Chapter 7

1851 Words

Just when I think the matter is settled, Becca gives me her best puppy-dog eyes. "Please, come with me tonight. You never go out. Please, please, please," Becca pleads. With a roll of my eyes, I give in, sighing. "Fine." Becca squeals, her infectious enthusiasm warming me a little. Even if she's a bit of a troublemaker, she's the best kind of trouble. In her excitement, she begins to strip off her clothes on the way to her bedroom, leaving a trail behind her. By the time she reaches her door, she's down to just a white thong. She peeks over her shoulder at me, shakes her ass at me before moving to her bedroom door. We've seen each other naked plenty of times. It's nothing new. I'm not into women, but I can appreciate how beautiful Becca is. She has a body to die for, and I might even b

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