28 - Little pranksters

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Triton I feel beyond uncomfortable in a room filled with Ava’s family, though I’m trying to be respectful. My parents are acting like everyone is their best friend, even though I know my father is as uncomfortable as I am. However, I am proud of him for trying to put my mate’s family at ease. Poseidon is out of his comfort zone, but it shows me how much I mean to him that he’s willing to try. Ava was swept up in a whirlwind of greetings and stories a while ago. I smiled as I watched her speaking with her family. Ava has missed them all. Being here with me is what she wants; I made sure of that because I asked her. I would never force my mate to stay in Atlantis if it wasn’t what she wanted. But Ava has assured me that she doesn’t want to be anywhere else. Though Ava will always miss her family, with my reassurance that she can see them whenever she wants, my mate is happy here. The room grows more crowded as more of Ava’s family flit in, their conversations weaving a tapestry of laughter, gossip, and the occasional bickering. Seeing Ava with Levi made me smile. He and I will never be best friends, but seeing him there for my mate was nice. I remain by the fireplace, surrounded by Ava’s kin, holding my own amidst the banter. The sight befalling me brings me a strange mix of pride and inadequacy. These are her people, not mine. No one here would spit on me if I was on fire. Not that I care, but I hope one day, they will look at me as more than the monster they have me down for. But when I see the way Ava looks at me from across the room, I know I’m not alone. Her eyes search mine, silently asking if I’m okay. At this moment, I realize I will never be alone as long as I have Ava, my beautiful Goddess. Hel told me not to worry about the family and what they thought of me. She said they always come around in the end. They may never love me, but they will respect me for Ava’s sake. That will do. The music grows louder, the air thick with the scent of roasting meats and sweet desserts – a feast my father ordered for Ava’s family. I hope they like it. I did some research through my years of imprisonment on the foods Lycans and Dragons like to eat. I wanted to show Ava that I cared enough to do something for her family. Being surrounded by Hel, Fenrir, Narfi, and Aether has been different. They haven’t given me shi.t for once in my life, and I have laughed with them. We will never be friends, but it’s better than causing a scene. I tug on my sleeve, looking down at the young man staring up at me. I look at him in amusement as he tips his head to the side, asking me to follow him. I tip my head to Hel, who smirks, and I make my leave. The young boy has me following him to the corner of the room, behind a pillar, so we won’t be seen. I crouch down so we’re at eye level. “What can I do for you, AJ?” “I wanted to say thank you for what you said before. My mom is pregnant, and she was worried. Dad said she didn’t need to because you wouldn’t hurt me,” I blink because I would never have imagined Aidan Harrington saying anything like that about me. It shows what I know. “I’m glad you’re Ava’s mate.” I smile at that. “You are?” AJ nods. “Yes. She’s happy when you’re around. She smiles more, and I love it when she smiles. You will look after her, won’t you?” “Of course. I will. Ava is my world, you see.” AJ nods. “I know. I can tell how much you love Ava. I’m going to make sure no one is mean to you again.” “You are?” I whisper in awe of this child. He nods again. “I like you. You’re nice, and you love Ava, so that means we’re family now. My grandma Moira says that no matter who the person is, if they’re family, then we stick together, always.” I smile again. “Your grandmother sounds like a very smart lady.” “Oh, I am.” I turn my head to the left, where a beautiful woman is watching me with AJ. Moira Knight, former Queen of Lykos, AJ’s grandmother. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I saw you both over here and thought I would come and say Hello.” I get to my feet and tip my head. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Knight.” “Oh, please,” She laughs. “Call me Moira.” “Moira.” I smile. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, too, Triton. Regardless of what happened all those years ago with you and my granddaughters,” Here it comes. “It’s past time everyone moved on.” I wasn’t expecting that. “Ava loves you, Triton, more than anything. It’s so easy to see just from the way she looks at you. I am not the type of woman to persecute another person for their past discretions if they are truthfully remorseful.” “And I am,” I admit. “I was lost back then, Moira. But the moment I realized Ava was mine, I was found.” She smiles at me. “I know that, Triton. You deserve to be forgiven as much as anyone else. Besides, I see my grandson has taken a shine to you, and that’s a rare thing with AJ.” I look at AJ, looking up at me with a smile. I must admit, I like the boy. Regardless of what I think of the Vampire King, his son is cute. “I like Triton, Grandma. He’s nice to me and to Ava.” “I know he is, sweet boy.” She smiles down at AJ and then looks at me. “You have a friend for life there.” Yes, it seems I do. Moria kisses her grandson’s head, winks at me, and walks away. At least there’s one member of Ava’s family who doesn’t hate the sight of me. Maybe there is some hope for me yet. “Uncle Triton?” He called me Uncle, even though I am nothing of the sort. But the respect from the boy warms my soul. I crouch down in front of the boy again. “Yes, AJ?” “I can call you Uncle Triton?” I smile. “Of course.” AJ smiles wide. “Do you like playing pranks?” I chuckle because Ava has told me how many of her family members play pranks. I wouldn’t have thought this young man would do such things. But I suppose he is a child, and children like doing what they shouldn’t. “I have been known to play a prank or two in my youth. Why do you ask?” AJ giggles as his younger brother