Thirty nine....Henry is hired to snoop. •☆○•☆○•☆○•☆

1999 Words
Powell It was a long time since I had treated myself to a night out with my poker buddies. I knew that I could network with the local judges and lobby my personal interests here at the card table. I smoked a Cuban cigar. A man with a brown suit approached me. "Excuse me, are you Powell Jonas?" I stood and put my hand out to shake hands with the young man. He handed me a subpoena. "You've been served." The man said, walking away. I frowned and went to a private room to open the manilla envelope. I was being sued by Lillianne. I frowned. I didn't have time for this. I would settle and pay her off. After about thirty minutes a woman approached me. She smiled and asked me my name. I was already half drunk. She handed me another subpoena. "Sorry sir, you've been served." She sauntered away. I was angry now." What the hell?" I was being asked to testify by Brandon's lawyers at a pretrial hearing to reverse Brandon's conservatorship. "They think I'm helping his case. They are nuts, amateurs." I took a cab home, totally drunk now. A man was following me. Watching me and taking pictures. He was a private detective. ******** Henry Adam had hired me, his father in law, as an ex police detective to help on Brandon's case. I was watching. I had been tasked to look for Milly. I had an interview with Milly's caregiver, Maddy Quinn. She was very eager to talk. I ran back to my car and called Adam. " Adam, I'm meeting with the caregiver at noon tomorrow. Tell my wife CiCi, that I miss her." my wife is deaf. Adam had my wife CiCi staying with him at his farm, next door to Delilah's mother's farm. Adam grinned,"Dad, she can do things without you, you know, Like babysitting for my very pregnant wife and I." He grinned. I asked how my daughter Hanna was doing. "Is she having contractions?" Adam said, "She's trying to hide it. But, yes....I think so." " I'll expect a call from you when she goes to the hospital then." I worried about all my kids and grandkids. We said goodbye and hung up. I walked into my hotel room. I noticed that I had a call waiting. I called the front desk. "Hello, I'm in room 217. I missed a call?" " Sir, a man named Kyle Horner was looking for you. He did leave a number." I wrote down the number and called Kyle. I recognized him as one of Adam's lawyers. " This is Henry Moore, what's up?" Kyle put down his fork, he was dining with his girlfriend Michelle. "Sorry honey, work call. I'll be right back." She nodded and ordered another glass of wine. " Henry, I'm glad to talk to you, I've heard great things about your sensitive abilities. Adam tells me you are pretty good at what you do, and you can fish too."He laughed. I grunted. "True, all true. I'm meeting with Milly Jonas' caregiver tomorrow, to try and gain some intel on where she might be." Kyle nodded. "Keep me posted. Also I wonder if you can pick Delilah up for me tonight. She's posing as my secretary right now. She's with Brandon." I smiled."Yes, I'll do that now. I'll be happy to see them both again."..... ********* Delilah I was sitting on Brandon's lap. He held me tight. " Did I hurt you this time, with the seizure? I wanted to surprise you with my progress." He told me. I turned to look at him. "I'm not afraid of you. You are so strong now. I know you are going to walk again. You've come so far." We wanted to spend the night together, but were afraid Powell would find out and move Brandon. There was a knock on the door. I straightened and scooted awkwardly off of his lap. He groaned. "You're so fat woman!" he teased me. Henry Moore popped his head in. I smiled and got teary eyed, walking into his arms. Brandon stood up, next to his bed. Henry's brows rose. "Boy, look at you. You're standing up!" He exclaimed. Brandon grinned, his dimples showing. He put his hand out to Henry's and shook it. "Good to see you sir. You come to pick up my woman?"He asked. Henry nodded. "Kyle asked me to get her. I...uh...I'm meeting with Maddy tomorrow. Your mother's caregiver. I'm not seeing any indication that Milly left the country." Brandon was concerned. "He did something to her. He must have. Have you spoken to my...uh Lillianne. She mentioned that Milly was in the home when she visited there last.... I know she's going through some trauma from my dad beating her up. I don't know if she is too scared to talk." He said. Henry nodded." I will visit her tomorrow. Where can I find her?" He asked. I shrugged. "I haven't spoken to her or Antonio lately. I assume she's still with Antonio and his wife Louisa." I wrote down the address. Brandon motioned for me to come and hug him goodbye. Henry tipped his hat and went out to wait for me. "You haven't spoken to Antonio?" He smiled. I grinned and shook my head. "I'm glad, I can see how much he loves you. I mean look at you. Who wouldn't love you?" I stood with him. It was so long since he could stand up and hold me. I touched his sweet face. " I'll be dreaming of you tonight my love!" I promised. He held my hair in his fingers. " I'm getting out of here, I am walking out. I will keep fighting. My dad will mess up. He will make a mistake." He knew it somehow. I nodded." My mother said the same