Fourteen. Antonio visits the farm.♡▪︎♡▪︎♡

1972 Words
Brandon I had grown obsessed with Lilli. I was having a hard time concentrating at work. She stopped by my office this morning and brought me a coffee. She was wearing a pink tight little business skirt with a matching blazer and some kind of lacy undergarment that accentuated her best asset, her breasts. Her red hair was in tendrils around her shoulders. She was the sweetest thing. I was smitten with her. I didn't care who saw us or about the rumors that had caught fire at the office. I was openly dating her. She sat on my lap this morning. " Baby, won't you get fired for this?" I smiled. "My dad is my boss, he can't fire his own kid." We laughed as I felt her breasts under her blazer. She was so responsive to my every touch. Lilli asked me," What is your daddy's name, can I meet him? Oh, maybe you can bring me over for dinner some time." I patted her delicate hand. "All in good time my dear. Let me get my divorce behind me first. Then we can let you meet my parents." I knew from experience that my parents wouldn't be thrilled at me getting a divorce. In fact my father had been pushing me to start a family with Delilah. I scoffed. I am too young to be tied down. I'm having too much fun now. ************ Delilah I had been having morning sickness for the past month, but lately it seems to have passed. I was enjoying life on the farm. Mother taught me how to make bread and put me in charge of the hen house. I would feed the girls then collect all of their eggs. It was actually a pleasure for me to keep so busy. At night I talked to Antonio about his progress. We made plans for him to come out next week. His doctor agreed he could travel, but not fly. He had to wear a monitor on his heart though. " Bella, your mamma- will she like me? I mean I don't want her to believe that I was the cause of your marraige breaking up." I assured him that mother was not team Brandon anymore, after hearing him berate me over the phone. I set up grandmother's room for myself and changed the sheets on my bed for Antonio. I made it comfy looking. *********** Brandon Later that night, I pulled Lilli in close, I didn't want her to be so scared. She was having a nightmare. She was thrashing and trying to claw at me. I gently stroked her face, as she looked terrified. " Shh. it's okay, I'm here sweetie. What's wrong?" Lilli sat up breathing hard. "He was choking me, his hand- it was on my neck. I couldn't scream. I was so frightened." I turned on the lamp, the same one that Delilah had knocked me out with. I put Lillianne on my lap. "Who was he?" She swallowed and held her neck. "It was my last boyfriend, Tommy. He was really mean sometimes. He would get angry, I caught him cheating and he lashed out at me, like it was all my fault. He called me horrible names, like saying I'm a b***h, frigid." I stroked her long red hair. "Baby, no man should ever hurt a woman like that. Your safe with me. Woman are delicate flowers and need a gentle lover." I'm a monster. I had done the very same to my wife, I felt shame, I pushed it down as far as I could. I kissed her lips and made tender love with her. ********* Lilli I turned my head and smiled. I had used this trick on several boyfriend's in the past to get them to feel protective of me. I especially liked it when they pledged themselves as my protector. I liked Brandon well enough, but I realized the bigger fish would be Powell Jonas, his father. If I could get into that household, mmmm...I could really get my claws into some real money. Maybe even get pregnant and stay a while. Hmm, I had very good dreams after this. ********* Antonio Looking at my new heart monitor, I covered it with my suit jacket, adding a blue handkerchief inside the pocket to cover the bulge the device made. It was fairly small and stuck to my chest with adhesive. It kind of itched. I paid the fare and stepped onto the bus. I couldn't fly just yet. I was on my way. I missed Delilah so badly, remembering the night we had made love. I replayed that scene over and over. She was special. I spoke to my Maria Bella. "Don't worry, you will like her my love. She is a real woman, like you." I fell asleep dreaming of my wife. She had been my everything once. I saw her sweet smile, her face had faded from my memory. But in my dreams, I felt her. I still loved her. That was the reason I drank so much. I missed her terribly. Delilah had given me a new reason to quit drinking. I was sober for myself and for our future. I slept well. *********** Delilah "My turn. I will take board walk. And... I want to buy a hotel." Mother asked me,"Are you sure? You know that I never land on Boardwalk. You won't make a penny." I nodded and made the purchase. An hour later, Georgia bankrupted me, only daughter. I threw the shoe piece down on the game board in defeat. " I think you cheat at monopoly, you are always the banker, sneaking money when I'm not looking." Mother laughed. "Sore loser!" I cleaned up the dishes and went to bed. In the morning, I climbed into grandmother's old farm truck. It was full of gas and the other car was being serviced. I used to drive the truck