Her Lovers’ Touch-18

1877 Words

Michael tops up his wine from the bottle sitting on ice, then, as I pump her from behind, sits beside Elizabeth, glass once more in hand. The glass drips moisture…. …. He’s not going to…? But no, the glass stays well away from my Elizabeth’s swinging breasts. But his eyes rise to meet mine as he dips fingers into the chilled wine, holding them there for a few seconds. Then his eyes drop again to his target. As I thrust steadily, fingers wet, and almost icy, snake between my Elizabeth’s legs, and with a movement I cannot see but only imagine, gently play with her bud. She comes almost on the spot, spasming around my c**k…. Fuck! …. to kick off my own overdue climax. With a hoarse cry, I spurt, splashing into my beloved Elizabeth, and eyes squeezed closed, am vaguely aware that somewh

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