Chapter 9

1048 Words

As soon as class ends, I hastily stuff my books into my bag, eager to bolt before Aamon can corner me. I shouldn't have involved myself with him; it's bound to break some university rules. My phone buzzes in my bag, distracting me from my escape. Fumbling through my oversized bag for my phone, I accidentally spill half its contents onto the concrete floor. "Damn it," I mutter, irritated by my clumsiness under stress. Only then do I check my phone – it's my mom calling again. With a pang of guilt for ignoring her earlier call, I pick up. My mother doesn't usually call unless it's something serious. Bracing myself, I answer, "Hey, Mom. Sorry, I missed your call earlier. I was running late for class." "That's alright, honey. I need to speak with you in person. Can you come over for tea tom

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