around on the farm as a new driver. I was very good at maneuvering the old Chevy truck now. I drove to town and parked at the bus station. I got out to look at the terminal reader board to scan for Antonio's bus arrival time. It was running late. Walking around the terminal I looked at all of the paintings on the wall. There were so many. I hadn't noticed Antonio's bus had pulled in. Antonio saw me, I was standing there in a calico skirt. I had a long sleeved blue button down shirt and my auburn hair was so long now, hanging loosly down my back. He knew my back side anywhere. He came up behind me. I smelled his cologne and smiled. He put his hand over my eyes from behind. "Guess who Bella?" "Hmm...let me see." "He turned me around and pulled me close. He felt my baby bump and looked down. I placed his hand over our baby. "Don't be afraid, its just more to love my dear." I said. He nodded. He wanted to love our baby, he pretended to be excited. He wished it was his, I knew. My eyes twinkled. He said that I looked so beautiful. His mind went blank. He couldn't remember how he was just feeling about the baby. Everything was fine when he stared into my eyes. " Mesmerizing, you slay me Bella, every time. I go weak at the knees." I put my hand in his and intertwined our fingers. "Let's go, I need to pee really badly." Antonio laughed at my confession. "You could have gone while you were waiting." I smiled." I did. Now I have to go again." Antonio walked with me to the women's room. He waited there for me. He was getting nervous to meet mother. Would she like him? I came out wiping my hands on my skirt. " No paper towels." I pulled Antonio along to grandma's truck. He almost swooned. "Bellisima, this is absolutely gorgeous. You can drive this?" I nodded. "I am a renaissance woman. I can walk and chew gum too." Antonio nodded. "Let's go, I need to see your magic." An hour later, Georgia was standing at the window waiting to see this Antonio. She would try not to judge him too harshly. If he was a player, she would fish it out of him. She had missed the character flaw in Brandon, she wouldn't make that mistake again. The truck came rolling up to the driveway. I parked and Georgia heard the creaky door bang shut. She turned to greet us wiping her hands on the dish towel. She had been washing the morning dishes. She saw a tall, lean man with black hair. He was very handsome. He wore a suit with a blue handkerchief in his breast pocket. My man. She nodded. He had some class. She walked out onto the porch and shielded her eyes from the sun above. Antonio pulled me close and she saw him caress my belly. Her heart melted immediately towards this man. She loved him at first sight. She ran now to greet us. Antonio saw an older version of me. She had light blond hair with white highlights. She was beautiful. Antonio looked at me. "You have a sister?" Mother giggled. She held out her hand to shake his. He took her hand and kissed the back of it, he bowed. " My pleasure. You are Bella's momma then?" " Georgia, call me Georgia." She actually blushed. My smiled grew wide seeing mother welcome Antonio. My heart skipped a beat. So did Antonio's, his heart monitor detected the irregularity. He was having some abnormal readings. He did not know it yet. I showed him to his room. He fell back onto the bed, it squeeked on it's springs. Antonio pulled me down with him. "I missed you. I wanted to come so long ago. Please tell me the same now." I giggled. "The same now." I mimicked him. He pulled me into a deep, sensual kiss. I responded with a moan. He licked my ear, whispering, "Can we sleep together tonight, I mean will the baby or your momma mind?" I was breathing hard, finding his hardness. "I can't wait until tonight." I attacked him then. I bit his lip gently, suckling it and pulling his tongue into meet my warm mouth. I put my hands into his pants and felt him respond, then pulled back and looked at him."Too fast?" He nodded and swallowed. He unbuttoned his dress shirt and revealed his heart monitor. I frowned. " I was hoping you were better now. I'm sorry I didn't know, you should have told me love." I lay back and laughed then. "Look at us! The preggo and the heart patient. What a pair we are." He lay back and kissed my fingers. "Do you mind if I can't make love to you, if I am an invalid. Will you still love me without the wild s*x that you deserve?" I frowned and held my belly. " Tony, shouldn't I be saying that to you?" Antonio sighed."My mind wants you very bad. My body betrays me." I held onto him, hugging him tightly. "Do you like monopoly?" He shook his head- no. "Everyone says that I cheat when I play. I'm always the banker." I promised him mother would be the cheating banker. "Let's take a nap and cuddle, then we can go around the farm and I can introduce you to the girls." He raised his eyebrow," Girls, I like the sound of that." "Well, don't get too excited. They might poop on you. We need to collect their eggs tonight before bed time." Antonio understood. He wished he had packed some boots or farm clothes instead of his designer Italian shoes.
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