Chapter Twenty-Six

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Third Person's POV "Please take your seat gents, the voting will start soon."  Mr. Smith's secretary greeted the guest whiles directing them to their seats. Pharrell was seated at the head of the table, his heart beating faster than it should. His eyes were fixated at the entrance, looking for a new face. Since he didn't know this new partner of his, he wanted to at least have a clue but Mark kept his word by not revealing the identity. "Sir, we are about to start." His secretary informed. This made him check the time on his wristwatch. Indeed, it was time, but he hasn't sighted the new shareholder yet. "Let's wait for ten more minutes." The young lady nodded and walked back to take her seat, awaiting her boss's orders. The ten minutes passed yet, there was no new face. There was now pressure on him by the shareholders present to start the process. Some of claimed they have meetings and appointments they can't afford to be late for. He, therefore, signaled his lawyer to start. "Once again, gents, you are welcome. Just like it was agreed last week, all of you are going to vote on the future of this company and the others. It's quite simple. We have some sheets I will be passing around shortly. It has two slots, the FOR and AGAINST. If you agree with Mr. Smiths' motives you can tick the FOR slot and if you are against it you can tick the AGAINST slot." His lawyer explained the process to those present and asked the secretary to pass the voting slips around. "When we are all done voting, we will verbally say our votes. Mind you, you can not change what you have written. So when you are saying the vote, I advise you to tell us exactly what you ticked. Now shall we begin?" Within five minutes the votes were cast. Pharrell was still looking around, still expecting the mystery man. He was also silently praying that the shareholders don't make a mistake by voting against him. "Sir, should we start with the verbal votes?" Mark whispered in his ears. "When is he coming? I thought you said you have settled it?" "Yeah, I did. But I don't know why he still isn't here. I called him but his line is off. I will try again."  "No, it's okay let's get this over and done with."  His countenance was not pleasant. He looked like someone who hadn't smiled before. There was a scowl on his face as he looked at the people around him. "This is surprising. When we counted the votes we have a tie. It's 50-50 guys." Mark announced. "We are now going to do the verbal votes. If you voted against and want to change it you can. But those who voted for the motion cannot change their votes. Let's start with Mr. Bruno Diaz on the left." "I am for the motion. I pledge my support."  The man said loudly and boldly. "Next!! Mr. Andreas Blackson." "I am against it." In this manner, each of them called out their votes which still amounted to a tie. Meaning no one changed. So they were all back to square one with no decision taken. This only frustrated Pharrell the more. "Isn't there anyone among you who would want to reconsider? Mr. Smith has worked with you for over ten years, don't you think he deserves your trust?" The hall was quiet. They were behaving like they didn't hear anything Mark said. Pharrell now had his head bowed. "Is there anyone? Any................." "I will like to cast my votes." Someone said from the entrance. The speed at which Smith snapped his head in that direction can surpass Usain Bolt's. "Heath? What are you doing here?" His best friend was the last person he expected to see. "You came, I thought you will ditch us." Mark said, a smile lighting up his face. "I said I will come, so here I am. Sorry for the delay." "What is going on here?" "Sir, he is the one that bought the shares." The whole conference room was quiet. Everyone was watching the scene with interest. Pharrell couldn't believe his ears and eyes. His friend has come through for him when he needed it the most.  "Wow, bro, thanks very much for coming." He walked to him and gave him a bro-hug. The others were confused with only a few picking up the pieces to understand what was going on. "Well, it was important that I come." "Thank you for thinking about me. You didn't tell me you were going to buy shares in my company. Come, sit and cast your vote." He pulled a chair back for him so he could take a seat. The voting sheet was set before him and a pen was given to him. He was a second away from signing it when he stopped and placed the pen down. "Actually, I am not the one who bought the shares, my wife did." "What wife? you are not married, man. Stop joking and vote for me." "No, that's where you are wrong. I got married a few years ago. See my ring." Heath said, showing him the ring on his finger.  "That doesn't mean a thing bro. I have known you since forever. You have always been by me. I would have known if you were married." "Perhaps if you hadn't been drunk for most of the time you were with me you would have noticed it. I am truly married and these 35% shares belong to her so I am sorry I can not do anything about it." "But you said they are yours and promised to support Pharrell," Mark said.  Now everyone in the room aside these three were confused. Pharrell was also confused because he doesn't believe what his friend was saying. He believes Heath is playing a game with him and that any moment from now, he will laugh and say it's a prank. But seconds passed and that never happened.  "Come on be serious man, cast your votes, and stop all this married shit." "You don't believe me but that doesn't change the fact that I am indeed married and I even have a son. I can't be of help to you. Sorry brother, but my wife can. She is here I can call her then you can ask her to save your company." "What are we waiting for, bring her in."  Mark said. New hope was igniting in Pharrell's eyes. if truly his friend is married to this woman then there is no need to worry. "Baby come in please." Every pair of eyes move to the door, waiting to see who this mystery lady was. It was like they were watching a movie.  The door opened, the room has become so silent that if a pin dropped, they would have heard the sound of it. No one entered so who opened the door? This was the question on the minds of those present. And it was answered when an elegant-looking lady walked in.  She had on a red suit of which the pants brought out her lovely shape, causing the men to drool at her beauty. Her skin was fair, devoid of blemish. Her hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail, giving her that rich, serious woman look. She was not looking at anyone only Pharrell whom she sighted first when she walked in. "L-l-liana?" "You know my name?". She locked her gaze with him. He was now on his feet. The heat was too much to keep him seated. "Don't worry it's me, not my ghost. So relax."
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