17 - Two bullets

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I faintly smiled. We both knew what I meant by that, just that Meiko couldn't believe that I had said it out loud. "Just make sure you stay put. Don't do any stupid stuff..." Meiko uttered before leaving the room. He didn't even give me one last look. Not like I cared. I was happy to be left alone. I was still sore all over. Moreover, the best thing I could do at this point was to stay in bed and hope the pain would pass or go away as soon as possible. I needed to get plenty of rest before taking up more jobs. It was important that I gathered all my strength before heading out. Because working on quests sometimes meant not sleeping for a couple of days, having to survive on little to no food, or basically scraps one could find outside. Water tended to be scarce as well if I didn't get somewhere to replenish it. Jobs or quests in the city were the easiest ones, they were also the fastest to complete. But the ones, which paid more than these, were the ones outside of the city, in different parts of the world. Sometimes they could take a couple of weeks, not too rarely a few months. I closed my eyes. I needed to rest and recover. Thankfully I didn't have to stay in the hospital for too long. I was sent home soon, I'd say sooner than I had expected. The only signs of the last incident on my body were just a couple of bruises, which would heal sooner or later. I didn't want to go back to the office. Because going meant I would have to deal with a lot of paperwork. My badge got stolen together with my identification number. They had to issue me a new one, I had to file stolen forms for my missing equipment. I hated paperwork. Each year there were more and more papers to fill. I didn't take up this position just to sit behind the desk and fill papers! I slammed the desk with my fist. But at least I got the full p*****t. They didn't deduct any money from it, so I should be able to survive for a couple of months if I live in low expenses. And I will definitely take up other jobs to make more points. I don't need to be worried too much for now... I finished signing the last report, which was on my desk. The whole heap of papers was nearly falling down from the edge of the desk. "That looks like a lot, Alth..." Elph came to check on me. I stretched on the chair, tilting it a bit backward. "Well, dire times, Elph. Got anything for me?" I didn't feel like talking to him for a long time. I had to check the other jobs, which were only cheaply paid and I could finish them within today. Elph turned around and silently walked away with a mug of something in his right hand. Serves him right. He shouldn't be too nosy. I let the air out of my mouth, it lifting my bangs. I had to go to the storage to grab my equipment again. Sadly, my first rifle was taken by army into custody, and my other rifle needed to be tweaked and checked here and there. I only had to use a spare one, which was hella heavy. "This is going to be the death of me, seriously, Major," I muttered to the equipment dealer. He was the one supplying us officially with all rifles, guns, night visions, knives, bulletproof vests, and whatnot. "Well, you shouldn't have lost your other rifle, Althea. But you know, if you point me well enough, I can get you one just under the table..." He tapped his fingers together. Not everyone knew that Major was also dealing with the items shadily. It wasn't really illegal as they all had the licensing, just that the guns and rifles weren't specifically made under a series production. Usually, he was selling shady older models with older licensing, remade into pretty usable and accurate versions. Of course, the Central Point Register didn't know about it, as the new licensing system had trouble accounting for the older licenses. "No need, I only finish the jobs today and you better get me this baby safe and new." I pushed my damaged rifle toward him on the glass table, which was separating me from him. He smiled. "Sure thing. Will be good as new!" He took the rifle and disappeared into the other part of his tiny shop, which was a part of our storage. He was paid by the Central Point Register, but also conducted his shady deals here. I sighed and walked away. The spare rifle on my right shoulder was seriously heavy. I bounced it up, trying to make it land a bit more comfortably on the top of my shoulder. I was off to a rural village just next to the city. Two targets were supposed to be meeting there and of course, I couldn't be missing! I did my share searching for their whereabouts since I didn't manage to do it a week ago before I had landed my butt in the hospital. "Village 22, West road," I told to the taxi driver while stuffing myself into the back seat. I seated the rifle case next to me and kept looking forward. It was only a small quick job, I didn't need to be focused too well. The route from the office took only about forty minutes. Still enough time to take a nap. I closed my eyes, tilting my head back. The car movements were adding to my sleepiness, helping me to drift off into my dreams. "That will be 496 points." I woke up hearing the driver talking. I leaned forward to scan my finger. I had enough points to afford it this time. I closed the car door and looked around. It was basically in the middle of nowhere, no houses around, only an old abandoned farm in the close distance. The roof or top floor will do just fine. I looked around. I didn't see anyone for now. Jumping through the concrete stairs, which were falling apart, I got myself to the top. The roof didn't look too safe. I set up my camp