thing. He is reckless." Our lips found eachother as we kissed a very long kiss, a kiss of bridled passion. He looked down into my eyes. "Goodbye my love." I kissed his cheek. "I love you." I didn't let him see me crying..... ********* Powell I sat down on my over stuffed leather chair and drank another shot of whiskey. When I stood up again, I was very wobbly. I went out to the rose garden. The flowers were all turning black. They were all dying over her grave. I couldn't look at them, I quickly turned and went back inside. I would need to buy more plants tomorrow. I called Lillianne. She picked up, surprisingly. I heard her straining to speak through her missing teeth. " I'm sorry you know, I took some stuff out on you. I was a drunk fool. Will you come home. Please... I miss you baby. I will buy you anything you need, just drop the law suite my love." Lillianne knew men like me. She knew I would call her. She was ready. She turned on the recorder. "When you hurt me, I almost died Powell. What made you take it out on me, was it Milly?" She asked. " Yes, she was crying in the garden for her son, Brandon. I couldn't get her to come out of the rain. She begged me... begged me to end it. I lost control, I just did it." I said. Lillianne asked me. "Did she die instantly, or did you strangle her, like when you put your hands on me?" I frowned."You know the truth, why all the questions?" She said, "I want to know if I'm in danger, I mean was it a fluke, or a pattern? I mean... I really want to come home. I'm scared lover." She was telling the truth. I said, "Just come home. I want to have you back in my bed. Where are you anyway?" Lillianne said," I'm with some friends. I will think about it. Can you put some money in my account, I need to get my teeth fixed? They said it will be over 100 grand." I knew that this was my responsibility. I made the transaction. ******** Lillianne I smiled. I already had Delilah's rich friend Adam paying for my repairs. I really wanted to get to know Adam Parker more. He was the big fish I was looking for. I called Delilah. "Hello, I just spoke with Powell. He wants me back. I'm scared Delilah." Delilah was with Henry Moore at the hotel. She put me on speaker phone. She nodded to Henry to listen in. "Powell told me everything, he wants to reconcile. What do I do Delilah?" I tried to sound tearful. Delilah never thought she would be on my call list. " Tell me, do you really want to go back?" She asked me. I said," I'm on my own. I don't have anywhere else to go. What about hiding me on your farm?" I knew Delilah would say no to that. " Delilah, are you still there?" Delilah said," I was thinking." She looked at Henry. "I will talk to Adam. He might have a spot for you at his farm. No promises." She ended the call. I smiled. Ooh, Adam Parker here I come baby boy. ********* Delilah Henry nodded. "I need to get that little song bird to crack. Send her to Adam's farm. We will be able to love on her. Maybe she just needs some family to tell all her secrets to." I did not like it. "Be careful she is a real snake." Adam got a call from Henry. They were sending Lillianne, Brandon's ex to him. He would have Jesse keep an eye on her. He needed to stay close to his wife Hanna. She was looking real uncomfortable. The baby would be coming soon.... ******* Hanna I looked into the mirror at my belly. I suddenly bent over with another contraction. I called out for my sister Avery. "I'll be right up sis." Yelled Avery. Avery was getting a school project ready for all of the kids on the farm. She needed help. She was overwhelmed with home schooling. I smiled. "My bag. Get Adam please....we will take the Range rover to the hospital. They know I am coming." Avery was impressed I wasn't screaming at her. " Okay. okay. I am on it." She turned around and yelled. " Adam! get your ass up here! Hanna is ready." She smiled. I said, "I could of done that." Adam ran up the stairs two at a time. " Okay, I got the bag, what are we driving? Did you call the doctor?" He asked me. Adam had many expensive cars. I pointed to the Rover. He nodded, then sat down. " I feel sick." I patted his belly. "It will pass. You got this my love." He nodded. "I am not good with hospitals." Ever since he lost his arm to that bear attack, years ago, he was leary. I comforted him, I was in control as always. He helped me get downstairs by pushing the elevator button. I walked inside, the door closed. I stood inside the elevator grinning. The door opened again. He entered it. " Sorry I forgot the go bag." He frowned. " What am I driving?" He asked again. " The Range rover dear. Want me to drive?" I offered. He nodded. "Yes, I mean... no. Oh, I'm a mess Hanna." I laughed. Once we landed on the first floor, I greeted my boys, Joey and Johnny. " Boys, mommy is having the baby now, give me kisses and be good for Avery and Gramma CiCi." I signed to CiCi. "Thank you mom!" (my step mother. ) Off we went, I drove most of the way, until my water broke all over his nice leather seats. Once at the hospital they told me I should go home and wait. Adam got a very expensive suite at the hotel right next door. He wasn't taking any chances.
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