A Fair Promise

1480 Words
Elodie sat in the back of the car, sitting next to Elara and gazing out the window. It was another beautiful day. The sun was shining peacefully across the picturesque town as they drove out of the pack territory and towards the human town - Fernestshire. It was about a 90 minute drive. Elodie knew the town quiet well, she had grown up there with her mother. Although they didn't mingle too much with the people that lived there. Alpha Leon was driving and Emmerson was in the passenger seat. It had become apparent to Elodie that Alpha Leon hated not to be in control. Elodie thought the tension might be easing between them, but the silent car ride said otherwise. A huff and a death stare from Emmerson to Leon made Elodie realize that they were mind linking each other.Elodie was going to ask Elara what she thought they were discussing, but Elara was also looking at Leon quiet intently, which gave away that she was also in the mind link conversation. "Hey Elodie" Elara broke the silence. "Did you grow up around here?" she asked. "Well, sort of. I somewhat attended the local high school in Fernestshire, but was pretty much homeschooled. Mom didn't like to be around people too much." "Did you have any friends?" "Not really. Witches shouldn't have close ties to people. It’s a vulnerability we can't afford to have." "I think you're wrong", Elara pushed. "I think friendships make you a stronger person. I think that’s why our pack does so well, because we rely on each other.' 'You only believe that because you sit in a position of equal exchange,' Elodie angrily. It was a disagreement they would never see each other's side. She was born into a pack, a family, a home. Elodie was taught that it was just her against the world and that is how it would always be. 'You bring a lot to your pack, and they bring a lot to you.' She answered. 'They don't need to lie, manipulate you or make you believe that your meant to be there when you're not, they don't play on your naivety, or threaten your life. And just take from you." "Elodie what happened to you? We can talk about it, I can try and help". Said Elara "No." Elodie stopped her. They knew too much already, and talking about her last contact with other worldly creatures would bring dire consequences. "Fine." Elara paused. "How about just for today you let yourself have fun? Please?" "I'll try." Elodie sighed, giving a weak smile. "You'll see I bet you suck a dodgem cars! And we can go on the flying chairs? Hey can witches actually fly with like broom sticks?" Elara said trying to lighten the mood. "If she could, she wouldn't have climbed down a tree to escape the pack house Elara". Emmerson shook his head. "Well from where I am sitting I don't think she really wanted to get away from you." Elara chuckled. Elodie felt her cheeks burn up at that comment, and swiftly turn to look out the weekend. Elara laughed harder and sighed. It was a weird sensation when they arrived at the fair. Elodie hadn't seen this place in close to ten years, and had changed quite a bit. There was a decent number of people attending the fair, but it wasn't too crowded. There were carnival games, rides, food stalls. Elodie smiled. It did look like fun, she thought. I hadn't been to anything like this in a very long time. Leon grabbed Elara's arm and rushed over excitedly to the can carnival game. "If I win, you have to give me a kiss and forgive me for what I said." Leon said pulling Elara in close to him. Elodie walked over to them. "mmm I don't know, you were a bit nasty." Elara sighed at him, but a smile still appeared across her face. Leon paid for two games and the game attendant handed them 3 balls each. There were 6 rows of 3 cans stacked up like a pyramid. Leon threw his ball first, and knocked them all over. Elara seemed nervous she threw her ball and managed to knock over two of the 3 cans with one wobbling. Elodie stretched her arms pretending to stretch and knocked over the last can with her ability. Elara's face gleamed and side eyed Elodie. "hmmm, that was suspicious". Leon groaned. "No idea what you are talking about." Elara laughed. Leon threw his second ball and again knocked them all over clean. Elara was up again and managed to also knock them all over. She was ecstatic, especially since she knew she had done it all by herself this time. Leon was going to throw his last ball, Elodie focused intently on the left can, and moved her hand to pretend to scratch her head as his ball hit the cans. And the one she was controlling didn't fall. "What the! Elodie!" Leon almost laughed. "What I'm just watching" Elodie said. Elara was trying to hold back her giggles as she picked up her final ball. " You picked the game Alpha Leon." Elara flirted at him getting ready to throw the last ball. Elodie was getting ready to help her if she needed it. From her throw she could tell she was going to have to move the cans again. She was focusing on the cans when Emmerson turned to her and moved a strand of her hair behind her ear. Elodie could feel herself turning pink, and completely loosing focus. "Aww Elodie where were you! I lost". She whined. "Sorry I.." before Elodie could respond, Leon wrapped himself around Elara to give her a kiss. " See I have secret weapon too!" He laughed, holding Elara. "Fine I forgive you!" Elara said, laughing and kissing Leon back. "Elodie, look! Let's go on the Dodgem cars next!" Elara broke free of Leon and grabbed Elodie's hand and pulled her away to the next ride. Elodie actually found herself laughing and having an amazing time. She was terrible at the carnival games, which was expected, especially since she was up against strong, fast werewolves. Emmerson helped her with the shooter games to hit the targets. Pulling her close and lining her up with the shot. His face very close to hers. She felt herself blushing again. Elodie was taken aback to how he was making her feel. She was constantly feeling, flustered and giddy. Not like herself at all. The sun had started to set and Elara's bubbly energy didn't sway all day. She pulled Elodie from one place to another, excited to try anything and everything. They stopped at a photo booth. She was really keen to get a physical photo to remember the day. Elara swung her arm around Elodie and gave a big cheesy smile to the camera. This pose made Elodie laugh so much. She was nothing like what she looked like. This absolutely stunning blonde, that could easily pass as a model, had so much confidence within herself. It was such a contrast to her fun-loving, silly, adventurous personality. Elodie couldn't help but admire her. The camera flashed, taking the photo of Elodie mid-laugh and Elara with her cheesy smile. Leon and Emmerson jumped in the booth, squishing everyone so close together there was not enough room to move. Elara quickly jumped onto Leon and smiled at the camera while Leon gave her a kiss on the cheek. Emmerson was pushed up against Elodie, to fit in the booth and was looking down at her. Elodie felt her cheeks starting to get all flushed again. She wanted to turn away, but she physically couldn't. She just looked up into his eyes, and it was like the world stopped for a moment. Emmerson stepped out of the photo booth before the third photo could be taken and Elodie followed. "Sorry. It is just a bit cramped in there" he said, pulling his shirt away from his chest like he was trying to cool himself down. "Yeah very hard to breathe. Only now am I worried about leaving Elara and Leon alone in the booth." "Mmm you and me both, they can't keep their hands to themselves. Pretty normal for mates though, from what I have seen." "Guys why did you bail!?" Elara called out from the booth, stepping out with Leon following behind. "Couldn't breathe" Elodie said. "Why don't we get a quick drink and then head back" Elara said in a sad tone. "Sounds good" Elodie agreed. "There is a bar just across the street, let's just check it out". Elara took Elodie's hand this time and was not in a rush like she had been before.Emmerson and Leon seemed to be walking behind them at a bit of a distance.
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