15 - Ambushed

1978 Words
I hit the ground and quickly opened my eyes. My body was getting sore, but so far I didn't feel sharp pain or warm liquid gushing out. The shot had lifted some dust and trash right in front of me. They had me. I hit the ground with my fist. I knew that there was no way I would get out of here in one piece. The attackers could be anywhere on the roofs. I was just an easy prey they were basically hunting down with the biggest advantage ever. They knew, where I was. I had no idea, where they were. All I could do was just run around like crazy, hoping to have lost them on the way. Shit! I scraped myself up from the ground, getting rid of the dust and dirt on my clothes a bit. There was no reason to even look up to try to find them. I knew they were there. There had to be at least one guy up on one of these roofs, who had his gun locked on me. It was useless to run away now.  Will they kill me? The thought was circling around in my head, repeating itself over and over. It was fear, which was starting to engulf me. But I had to keep a clear mind, I had to think straight! There is no way they are going to kill me now... At least for now. If they wanted to, I would already be lying down on the ground. The shots they fired were quite too accurate. They wanted me to come to one of these streets! I looked upwards but didn't see anyone. Well, what was I expecting? There's no way they will wave a nice hello at me... I sighed. One move and the guy up there would make sure I wouldn't move far away, shooting at least my ankle or calf. Staying armed wouldn't help me either. I locked the gun with a click and sent it flying on the ground towards the street entrance, which was a couple of meters from me. The light from the street was sneaking into the dark alley. My gun stopped right before the lighted part. I took off the rifle case with my rifle and kept it standing next to me. I had no way to win this fight. I could only yield. I swallowed the lump, which kept growing bigger in my throat. One could never be ready for anything like this. I was used to hunting others, and not being the one being hunted. Nothing could prepare me for this situation. I knew there was a risk, it always was present with the job I had. But I could have considered myself lucky as I got out only with scrapes at most. It was different now. I put my shaking hands at the back of my neck, sat down, and made myself into a kind of a ball. My forehead was nearly touching my knees. All the alarms in my body were telling me to close my eyes a pretend I wasn't there. I wanted to think of something else. But controlling my shaking body was the biggest challenge. I could control my breathing, my heartbeat... But the shaking just wouldn't stop! I was sweaty from running, but maybe even because of the stress. My thoughts were in complete disarray. I wished I had the superpower of becoming invisible at least for a few seconds. It would be enough time for me to grab the rifle and my gun and run for my life! Focus, breathe slow. I was taking deep breaths. My insides were tense and squeezed, making me want to throw up. Even though I was doing my best to stay calm, I was slowly over ventilating. Stationary things around me were moving. I was getting lightheaded. Another deep breath. Any tiny sound around me sent chills down my spine, making my body twitch. I could even hear with my skin. The tiny rattling of old windows in the breeze was making me jump up. Suddenly, I heard footsteps drawing closer. My body tensed up. I wasn't able to move from the fear that spread all over me. I even held my breath. Someone took off my black cap. The only thing, which felt like protection to me. The man's hand pressed my head down with full force. "Don't you dare move!" His voice sent chills down my spine. It was rough and low. The hand pressing me down could easily smash my skull. My head was way smaller than the hand squeezing it and keeping it down. They now knew how I looked like. There is no way I'm getting out of here alive. I squeezed my eyes shut. All the tiny hopes I had left for leaving this place in one piece had disappeared. I didn't let out a sound. My neck was hurting even more than my whole body, which hit the ground two times before. He was enjoying putting all his force into just pressing my head down. No one could resist that much power with just their bare neck! I swallowed with quite some difficulty. I was getting ready for the worst to come. I kept my hands at the back of my neck, while I was being crushed to the ground with this guy's huge strong hand. My stomach was on a rollercoaster ride. I seriously wanted to throw up. It was silent around us but I only heard my heartbeat and blood rushing through my ears. The guy wasn't moving. He wasn't saying anything. What is going to happen to me? I wanted to whimper, shout, cry for help. But here nothing would help. It could only make things worse. Nobody was going to help a Detective here. Instead, they would much rather join the festivities of killing me or torturing me! Different footsteps were approaching us. Soil and tiny stones crunching as the person kept walking to us. "Check the clothes, equipment, and identity." The voice sounded a bit distant. But I knew it was the person that had just come.  "Yes, sir." The guy pressing me down answered strongly. Is he their leader? I tried thinking before I was forcefully sent flying up. Only now I realized there weren't two, but three men! The strong one, tall and beefed up like a mountain, was standing in front of me. Another one was holding my upper arms in the back, while the mountain started ransacking me. I felt desperate. I was being held here by three men! Who knew what they were going to do to me?! I was worse than a lowlife to them! As much as I wanted to close my eyes and not see the scene in front of me, I kept my eyes open. I wanted to see the danger coming. I had to be ready for anything! "Take the vision too." The guy in the back kept telling them what to do. I turned my head away as the mountain's rough fingertips touched my face as he was trying to take the vision. "Look here!" Mountain was staring right into my eyes. I could see all the hate in them. It was possible a detective had killed his family or friends before. Every single one of Ruinees shared that fate at one point in their lives. The guy behind me gripped my arms even stronger, pain making me straighten my back and look straight. My shoulder was throbbing with pain as he was twisting my arms to keep me up. My knees gave up, but the one behind me was still making sure I was standing straight. I wish I was dying instead of going through all of this! I suppressed the need to cry. I was powerless. "Clear." The mountain guy got all the equipment I had on me. Even my knives, strings... Everything. He then went to the third one standing at the end of the alley, close to where the light from the bigger street was hitting the ground. I only saw his silhouette as the light from the street was making it hard for me to see his face. If I could remember anyone's face from tonight and survive this, I would make sure to file a hunting request to the Register! They were too dangerous to be going around! "You can let her go." The boss gave the order, the one behind me let go of my arms. If he kept holding them like that longer, I would completely lose all the feeling in them. I felt relieved. I could finally breathe. Maybe they'll let me go! I will be able to go back! This won't be my end! I relaxed all my muscles. The feeling of throwing up was slowly subsiding. A click of a safety lock on the gun. A rush of adrenaline hit me again. I startledly looked up and saw that one guy drew closer with his arm stretched out. The thing in his hand looked like an old handgun. He was going towards me. I couldn't breathe again. My breath got stuck in my lungs, my heart was jumping out of my chest. Everything was telling me to just run! The fear was building up in me with his every step. But I couldn't move. I was frozen on the spot. If I ran, I would be shot. He was taking his time, pacing his steps slowly to make the fear inside of me grow even bigger. He knew what he was doing. He actually came as close to touch the gun's muzzle right on my forehead. Just one click and I'd be done for in a second. "What is a detective doing here?" He pressed the muzzle harder into my forehead. His voice was steeped in hatred through and through. "Having a night walk..." I stuttered with a huge lump in my throat. He pushed the muzzle more fiercely to my head. I swallowed the lump and closed my eyes. My soul was already leaving me. One more thing and he'd just pull the trigger. I'm doomed anyways... So why do I have to panic?! I was doing my best to calm my breathing. "Don't play with me. Who are you after!" He shouted at me from the top of his lungs. "Just a job." I swallowed the words they always taught us to say if things went South. He haughtily snickered. Scoffed. He spitted his saliva next to my shoe. He was despising me. I never met him, but his hatred felt more real than anything I had felt in my whole life. "Yeah, that's what you all say. Just a job... And then one of us dies again! We are people, too! We have lives! We have families! Friends! Kids! Lovers! Why can't you pampered people get it?! Just because you passed the tests!" He was shouting all his frustrations at me. My mouth became hot and dry. My whole body was about to give up everything and go into a shock. I shakily swallowed. Don't let this get to you, Althea. Don't chicken out. Breathe. I gasped for air. My knees were shaking, palms were sweaty. Sweat was pouring down from my hairline through my face. Was this really my end? This guy was insane. There was no way he was going to let me go. My mind was full of thoughts. My heart was running a marathon. I closed my eyes again. If I died here, nobody would grieve me. I didn't care for a funeral. I didn't have any family, pets... I didn't have any money to give to anyone either. I was living in a rented flat. The most precious thing to me was my detective tag. Just pull it...
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