Forty♡ The baby comes.

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Brandon I was sleeping when I heard a loud noise in the hallway. Powell was in the building. He was drunk. He demanded to see me, his precious son. The night staff called for security. They wouldn't let him get close to me. I got into my wheelchair. "Guys, it's okay. Let him in." I said. Powell nodded and came into my room. " We need to talk son. I have decided that I want you to come home. I just have one condition, you must bring my grandkids with you and of course your wife." I wasn't going home. I couldn't put my son or pregnant wife in jeopardy. " Dad, I'm staying. I'm unstable, I might cause injury to mom, or Lilah." I used my own father's accusations against him. Powell slapped me hard. My head whiped back, he wasn't done. I saw him reach into his pocket. Making a fist, he struck me on the jaw. He punched me again and again. I cried out for help, not engaging, knowing my father wanted me to strike him back. The night orderly ran in. He saw Powell beating the crap out of me. My father was crazed, and very drunk. " Holy crap!" He yelled, seeing me bloody. He pulled Powell off of me and called security. Powell ran back to hit me again. The guard ran in then and pulled Powell off to stop him from beating me. Me! his supposed deranged crippled son. They called the police and sent me to the hospital by the medics. The police came to arrest Powell, but he slipped away. They said that I went unconscious. My eyes were swollen shut. The doctor put me under an alias name, per protocol to protect the victim. Kyle got the call by the facility staff. He went to pick up Henry and Delilah. ******** Delilah I was taken to my husband. He looked real bad. He had tubes and alarms attached to him. He was, thankfully breathing on his own. Powell had used brass knuckles on Brandon. That's what caused the most damage. I lay next to him and held his hand. Kyle filed an emergency protection order. Brandon was put into a medical coma until the swelling went down. I was so distraught, I myself began to bleed. I was having a miscarriage. The doctor admitted me as a patient. I was placed on bed rest. I told the doctor if I wasn't placed into the same room as Bradon, I would not make it. The doctor took me seriously. They placed a stitch to help keep the baby in. It was too early. Henry stayed close by. He guarded the room. I could sleep at night knowing he was there. Brandon moaned. I put my nurse call light on. The nurse came right in. My love was waking up. I asked for my bed to be placed next to Brandon's. The nurse reluctantly agreed. I kept my hand on Brandon's arm. He quieted down. ********* Delilah We were getting closer to the time for the baby to come. They wheeled me out to the birthing room. I was in so much pain. I missed having my husband near me. He was still under the effects of the drugs they gave him. Antonio came to check on me. He was recruited to help me with the birth. He held my hand as I squeezed his. He knew nothing about babies, but he was a great comfort to me. I wasn't afraid with him there. The doctor instructed me to start pushing. So I did. My little baby girl was born into the world. ******** Antonio I cut the cord. The nurse cleaned off the baby and I took the little girl in to see Brandon. "Hey, your baby is here, Brandon It's a beautiful girl. Delilah did very good. Don't worry, I got you. I helped her." I lay the baby next to her groggy daddy. I saw Brandon's face soften. The bruises were fading to green now. I told Brandon I would stay with Delilah as long as he wanted me to. Brandon said," Love her".... I nodded. " I will tell her. I promise that I won't let her fall back in love with me." Delilah had another visitor. My wife came in to see her. She was very shy and quiet around Delilah. "I hope my husband brought you some comfort. I wanted to be jealous, but I remember what you told me. We are making it work. Can I hold your baby?" " Oh, yes Louisa. She is so sweet." Delilah said. I smiled at Louisa with the baby, she looked very pretty. Not as beautiful as Delilah was, I just couldn't stop loving her. ********* Delilah After a week in the hospital. Brandon was well enough to stop the sedation. He slowly woke up. I was there with baby Seraphina. My friends Blaze and Sera came by the hospital. I cried seeing my best friend. " I named my baby after you my friend. Just like you named yours after me." I said. Blaze helped sit Brandon up in bed. " Hey, you are looking better. I hear congratulations is in order." He shook Brandon's hand. I placed the baby in Brandon's arms. He stared at her tiny body. " My baby!" He kissed her then. Hot tears fell from his eyes. I let Sera and Blaze take the baby to the nursery. I touched Brandon's face. " Your father is on the run. He is wanted for beating you. Henry is out looking for him." I told him. " For some reason, I thought he would punch me once, then leave me alone. He had a weapon, those hard knuckles. I didn't want to fight back, he would have used it against me. The less I reacted, the angrier he got. My own father." He shook his head. I lay next to him. " I'm so sorry." " Hanna and Adam had a little baby girl. They are taking care of Sam. I think we should go get him so we can all be together. Henry offered to stay with us for security." " Kyle got a stay on the conservatorship. We go to court in a few weeks to petition the court to dissolve it." I smiled. He tried to feel happy. He knew that his dad was still out there. *********** Lillianne I was living at Adam's farm. I was helping Hanna with the kids. I saw Adam outside washing his sports car, one of many. " Adam, could you come help me with Johnny. He lost his glasses." I yelled. ******** Adam I saw through her. She was trying to suck up to me. I knew Hanna was tolerating it because she felt sorry for the girl. I was not interested in her at all. I tried hard to avoid her. Lillianne was wearing a low cut dress. She bent way over to look for those glasses. She gave me a full glimpse of her n*****s. When I picked up the chair for her to look under, she accidentally rubbed up against me. I grew disgusted. I saw Johnny's glasses on the kitchen table. "Son, here you go, now go find your brother." I rubbed my head. Hanna called down for me to come upstairs. "She can be demanding can't she?" Lillianne said about my wife. I couldn't take it. "That's enough. I won't tolerate much more. One last chance." I said firmly. Lillianne was frustrated. Most men fawned all over her. She nodded. "Sorry, I have been rude. You both took me in. I am just lonely. I see you are a strong pair. I will try to change." Hanna spoke with me about visiting her friend Delilah. She wanted to bring the baby and see Delilah's new baby girl. I agreed. "I need to get away from that little actress. She is making me uptight. How can a man look at any other woman when his wife is so blindingly beautiful?" Hanna needed to hear that. She hadn't lost the baby weight. She was feeling chubby. I told her how sexy all of her motherly curves were to me. She believed me. I was still chasing after her, only her. I touched her hip as I pulled her to me. "Keep looking at me like that and you will be naked in 5 minutes." She took her shirt and pulled it down over her shoulder. I kissed her bare flesh. The baby in her arms cried. "Oh, did daddy wake you up sweetie?" She kissed our daughter Anna. I picked Anna up and rocked her. "Get some rest love. The boys will be back from playing soon. You need your strength." ******* Hanna I had been having some depression since the baby came. I had recalled my sister Avery having postpartum blues. I called her now. " Avery, I need mother." I started to cry. Avery told me she knew exactly how I was feeling. Our mother had died years ago, drowning in a car crash. Avery sang a lullaby to me, her older sister. She told me she would come fix dinner for the kids tonight. "Then we are going for a long walk!" She said. Avery knew exercise was important. ******** Lillianne I was eaves dropping. I wanted to try to make a move on Jesse. He was Avery's husband. He had once modeled in Paris. I was so hot for that man. Jesse didn't know what was coming for him.
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