runs over to us. “Did you ask him?” Elijah asks his brother. AJ nods. “He said we can call him Uncle, and he played pranks when he was younger.” Elijah looks at me. “Will you help us?” I playfully squint my eyes. “Help you with what?” “Well,” Elijah looks around to make sure no one is listening before leaning in and whispering, “We want to prank Katy, Aurora, and whoever is standing by them.” He giggles. I can’t help smiling because these kids are adorable. Little boys should always be mischievous, little girls, too. But boys should be naughty sometimes. It makes life fun. “What do you have in mind?” AJ and Elijah smile wide, excitement rushing through them. “I told you he was cool!” Elijah exclaims, making me chuckle. “Well,” AJ giggles. “We want to drop water on their heads.” “Why would you want to do that?” My voice is light. I’m feeling entertained for the first time in a long while. I’m way too old to be messing around like a child, especially when two of Ava’s sisters are standing close to Aurora. However, I can’t help myself when these kids look at me with such innocent, excited eyes. “Because they have all pranked us before. Last time we saw Katy, she drew mustaches on us while we slept!” AJ’s eyes widen. “She used permanent marker, and we couldn’t wash it off for a week!” I laugh because I can’t help myself. When did I last enjoy the company of ones so young? I don’t recall ever laughing with children the way I am with AJ and Elijah. It makes me wonder what having one of my own would be like. I don’t want children, but it might be nice if Ava wants babies one day. “Well, we can’t have that. Can we?” Their eyes light up, and I point to where Aurora and the others are standing. AJ and Elijah watch with wide eyes as I spin my finger in the air, and water falls from the air and over the women in question. The women screech in shock as Katy screams, asking who did that to them. AJ and Elijah’s laughter fills the room, which is suddenly filled with hysterical laughter. People fall about themselves while Katy, Aurora, and the others stand there, soaking wet and wide-eyed. “That was awesome!” Elijah yells as I get to my feet. He wraps his hand in mine, and AJ does the same on my other side. “You are so cool!” AJ laughs. “You little monsters!” Aurora yells. The boys laugh louder while hiding behind me. All eyes are on me, and most seem utterly amused. I don’t see any angry faces as I quickly scan the room. I thought someone would have something negative to say, but no one does. The husbands of the women I soaked rush around them, trying to dry them off with the towel the staff have brought them. They even smirk when they shouldn’t be. “AJ! Elijah!” Instinctively, I wrap my arms around my back, pulling the boys closer to me as they giggle. Their father comes closer, and he does not look happy. “Boys!” He yells. “Aidan, it wasn’t their fault. They were just having fun; I was the one who dropped water on the girls.” The Vampire King looks at me with a raised eyebrow as laughter fills the room once more. There is much talking going on around us, but Aidan’s eyes haven’t left mine yet. “You willingly helped them get their own back on their cousins?” I nod. “They’re just children, Aidan. Shouldn’t all boys be a little mischievous now and again?” “Damn,” He whispers before smiling. “I never imagined, in a million years, I’d see you like this.” “Like what?” “Wrapped around the fingers of my sons.” I shake my head and chuckle. “Yeah, well, they’re sweet kids. You’re very lucky. Don’t be too hard on them, Aidan.” “Oh, he won’t.” Esme laughs while sliding up beside her husband. “Come out, boys. Daddy isn’t angry with you; no one is.” AJ and Elijah let go of my hands and run to their mother. “Mommy, Uncle Triton is so much fun!” Elijah yells happily. “Oh, Uncle, is it?” Aidan raises an amused eyebrow. “Yes!” AJ laughs. “I asked if we could call him that and he said yes!” “If you’d rather they didn’t…” “If my sons want you as their uncle,” Esme smiles at me. “Then their uncle, you shall be. Come now, boys, it’s time you apologized for soaking your cousins.” The boys wave at me as their mother leads them away, laughing as she goes. “You’ll do.” Aidan chuckles before walking away from me. I shake my head, amused because this day is turning out to be something I would never have expected. “Is it any wonder I love you so much?” I turn my head and smile at my beautiful mate. “You’re not mad with me?” Ava laughs while wrapping her arms around my waist. “How could I be mad with you, Triton? You just made AJ and Elijah so happy. They love you already, and that makes me happy. “You didn’t have to play with them, but you did without question. They wanted to soak Aurora, Katy, Alivia, Alice, Ivy, and Sophie.” Ava chuckles. “And they’ll pay for that when the girls get them back, you didn’t hesitate. “Regardless of everything some members of my family have said to you in the past, you have tried to be respectful. You didn’t have to do anything of the sort when they haven’t exactly been nice to you. But you did, and it has shown everyone how much I mean to you.” “Everything, Ava. You mean everything to me, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” Ava smiles, and I’m acutely aware the room is now silent. Everyone is watching us, but I don’t even care. They can hear every word I speak to my mate because they’re all true. “I will never doubt that, Triton. You’re perfect, and I love you.” “I love you, too, Ava.” I lean in and kiss her just because I can. “Eww! Enough of this mussy shi.t!” Someone yells. “Let’s eat!” Ava laughs against my mouth as I kiss her again. ‘There’s something we need to talk about before the nights out.’ Ava tells me telepathically. ‘Is something wrong, my love?’ ‘Yes, but it can wait until we’re alone. Let’s just enjoy this moment.’ I look at Ava curiously. I know she won’t keep anything from me, but I’m not sure I can wait until the night is over to find out what it is she needs to tell me.
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