60. Avery gets dizzy.

1807 Words

Jonathon was into his 5th shot of Adams fine whiskey. He was near drunk. Jesse sat with him. " So, where did you go to school? " asked Jesse, making conversation. " I tried to hold my feelings back, I tried to control things, I never met a woman like her before." He said ignoring Jesse. Jesse said, " Oh, yeah. Well I went to Oregon state. I majored in finance. I mostly help manage Adam's affairs now." Jonathan said," It's just that she is an inigma, she has all of these facets like a diamond. I turn her around in the light," he said holding an imaginary gem in his hand. "Then, I see a different reason to love her. She is more perfect than any woman I have ever known." He closed his eyes, fighting back tears. Jesse took the bottle away from him. He replaced it with a large glass of

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