she needs.” Gytha had, of course, heard of Lord Locke’s elder sister, how attractive she was a

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