and started monitoring the surroundings with field glasses. The village houses weren't too far from my spot. Probably a kilometer or so. And they were supposed to meet at one of the restaurants on the terrace, which was perfectly visible. There were no parasols covering the clear view. If it weren't for me being on a mission, I would say I was enjoying the day. It wasn't too hot nor too cold, the light breeze was just right. The sky was blue with only a few small clouds lazily moving from left to right. A great afternoon for having a coffee with friends while sitting outside. Or a picnic. Many people were enjoying themselves on the terrace, having drinks and other refreshments. I was stuck here with a small bottle of water and my rifle ready to shoot. I was only waiting for my targets to appear. A bit stronger wind picked up some metal plates on the roof above me, making it rattle and squeal. "Damn it!" I swore as I had to click a few times on the rifle to make sure the bullet wouldn't be swept away from the targets because of the wind which was picking up. I already assumed the position with the rifle, growing impatient. If the wind kept picking up, it would be hard to shoot accurately. This time I didn't shoot just a body part. I had to kill them on the spot. Immediately. Two quick shots and they would be lying on the table covered with a white cloth around which they should be sitting in a while. Blood would start pouring around them. Not a sight for people with weaker stomachs, how their bodies would be twitching and jerking around, trying to survive until the end. I narrowed my eye to the scope better and closed the other. I needed to see what was going on on the terrace. People were still happily chatting, enjoying their afternoon. They had no idea what was to come. I smirked. Let's shock them a bit... I gripped the rifle tightly and tensed my muscles. The two men were coming. One of them in a white shirt, the other one with a light blue one. They didn't look too bad, in fact, they looked pretty hot. Sucks I have to shoot you, guys! I smiled and placed my index finger on the trigger. I was waiting for them to sit down. I had to decide who to shoot first. Because panic was sure to ensue. If I kill the closer one first, the one behind him will hide or run away... You are first on shot, blue-shirt. I zeroed on the guy with a light blue shirt. He had just finished ordering with the waiter and looked straight in my direction. One shot. I am one with the gun... I breathed in and out. I held my breath. I found him once again and zeroed in. I was motionless. The wind stopped blowing as well. I pulled the trigger. I reloaded. I could hear the screams echoing even to where I was. I took a deep breath and I zeroed in on the guy in the white shirt. Exhale. I pulled the trigger again. The rifle bounced back for the second time in a few seconds. As it was heavier than my usual rifles, it made the hit spot hurt. I quickly put the field glasses to my eyes to check the situation while comfortably hiding. The situation looked quite lawless. Some people were hiding, lowering their heads. Others were trying to run away from the spot. The blue-shirt guy was sitting on the chair, with his head and body back, blood coming from his forehead. The other guy, who he was with, was lying down on the table, making the white tablecloth red. My phone beeped. I sat down, resting my back against the wall. I checked the message. Target 1 and Target 2 shot in the head. Clean shots. Central Point Register transfers you the rest of the bounty. A drone passed above me just as I was finishing reading the message. Damn that register! Always making sure that the job was done as planned! I twisted my face into a grimace, looking at the spot with two empty shells. "Anyway, that was quick..." I muttered to myself. I had to pick up the rifle and everything else. There was no way for me to go back in a taxi now. If anyone had seen me walking alongside the road with a rifle on my back, I would probably not make it the next few steps. I swiftly leaped through the old stairs and headed toward the forest in the back of the building. It would take them a few minutes to get to the farm if they had managed to locate the source of the shot anyway. I passed the first few trees and disappeared into the forest. ... "Hey, Major, what did you do to it? It's an old scrap but I managed to shoot so clearly!" I was flexing with the rifle on his glass table, showing him all the moves, clicking the sensors, and so on. He quickly took the rifle away from me. "I tweaked it here and there..." He put everything in its original position. He didn't like it if people were playing with his creations as if they were toys. His stern look made me clear my throat and straighten my back. "Your rifle should be ready in a few days. I believe you don't need it within that time?" He narrowed his eye to the scope of the rifle I had just given him. I nodded my head. He was zeroing me in. He was getting more comfortable in his position, ready to shoot me any moment. I could count the silence that was flying around us. "Good." He said only a few words. I harshly swallowed as he put the rifle away. I nearly had it! A tiny soul was hiding within me. When Major got upset, he could seriously kill a human! "Don't you have your reporting to do?!" He shouted at me from the back of his store. "Thanks!" I replied and quickly disappeared to offer my usual reports to Meiko in his high-end office. They were annoying and routine-like. I was still suspended. The investigation was taking its time!
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