24 - She-bitc.h!

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Ava “Ava, darling, is everything to your satisfaction?” Rhodos’ question echoes through the grand banquet hall of the gleaming golden palace. Her voice is as smooth as the polished marble beneath our feet, which reflects the flickering torchlight. The two of us have been overseeing the decorations in the grand hall for my and Triton’s wedding reception. Rhodos was excited to have been asked to help, and she’s my friend. I wanted to involve her as much as she wanted to be. Plus, I wanted to see what everyone was planning. I wanted to know everything was going as I had envisioned. It’s my big day, and I want it to be perfect. What bride doesn’t? It’s not that I’m a bridezilla or anything. I’m not a demanding person. All I asked was if there would be flowers of all kinds in the room. That was my one stipulation. I wasn’t sure we could get roses and such under the sea. But Rhodos laughed and told me that Gods could do anything. I laughed at myself because I knew she was right. I look around the room, my eyes sparkling with excitement. The flowers look stunning, and the statues of a Merman holding his love, a Lycan on the left, and a Dragon on the right make me smile. That’s Triton and me, Amarni and Amelia! That was Triton’s gift to me, and I love it! Rhodos told me the two golden thrones are for the bride and groom. Triton and I will sit upon them as the guests arrive. We’ll watch over them as they bow to us before the party starts. “Everything is perfect, Rhodos. I can’t believe tomorrow is the first ceremony. It’s like a dream come true.” Rhodos smiles as we leave the banquet hall. “This is all my brother has talked about for years.” “Really?” She nods. “Yes. Triton would talk about you with anyone who would listen. Sometimes, he would have me sit for hours so he could talk about you.” I smile because that’s cute! “What would you talk about? Other than me, I mean.” Rhodos laughs. “Nothing! You were all Triton ever wanted to talk about. We spoke about your wedding more than once. All any of us heard was, my Ava this and my Ava that.” Playfully, Rhodos rolls her eyes. I can’t help smiling. I can imagine Triton talking about me all the time. Now that I have my memories back, it’s not hard to imagine. Knowing how well Triton treated me after my suicide attempt, it’s not hard to see he already loved me. I love him more than I could possibly say. “I bet it drove you crazy.” I chuckle. “Not at first,” Rhodos smiles in all her Goddessly beauty. “I listened because Triton needed someone to talk to. He was so proud of you, Ava. Knowing you would one day be his meant everything to my brother. He has waited thousands of years to have what others had. It didn’t matter that he would have to wait ten years for you. What’s ten years when you’ve waited thousands already? “Then, after Azreal took you away from us, which was the right thing to do, by the way,” She looks at me with a smirk. “My brother reverted into himself. As the years passed and you began to get older, I could see he was missing you more and more.” I bite the inside of my cheek because that makes me a little sad. I can’t imagine Triton reverting into himself over anything. “I would hear him some nights, calling out your name.” Rhodos continues. “Once, I went to his chambers because I could sense his distress. Triton was lying in bed, tossing and turning as if having a nightmare about you.” I narrow my eyes and swallow hard. “Was he?” Rhodos nods. “I touched his arm and was sucked into his dream.” “What was he dreaming about?” “The day my mother came rushing in with you after you… You know. My mother had drained Triton’s powers and made him think you had died. Mother thought she was doing the right thing in case anyone came looking for you. “Back then, Mother and I were still afraid that someone would come for Triton and try to kill him. Perhaps that Azrael would finally get his revenge. We believed allowing you and Triton time together was the best thing. Having Triton believe you were dead and the mate bond was broken meant Selene couldn’t force him to hand you over. “Once Selene left and Mother lifted the spell, Triton was fuming angry with us. Then he saw you, and you begged him to let you stay for a while.” “That doesn’t sound like a nightmare to me.” It sounds more like a dream of what happened rather than a nightmare of what could have been. Rhodos nods. “Yes, but then it morphed into you actually dying. My brother’s screams, even in his dreams, have never left me. The way he was begging and pleading for you not to leave him hurt my heart like nothing ever has before. The monster who took you from my brother tortured you so badly that there was nothing left of you. In the end, Triton killed himself to be with you. It was the worst night of my life.” I stop walking, my eyes darting from side to side. “What the?” Rhodos faces me. “It was just a nightmare, Ava. But always be cautious because we Gods tend to see the future, even in our dreams.” Great! I open my mouth to speak, but the sound of someone’s voice calling Rhodos’ name stops me. A woman with a forced smile steps into our path, invading our space. Her eyes dance with a malicious glint that seems at odds with the grandeur surrounding us. Who is this woman? She’s pretty and clearly someone of importance from the way she’s dressed. “Ah, Rhodos,” She coos, her voice as sweet as honeyed wine. “Lariya,” Rhodos says with next to no enthusiasm. “I see you’re showing the help around. Since when was that your job? And since when do we high up-landers?” I raise an eyebrow and try not to laugh. This woman clearly doesn’t like me. It’s easy to see from the way she’s looking at me. If she’s trying to intimidate me, she’s wasting her time. “Ava is not the help, Lariya. She’s Triton’s mate.” “His mate?” Lariya asks but doesn’t take her eyes off me. “Interesting. I didn’t have Triton down as the kind of male who would settle for…” “For what?” I fold my arms around my chest. “Someone like me?” I smirk. This woman has no idea who she’s messing with. “Triton isn’t settling, we’re mate. We meant to be, and we love each other.” “You are also aware that Triton’s wedding to Ava is being organized as we speak!” Lariya rolls her eyes at Rhodos. There’s always someone who has to be a bitc.h. I expected it, to be honest. I don’t know what this woman is expecting, but she won’t get what she wants from me. “Your love for Triton is