11 - Nightmare

1868 Words
Isaac didn't ask me anything after that. Basil was silent as well. After we all finished the meal, the two of them went into their barracks, while I was finally free to go home. I was longing for my bed. The couple of weeks in that sandy oasis town was enough for me, honestly. Every evening after I got into bed, I felt the tiny grains of sand scratching my back and head. No matter how many times I actually flipped it or tried getting rid of them. All my efforts were just useless. For going home I took a bus, which left the compound every hour or so, and took a ride to the suburbs of the city. I wasn't in a position, which would allow me to even get a taxi. In fact, if I walked, it would be the best thing I could do right now. Who knows how I'll be able to pay for the rent this month! I got suspended, my income from the military got suspended as well... Hopefully, I'll at least be able to get some good deals at work. Or that a WANTED poster will be up in the system, which won't take too much time. Hopefully. I got off of the bus, which had left me basically in the middle of nowhere. Even though my office was in the city center, I wanted to live here, completely out of the city and all the rush. Heck, if I could, I would even live in a village, but commuting would be too much of a hassle. From this stop I had to walk for about 20 minutes, nearly jogging, to finally reach my house. I could have taken the bus one stop further, but that would cost me more points. A good stretch after sitting down for a while never hurts!  While taking it slow, as I had enough of jogging, running, and stress today, I kept thinking and planning out my workday tomorrow. I had to plan it well enough to make sure I wouldn't overspend my points before I even made any. I had to pay for my breakfast, lunch, and dinner at least. Why do I have to report to Meiko every freaking week? They had to go nuts! I wouldn't mind reporting to anyone else but him! He's an ass! I kicked a small stone out of the sidewalk to the grass. It made me kill two birds with one stone, I cleaned the path and I let a piece of my frustration out.  "The best of luck, seriously," I sarcastically mumbled while dragging my feet home. I sighed seeing the entrance to the building. "Home... Sweet home." My mouth corners turned down as my facial expression turned sour. I wanted to have a holiday! Vacation! But for that, I would have needed a big bunch of points. The only vacation I had had for the past few years was just a day or two off in my bed, catching up on the sleep I had missed during my work. I waved at the front desk guy, who was supposed to keep any unwanted visitors at bay and went towards the elevator. I pressed the button and waited for it to come.  "It's out of service! The repair technicians will come tomorrow!" He shouted at me from the desk. An older man in his late 60s making sure he was doing his duties well every time. But he was among those reasons why I liked living here. Not only the peacefulness, green stuff, but also his temper and warm smiles. Even though the building was quite old and the elevator malfunctioned nearly every two weeks, he was making sure everything here was running well. The front desk and hall were always well-kept, clean, and tidy. He tried to keep a positive vibe about him. He even bought two smaller palm trees and kept them in the lobby, so it would look a bit friendlier. He watered them diligently, too. He always wore this knitted vest with different patterns, usually beige taking most of the space. Once he told me his wife was making them for him. Guess they had a happy marriage, being old and all. Both of them, the front desk guy and his wife had basically lived before the big system update and reorganization. They lived their young lives in surroundings, where weapons weren't as common among people. Nearly no one owned weapons apart from police officers and soldiers. And families were supposed to be kept together. But what was that good for? Nearly another conflict broke out about 30 years ago... That's why the system had to reorganize and update the rules and regulations. And good thing they did! At least we live in peaceful times now! But come to think of it, they never really told us about how things were before the System itself was created. Before the Central Register took care of everything... They always said it wasn't important, as people didn't know how to behave themselves, there was a lot of hunger, not enough water and too many wars. The Central Point Register was then created to ensure everyone had the same opportunities and deserved to live like a decent human being. I finally climbed all the stairs and stopped at the 8th floor. I opened the door to my apartment. It wasn't big. It was quite small, empty... It had only two rooms, a kitchen joined with the living room and then one bedroom. It was enough for me for