Twenty nine : Milly comes home. ~°•~°•~°•~°•

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Adam I drove home one handed , holding Hanna's gaze when I could. "They seem like they are happy." I said. " Yes, also she said she was late. I think she's having another baby." Hanna smiled. I stopped the jeep and looked at my wife. "I hope it's a girl!" She nodded, "that would be nice for them." I squeezed her hand. " I was talking about you wife." Hanna blushed. "I wanted to surprise you." I kissed her lips and put my hand in her auburn hair. " Hanna, you haven't had to say no to me for a long time. I figured it out. I might have one arm, but I have a huge brain. No time of the month!" Hanna threw her head back and laughed. "I guess we better tell grandpa Henry and grandma CiCi. They will want to fly up from Texas." Hanna said, "Avery and Jesse will be jealous. They only have the two now." " Your sister and her man will catch up real soon, I am sure. They work at it hard enough." Hanna grinned. "Not as hard as we do my love. Let's go stop at the cabin on the way home. We need to take a nap." I put the jeep into gear and drove as Hanna stripped down. She put on a little show for me, she was cute like that. ******* California.... Powell I was working at the office today. I had prepared the documents that I needed with the help of Lillianne's sworn statement about the violence that Brandon was capable of. I would have Delilah testify against him as well. Brandon needed to be controlled. He needed to be locked away. I called old Judge Thomas Grinder. " My son, he's in a bad way. He had a horrible car accident. He has outbursts now. He is prone to be violent. He is not aware of his inability to care for himself. I need to step in, as his father. I need to get him into a facility that can meet his many needs. You owe me Tom. I helped you out through your divorce. Made sure the prenuptial agreement was to your advantage. I need you to give me absolute power in a conservatorship. His wife is unable to meet his needs. He poses a danger to himself and others. I need this done today, I need to protect my grandson !" Tom nodded. " Sounds like a lot of heartache for you Powell. Let's proceed. We just need his doctor to sign off and I can push it through." I nodded. I had a doctor ready. He just needed to visit Brandon and do a quick evaluation. I would fly him out to Oregon today. " Dr. Westman. Your flight leaves at 11am. I sent a car to pick you up. You know what I need from you to protect my son from himself. You know I helped you with that wrongful death suit. You are still practicing aren't you?" Dr. Gerry Westman agreed to help me get my son under conservitorship. ********* Lillianne I was sleeping in today. I sighed, Powell had given me his credit card and asked me to buy myself some nice things. He needed my testimony to lock Brandon up. The phone rang. I picked it up. "Jonas' household." " Put Powell on." said the woman. " Well, he's at the office. This is his girlfriend Lillianne. What can I help you with?" I said smiling. " Hmm. This is Milly Jonas. I have been out of the country. I just heard about my son Brandon. Tell my husband I am coming home and please be a dear and not be there when I arrive. I strongly advise you not to be in my home when I arrive tonight. Do you understand me dear?" I was a bit fearful of the tone of Brandon's mother, Milly's voice. I agreed to stay away. I would stop by at Powell's office on my way to my home to give him the great news. " Lillianne, what are you doing here my dear?" Asked Powell seeing me all dressed up in my designer clothing. " Well, your ex-wife Milly is coming in tonight. I need to go home for a while to figure things out at the house, so I will talk to you when she leaves." Powell frowned." Thank you for understanding. She can be quite difficult when other women are around me. Unfortunately, she believes that we are still married. She does have dementia. I can't dissuade her from being jealous. I spend time in Europe trying to keep her happy there. I am surprised she was able to travel here at all." He kissed me and told me he would come over to visit me. I was actually relieved that I had time to pursue my other interests. Putting on my Lilli show. I loved all the attention. I had no plans on giving it up. Tonight I would have my friend Collette live stream with me. The men went crazy when Lilli and Collette played together. I smiled and stopped at the store for some weed. I liked to be high when I did my show. It made me more relaxed. ******** Powell I drove home that evening. My ex- wife was there. " Powell. I'm so glad you made it home on time. I had the chef prepare your favorite. Rabbit !" I kissed Milly on the cheek. She grabbed me and forced me to kiss her lips. " My love, it's been so long. Let's eat first, then you can tell me all about our new grandson." I used to fight her and tell her I was her ex- husband. I got tired of having the same fight with her. So, I gave in now. She was very sweet to me. I saw the girl that I had first married. She was older and had a few accidents now and then, but I had grown fond of her. She treated me like we were newlyweds. Milly touched my hand and took me to the table. The chef brought out the first course. Milly fed me and giggled with me. I took her to bed after the meal. Her caregiver helped me to get her cleaned up. She wore night time diapers. I pulled the caregiver aside, "How did she convince you to bring her home?" Maddy the 25 year old caregiver frowned. " She heard about Brandon. A woman named Georgia had called a while ago. Milly was a wreck. She couldn't think of anything else but her son. I'm sorry Powell. She told me you knew we were coming." I understood. "Next time call me please. Yes, Brandon will be home soon for a little while. Unfortunately I was preparing to have him admitted to a facility that specializes in behavioral management. I think I need to let Milly see her boy first or she will never let it go." Milly came into the hallway. " Powell, are you coming love?" I nodded. I put her back to bed and lay with her. She giggled and kissed me. She told me how much she loved me. She held her belly. "I think I'm pregnant again. Brandon will be happy to have a sibling." I had heard this before. Milly was a little chunky now. She had always thought she must be pregnant. It wasn't even possible. She stroked my face. " Do you want to make love my dear?" I nodded. I knew if I said no, she would become violent. She would accuse me of cheating. She would be correct. I removed her diaper and touched her. She kissed me and gave herself to me. I made love to her. I thought about Milly when she was so much younger. I still loved that part of her. Afterward she cried. She always cried. I held her close. "You cheated on me, you left me. I remember. I feel that pain, it hurts so bad. I'm so sorry Powell that I was never enough. What is her name, Lillianne?" I was shocked that she knew it was Lillianne this time. She touched my face." I love you, I know you do not love me anymore, I know there is something wrong with me, I think you should just kill me, just get it over with, please Powell. Give me some pills, make it all end." I stared at her. She had never sounded so clear. " Milly, I do love you. I could never kill you. Don't be dramatic." I had teared up a little. " Powell, if I ever forget who you and our son are, please! Promise me you will do it. Shoot me or poison me. Maybe push me off of a boat." I was a ruthless man, but I refused to hurt her. "Hush my love. Remember the night we first met. We danced all night. I had to put band-aids on my feet from my shoes rubbing my feet. It was worth it to see you smile." She finally fell asleep in my arms. I was so tired of having to keep repeating the same encounter with her every time, it was always the same. I had to reassure her of my love. Saying she wanted me to kill her was new. I wondered how I would do it? I thought about something quick like a gun. Too messy. Maybe some pills. No one would ever question it. I could put it in her drink. She would just go to sleep. I frowned at my thought process. Was I actually going to kill my ex- wife? I could never do it. I might hire someone else to do it though.
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