13 - Stalking out

2019 Words
Even though I tried covering my face and I was wearing black clothes and boots, there was one thing that was always standing out whenever I was out for the detective work. No matter which part of the world I was in, I had to wear a badge while I was on the duty. If I wanted to make sure I did finish the quest given to me by the Central Point Register, the badge was always in the way. It would have been so much easier and less freaky in this job if I didn't have to wear it! All people know it pretty well. No matter where I go. Especially this area... I looked around to make sure I was still alone and not spotted by anyone. The moment the Ruinees spotted me... Bang. I'd be lying down on the ground, probably on some syringes and needles as well. Disgusting thought, seriously. I froze. The wind picked up and the grass was rustling. I heard people's voices nearby. I was in an open field, still trying to get to the buildings, where it should be easier to take cover. I crouched down, squatting and putting my head low. The grass was high enough to give me cover. I covered my mouth and nose with my left hand and silently took the rifle case off my back with my right arm. I laid it next to me and took out a knife and a handgun. I readied them in front of me. If they get any closer... I clicked the safety pin. I was calming my breath and heart and sharpening my hearing. It was dark and seeing anything would be hard at this point. Their shoes were shuffling nearby. "s**t! Another needle! Just how many of these are in here!" I heard a male voice exclaim about ten meters from me at 9 o'clock. "I told you to wear better shoes and to watch where you're going! Did it get in?" Another male voice, a bit thinner, came from the same direction and distance. "It only ruined my shoes... It nearly went through!" The first one muttered. "Leave it." The second voice said. After stopping at that spot, they started moving forward. I was waiting in my spot, my muscles tensing. I was ready to shoot at any point. If they came closer or noticed me, all would end up in them being dead. My aim was ridiculously good on longer distances, but it wasn't too bad for short ones, either. I would definitely not miss the shot. "Do you know why he wanted us to come so far?" "I have no idea..." Their voices faded away in the buildings, which were about 120 meters in front of me still. I stayed vigilant. I was still breathing quietly, not moving from my spot. Even though my legs were getting sore and stiff, I didn't move. A good ten minutes passed. I was still holding the gun and knife in front of me, arms straightened out, ready to just jump up, aim and shoot. It was silent. Only the wind was running through the grass, making it rustle from time to time. Clear. I put the handgun and knife back on my belt, which was hiding under the black denim jacket. Time to go. I picked up the rifle case, took one last glance around, and slowed down my movement to be able to hear everything. Nothing. I started quickly walking towards the buildings in front of me. I was too vulnerable in this open space. Anyone could have a shot from the windows and I wouldn't be able to avoid it anywhere. I finally reached the buildings. When I hid in the shadow, I felt a bit relieved. I didn't have to be so tense at least for a little while. I was sticking my back to the building, trying to become invisible and be one with my surroundings. I checked around the corner. Clear. I started walking, sharpening my hearing. Any rustling, shuffling, cracking... and I would be ready to hide and aim. I took another break in a smaller alley in between two buildings. I closed my eyes for a bit. I hated this place. Ever since I was happily picked for the detective office, I thought the job wouldn't be as bad. Just how wrong I was at that time! I smirked. Detectives did do quests, but our job also meant we had to monitor the Ruinee areas to make sure there weren't riots. It was mostly the job for beginners, newbies, but an experienced officer had to come with them. Newbies never had the training in killing Ruinees. And to be honest, no one could ever be ready for what was to come here. Due to the drug overuse, many of them just weren't thinking clearly. Some of them were more similar to walking zombies you would see in movies. But the hardest part was the initiation ritual and a few first weeks. The Central Point Register made sure to make the Ruinees run wild before the initiation started. They kept Ruinees delirious for a couple of days in a secluded area, gave them knives. And then the new detectives were supposed to come here to learn how to shoot others. We had only two options - either kill or be stabbed with a knife until we probably died on the spot. There were two ways how to get out of the area - alive, or in a black bag. At least one-third of recruits were carried out in bags. My first raid here was just disgusting. Freshly out of the academy, after two-week training as a detective... The siren, which signaled the beginning of the initiation, was tearing my ears back then. The screams and shouts of the running deadly corpses... At that time, I had my gun ready. I wasn't going to be stabbed to death! I checked the time on my left wrist. The watch was running a few minutes ahead, so I always