many years and it was going to be enough for the future as well. Like many people my age, I wasn't planning to have a family nor children. It felt like it would be too much of a nuisance to take care of that. On top of everything, I would have to let my children go for education and I'd never see them again. Just as it had happened with me and my parents. We never really shared a bond. They were just like my acquaintances, never even asked me how I was doing or if I had everything I needed. I took my shoes off and put them into the shoe rack, which was quite empty. I needed to buy new shoes because I threw out most of the old ones before leaving for the mission. The whole apartment was dark. I went to the huge windows in the living room and spread out the curtains. I could see most of the city bathing in night lights. Another positive aspect of living here. I could see the huge city, where I worked, while the rent wasn't expensive at all. I checked my watch, it was after ten in the evening. I bet the grandpa already went home to have a warm dinner with his wife.  I took off my jacket and pants. I threw them on the backrest of the armchair in the living room and went to my bedroom. I fell on my bed and covered my eyes with my forearm. So many things to do. I have to do grocery shopping, tomorrow at work I will have to go through tons of papers and requests, which had to pile up on my desk while I was away... Why do some people have it so easy... I was thinking about Meiko being dressed in his glossy clothes, probably living in a high-end new building, seeing the cars passing from what - 35th floor? and enjoying expensive restaurant meals, and most definitely having a very beautiful girlfriend, spending his money, patiently waiting for him at home. Maybe he even had a very expensive dog. What a life. But I don't need it. Why would I need such a position and pretend to be someone I am not? Useless. I turned on my right side and checked my phone. No new messages, no new calls. At least it's good that no one needs me at this point. I'm seriously exhausted. I closed my eyes for a moment. They kept closing, while I was trying hard to at least stay awake for a little while longer. I was running around, doing chores, listening to orders, and on top of that, I was even wrongfully accused by the top management of the military! "If the Central Register knows about it, they will definitely reinstate me and that will be it. I won't have any problems at all, they will give me my points and I'll be able to live like an average detective again." I yawned. I was seriously getting so sleepy! "Lieutenant Althea, why did you steal the rifle?!" The beefed-up guy, who was standing in front of me, thundered. He looked like he was at least three meters tall. He was casting such a huge shadow over me! "I didn't steal anything, sir! I was wrongfully accused! I was only doing my duties and I didn't let my hands touch anything that wasn't mine!" I reported to him, standing straight with my arms behind my back. "Yes, she's right! Why would she lie about it, sir?" Meiko's voice sounded too sly this time. What was weirder, I didn't see him anywhere around me. Where was he? What was he doing here? It was supposed to be only my interrogation! "I'm here you i***t Althea!" I heard his joking voice somewhere close to me, but turning around I still didn't see him. "Heeeeeere!" I turned around again. Instead of the beefed-up higher-up guy, Meiko was standing there. And he was taking his clothes off! "Meiko! Stop it! Just what the hell!" I covered my eyes with my fingers, keeping a tiny space to see if he actually stopped. He didn't. He kept going on. He even took his boxers off! He was standing there, completely naked, his d**k springing up. I gulped. "What? Now you're not complaining?" His voice was now very close to my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my ear and face. I covered my eyes fully. "Go away!" I tried pushing him away, but he was stronger. He squeezed me close to him. I could feel his hard stuff pressing against me. "Tell me you want it." His horny voice was right in my ear, giving me excited goosebumps. "What the hell!" I yelled, sitting up quickly. I was breathing loudly. I was all sweaty as well. "f*****g Meiko even appears in my nightmares?! Great. And to top it off I have to be seeing him every week?! s**t!" I hit the bed with my arms, still not really wanting to accept the dream that I just had. It was insane. Why would I even dream about Meiko that way?! Better go back to sleep soon. I checked the time on the alarm clock. It was only two in the morning. I hadn't slept long enough and had to wake up because of that i***t! He better not show in my dreams or in my life again! I slammed the fridge door close and took a few gulps of cold water to make myself cool down. Then I went back to bed.
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