Barbara Evergreen was walking down rodeo drive.. Getting a birthday gift for her mom. And she gets a phone call from her dad: Hey sweetheart. Barbara: Hey daddy. Dad: Your mother and I and your siblings can't wait to see you. We are starting to get anxious. Barb: I know dad ill be home soon. I just have a few more things to do. Dad, alright honey we'll see you soon. I love you. Barb: I love you too, dad. As soon as she put her phone away she was ambushed by a guy that was running. They both fell to the floor. She had dropped everything in her hands and then they locked eyes. He looked at her with the most piercing brown eyes anyone has ever seen. He had short chesnut brown hair, he had a really sexy smile and she loved the way he looked at her... He looked at her with a very concerned look and said, Are you alright??? Did I hurt you? Barb: N n no I'm fine, are you okay? He said: Yeah I'm fine, just a little shocked. It's not every day you bump into a woman. He said it with a chuckle. My name is Edward Edward Candy. What's your name, my lady? Barbara, Barbara evergreen, she said. Ed: It's nice meeting you Barbara.....wait a minute. I remember you... You were at the opening of my restaurant, Roosevelt candy!!! You were the only one wearing red and your friend was the only one wearing blue. Barb: That's right. We were, its nice to see you again. Ed:so what are you doing on Friday? Barb: Nothing much. Ed: Can I take you out to dinner my treat since I ambushed you??? Barb: That sounds amazing. Let's do it. Ed: Alright, I will pick you up at 8.00 pm? Barb: That works for me. See you later. And with that, Barbara went home and hung out with her family and told her mother all about Edward. And Edward went home to his house and fell fast asleep and he dremnt of Barbara for 3 days and then he had remembered something and he didn't know what to do about it. he called barbara and told her that he had a party going on friday and asked her if she wouldnt mind attending to that instead of dinner. and she said yes of course ill go. edward had apoligized like 3 times before he hung up for the night the next day was thursday and he had went to go get more party supplys because he had tottaly spaced the fact that he was having a party at his house. and barbara went shopping for a really cute outfit and shoes and they spent the whole day getting ready for the next day.