
1946 Words
Arabella's heart raced as she sprinted down the stairs to the prison cells. She prayed to the moon goddess that she wasn't too late. She knew her friend had been tortured. She knew that her mate had been responsible for it. She felt her mate's bond strangle her with his betrayal. It made her wolf Reykar howl in pain. She knew it was with Valerie, her best friend. She also knew it was her and her stupidity, that she had been captured and tortured. She reached the bottom of the stairs and almost ran straight into the guards. "Keys NOW!" She demanded her Alpha blood boiling inside her. The guards hesitated, obviously waiting for permission from Alpha Leonard. A guard slowly reached into his pocket. Arabella didn't even hesitate, she ripped the pocket off the guard entirely with the keys wrapped in the fabric. "You b***h!" He spat, the other guard holding him back. "Alpha has permitted it, stand ground" he said. She had never had any of the pack's respect, even as their Luna. The hierarchy had always been Alpha, the Alpha unit, generals, warriors and then everyone else. Herself included. She was strong enough to beat the best of them, but it didn't matter in this pack. Her mate and Alpha Leonard Barsen wouldn't stickup for her either. He never liked her, always saw her to be inferior to him and as a trophy to provide him with his future heir. Something that she had not been able to do, despite wanting to be a mother, more than anything. She swiftly and aggressively pushed open the door, and what she saw broke her heart. Her friend of almost 10 years, almost completely naked, her clothes torn off her, covered in bruises, blood streaming from her head, covering her once beautiful long brown hair, now appearing black and matted in the dim light. "Valerie!" Arabella cried as she grabbed her and held in her arms. "What did they do to you?! O I'm sorry I'm so sorry." Pushing her hair aside and undoing her restraints. "It is all over now" Arabella cried touching Valerie's face, wiping away her blood and tears. "I can take you back to the Windrunners. You will be safe, you will recover from this." Arabella pleaded. "They wouldn't do this to me and let me go…" Valerie responded, her voice breaking, like it was painful even to speak. "I was able to arrange a trade..." Arabella answered. "A trade?” "Yes, you for the child. It will all be okay. He will be safe and looked after, he will grow up with our pack." "No! He is just a baby! And he is the Wild Fang's only heir, their pack will be without a future Alpha." Valeria cried. "It's not for you to decide, the agreement has been made. I will take you back." Arabella responded calmly knowing that this would be her friend's reaction. She had always been so kind and compassionate, putting everyone else's needs above her own. She wrapped her arms around Valerie, and assisted her to her feet. She remembered the first time she saw Valerie. It was almost 10 years ago now. Arabella had run away at 12 years old. She was sick of her Luna training and wanted to start a new life. For some reason-fate, or just plain luck. At 12 years old Arabella snuck past the guards and made it out of the pack's territory. Deep in the forest she came across a young girl. The girl had long loose curls that reached down to her waist, she was barefoot and waving her hands over the water. She looked to be the same age as her. Arabella called out to her, asking what she was doing. She remembers how she responded back so full of life and undisturbed by the interruption. Like she already knew who she was and that she was there. "Getting to know nature like my mother asked." She groaned, kicking up the water. "Are you a wolf too?" Arabella asked, walking closer to her. "Nope, I'm a witch!" "Really!" Arabella gasped, "you don't look like a witch!?" "Is this better?' She grabbed a large stick and pretended it was a flying broom running around. "Cats! Funny Hats and Broom sticks where are you!" She called out. Arabella laughed so hard she fell to her knees. "You’re the weirdest girl I have ever met! What's your name?" "Valerie. What's yours?" "Arabella" she responded. "Why are you out here, Arabella? YOU seem to be quite a long way from home." "Ugh, I'm avoiding my Luna training. It's so boring. I hate it! Maybe I can just live out here and be a witch with you." "You are far too pretty to be a witch, Valerie said. No cats, no warts, no broom sticks! You shall never make it!" They both burst into giggles. It was the start of a very unlikely friendship. Although the risks to them both were very high, Valerie's mother had been aiding the Wildfang Wind Runners for years. They were a nomadic pack, constantly moving around in their territory. Mostly living as wolves the majority of the time. They promised Valerie and her mother protection so long as she kept them safe from humans as well other worldly creatures. Arabella's pack, on the other hand, was an aggressive warring pack. They had been trying to escalate conflict with the Wildfang Wind Runners for decades. Valerie screamed in pain as Arabella tried to lift her feet. They must have broken something, Arabella thought, and with one arm lifted her friend off the ground and carried her out. Arabella was from a long line of Alpha blood; she was