came a bit earlier than I should. I was still a few minutes ahead of schedule. The target wouldn't come earlier nor later. It was a set meeting, which had been happening for quite a while, otherwise, the Register wouldn't notify the Detectives' office. Why do I have to get reminded of the initiation day every single time I go here. Seriously! This isn't even the first time I'm here on a night job or anything! I rubbed my temples. Being reminded of all this was always making me feel like I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. I just didn't want to spend another second in this place. But I took a quest and I had to finish it. I had to get my points to survive in this world! The spot, which I had picked beforehand was still a few minutes away. I have to get going. I need to get there on time. I can't be just stuck here at this spot! I took a deep breath. All the hairs on my body were standing up. I exhaled, readied myself. My muscles tensed up and I came out of my hiding spot. I was swiftly passing by the buildings, keeping at the wall. After a few minutes and a few cats, I stood by the door. I tried opening it. Fortunately for me, it was open. I didn't have to use any force. I stood in front of the staircase. Another place, which could get me killed easily if someone was standing above or below. I stuck my body to the wall again and started quickly climbing. I was trying to keep my footsteps as light as possible in these heavy metal-lined boots. My breathing was getting faster the longer I was climbing. Senth floor... Two more to go. I took a break in between the floors. I needed to catch my breath for a little while. I was stuck to the wall next to a broken window. It was only taped together to make sure they didn't have to replace it. I glanced outside. It was calm, with no people around. When I got to the apartment, with the best view over the whole station, where the target was supposed to meet. Trains weren't running there anymore, it was a bit run-down. Ruinees were using it as a get-together place for whatnot. Probably just selling and using drugs. I readied my handgun, stretched my arms. I took a deep breath and rang the bell. It sounded quite loud in the silence, which was enveloping the space all around me. It had been silent the whole time. I was the only one outside, the only one probably in this building at this point. Or at least that's what I was hoping for... No one was answering the door. I searched through my clothes to find the silencer. Oh god hope I didn't drop it on the way! I'll get killed by Meiko! On top of my suspension, I'll even lose a part of the equipment? Pfff... Way to go, Alth, way to go. I puffed the air out. Found it! I swiftly adjusted it on the gun, readied it at the lock. One pull of the trigger and the door made a cracking sound. I hastily looked around. Clear? No one came out, right? I made sure before continuing to the door. I kicked the door open, clearing the first room I came into. I followed into the bathroom, living room, and kitchen. The door to the bedroom was open. I checked all the closets. Clear. I exhaled in relief.  Checking the place before camping out was probably even worse than just stalking outside. One could never know what was going to happen in this tiny apartment space. There could be someone hiding behind a wall, which would be easy to shoot through, or some room, which wasn't cleared yet! The whole place was messy. Trash was lying around on the floor, the sofa... The bed in the bedroom wasn't made and the blankets were all over the place. There were even feathers probably from the pillows on the floor. I didn't dare to inspect the kitchen. I had had enough adventures for the day. I wasn't adventurous enough to get my stomach turned upside down from looking at whatever I could find there. I swiftly locked all the rooms, closed the front door. I pushed a heavy armchair to it, which was knocked over before in the living room. I put my thick gloves on. Now for the tidying up crew! I clasped the hands together and started searching for any hidden objects or needles around the position, where I wanted to lie down with my rifle. I couldn't risk getting injured by a syringe or an infected needle. These places were always full of them. When the floor was finally clear, I quickly took out the rifle and set it on the floor, making sure I could see the station well. A bit more to the right... I was adjusting the scope while lying on the floor. There it is. Nice view... Looks like there is no movement for now. I made myself a bit more comfortable on the floor. I was letting my body flow into the right shooting position. It always took a while to adjust! I checked the time once more. Half-past eleven. He should be showing up in ten... If he comes earlier, better for me. I will be able to go home earlier. I might even be able to drop by the supermarket to buy some food for dinner! I took to the scope again, screening the area. I froze at one spot. Movement. Stupid cat! Knocking things off! I thought someone was coming! I was growing a bit impatient. That wasn't good. Patience is a virtue, Althea. Be patient. He will show up! I was screening the whole place, checking the wind direction and strength. So far no movement. 
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