immensely strong. Not that she ever had to fight, her Luna training strongly discouraged that type of behavior. That rage she was feeling though, she wanted to destroy them all and burn the place down to the ground for what they had done to Valerie. We have to get her to safety. Reykar told her in her mind. I know. "Are you strong enough to ride on my back, Val?" Arabella asked her as soon as they had made it outside. "I think so" she trembled. "Bella, I have to tell you something first. I charmed Leonard, I thought he would let me go if I did, but it just made everything worse. I didn't do it to hurt you. I was just scared, and I thought..." "Don't think for a second I blame you for any of this, Val! I know firsthand what kind of monster he is. Charm or no charm. It wasn't your fault." Valerie started crying. It was like she wanted to tell her more but couldn't get the words out. "Get on!" Arabella said as she shifted before her friend. Valerie had seen Reykar many times. In fact, she was with her when she first shifted. Valerie had even studied wolves in the Wildfang pack so she could coach Arabella through the stages of the first shift. Although it didn't stop the pain of the first shift, it was great help to Arabella, who felt safe and comforted by her friend. Reykar was a stunning silver wolf with black fur on her paws. Reykar got low to the ground to help her injured friend as much as possible. As soon as she felt secure on her back, they were off. Arabella needed to get back to the Wildfang's pack as soon as possible. They would be able to take care of her and help her heal her wounds. Arabella knew she would have to bring back Alpha's baby or there would be a declaration of war from Alpha Leonard before morning. "Bella" Valerie mumbled in pain, riding on Reykar's back. "The charm I used is meant to link a man to you, sort of like the mate bond. it's only temporary. It's just for the purpose of furthering the family line. Bella I'm so sorry" Valerie wept. Reykar could feel her tears against her fur. We will be there for her, no matter what. Agreed Reykar. It was the very least she could do after all this entire ordeal was because of her. She had been so lonely this last year, being Luna and Leonard's mate. She had been kept away from her family and Leonard refused her company most nights unless, of course, he wanted to try for an heir. She thought she had snuck out successfully. But she was followed, and when they met up, it was close enough to Silver Thorn's territory that they claimed it was an attack by an intruder. Arabella had tried to convince them that she was just a friend, that she meant no harm. But it was no use. They were intrigued by her scent. Valerie smelt like Christmas cake, fruity tones with notes of sherry. It was unique and made it obvious she wasn't a wolf nor just a human. When Arabella heard her cry and scream in the cell, she lost it and ran straight to the Wildfang pack, begging them for assistance. It was strange to meet a pack of large wolves deep within the forest. The Alpha shifted into his human form to speak with her, while the Luna was already in her human form, rocking her baby boy. They were hard to understand, speaking in broken English. It was very evident that they hardly ever talk to any outsiders. They said that Valerie's mother gave her life to ensure that their baby entered this world, and that they needed to return the favor and save her child. Arabella said that she will make sure he would be safe and well taken care of. They said that he was blessed by the earth mother and has a destined fate if he chooses it over the moon goddess’s design. Although Arabella didn’t quite understand what they meant by that, she hoped it would scare Leonard enough to treat him well. As they approached, the Luna from the Wildfang pack was standing in front of them, with her baby in her arms. Other wolves came forth out of the forest, some shifting, others staying in their wolf forms. They gently took Valerie off Reykar's back. Valerie looked as if she had lost consciousness during the journey. Arabella shifted back to receive the baby boy from the Luna. She kept her eyes lowered in respect, as the Luna placed the tiny baby in her arms. "You know he will come for you all, now that you have no heir." Arabella voiced her concern. "I know" The Luna responded in a calm whisper, as if she was still soothing her child. "As the sun rises and sets, so shall our pack, we shall return to the earth and be reborn, continuing the circle. Just as the earth mother intended. Thank you for bringing our guardian back to us. She will ensure the health and safety of our pack until the end." Arabella wanted to ask so many more questions. What did she mean by guardian? She thought there was just an agreement between Valerie and her mother, not anything more than that. What does she mean end? What would happen to Valerie? How long will it be? How did she know?! Before she could even utter another word, the Luna shifted into a small brown wolf and ran after her pack into the darkness. With the baby in her arms, Arabella made the long hike back to her pack's territory. "I'll keep you safe little one, but you have to be brave for both of us, okay?"
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