so... innocent. It’s quite charming, really.” The woman’s words hang in the air like a veil of venom. Rhodos groans beside me and hisses that Lariya needs to keep her mouth shut. She doesn’t need to stop talking on my account. I can already see what kind of woman Lariya is, and it amuses me something chronic. “Why?” Lariya scoffs. “Shouldn’t Triton’s child bride know what kind of male she’s marrying?” Of course, I would seem like a child bride to this woman. She’s more than likely thousands of years old. However, I’m not a child, and her comment will bypass me, like most things that irritate others in life. I look at Rhodos. “Who is this woman?” But Rhodos doesn’t get the chance to answer before Lariya opens her big mouth. “I am Lady Lariya, daughter of Lord Voldrian, hand to the King. I am also very close with Prince Triton.” She smirks. I met her gaze, my smile never wavering. “Whatever do you mean?” I ask, feigning ignorance. Of course, I know what this woman is getting at. It’s written all over her face, and she couldn’t wait to find me and bring it up. The woman leans in, her voice dropping to a whisper that carries through the emptiness of the hallway. “I mean, my dear, that Triton has had his share of... experiences. Whether on two legs or with a tail, Triton cares not. “He’s quite the catch, isn’t he? Have you had the pleasure of his touch, or is he making you wait? It would be a first for Triton as he never makes anyone wait to climb into his bed.” Her eyes search mine, looking for a reaction, a hint of doubt or anger. But she won’t find any. My smile grows, and my confidence is unshaken. “As you are a member of the Royal Court, I’m sure you’re aware of Royal tradition. Triton and I will wait until our wedding night to complete the mate bond. However, that does not mean he’s never touched me in other ways.” I can’t keep the smirk off my face as Lariya frowns angrily. Stupid woman. “Triton is indeed an ancient being, and I would be a fool to think he hasn’t known other women.” I continue. “But what’s past is past. It’s what we share now that matters.” “It bothers you not that while he waited for you to return, he was bedding down with many other women?” “That is a lie!” Rhodos yells. “Triton has touched no one since the day he found out Ava was his mate, and you know it!” I take her arm and shake my head. Rhodos doesn’t need to be angry on my behalf. I turn to the she-bitc.h. “I’m not sure what you expected to achieve by telling me what you just did. But you must be very foolish to think Triton won’t be angry with you for accosting and lying to me.” “Lies?” She scoffs. I nod. “Yes, lies. As Rhodos said, Triton touched no other woman from the moment he realized I was his mate over ten years ago. Do I believe him? Without a doubt! Will anything you tell me have me believing Triton thinks so little of me? Not a chance. Nothing you or anyone else tells me will ever have me doubting the man I love.” Lariya’s mouth drops, her eyes wide, and Rhodos laughs beside me. “I see we don’t have to worry about you.” I raise an eyebrow at Rhodos. “Did you really think you would?” She shrugs, still laughing. I turn to Lariya. “You should really be careful with that spiteful mouth of yours. I won’t be so forgiving next time.” The woman’s expression sours, her plan to unsettle me clearly failing. As I walk away, leaving Rhodos to berate Lariya, my thoughts swirl with a mix of amusement and determination. I know what kind of man Triton was, but I also know what kind of woman I am, and I have every intention of proving it to him. No other woman can rattle me when it comes to Triton. Acting like a hurt little girl because he’s been with others before me is ridiculous. What Triton got up to before I came along doesn’t bother me. What matters is that he’s faithful to me now, and I will never believe he won’t be just that. Entering our private chambers, I find Triton hunched over his large wooden desk, his handsome face furrowed in concentration as he pores over a parchment filled with intricate sketches of wedding decorations. It makes me smile because Triton is so invested in this wedding. He really wants to be my husband as much as I want to be his wife. Triton’s right-hand man, a loyal Merman named Caius, hovers nearby, eager to serve. Triton introduced Caius and me this morning. He’s a nice man who lives to serve Triton and now me. “Caius,” I say firmly, my voice slicing through the quiet. “Please leave us.” Caius nods and hastily retreats, the door clicking shut behind him. “Is everything okay, my love?” I approach Triton, my heart racing. I climb onto his lap, my body pressing against his firm chest. “You know what I want,” I whisper, my breath hot against his ear. Triton looks up, his eyes meeting mine. The mischief in them makes my stomach flutter. He knows what I have in mind, and he’s ready to play along. My sex.y mate would never deny me anything. “What’s gotten into you, my love?” He asks, a smirk playing on his lips. “You,” I reply, sliding my hand down between us to grip his hardened coc.k. “You’ve always been under my skin, in my head, and my heart. Even when other women tell me about your bedroom antics with them…” “What?!” The room vibrates with the force of Triton’s anger. I press my finger against his lips. “Shh. I don’t care about other women and what you did with them. That’s the past, and I am your future. Now, I want to feel your naked body against mine.” With a snap of his fingers, our clothes vanish, leaving us both naked. My puss.y was already wet with anticipation, and so I begin to grind against him, my eyes never leaving his. “You’re mine,” I murmur, my voice filled with passionate possession. “And I’m going to make sure you never forget it.” Triton groans, his grip tightening on my hips. “You’re a bad girl, Ava,” He says, his voice strained with desire. “Such a bad girl.” I smirk. “Being bad is fun, my love,” I purr as pleasure fills me, and my clit hardens against his coc.k. “But I’m your bad girl.” “Yes, you are.” I moan as Triton kisses me, and our kiss is like a storm at sea, fierce and all-consuming. As Triton’s hands roam my body, I feel a fire building within me. This isn’t just about claiming him; it’s about showing the world that I am the one who could tame the untamable, the one who could make him submit. And I am going to do it with every inch of my being. I clutch the back of Triton’s neck, keeping his body pressed against mine. My hips roll against his, my wetness coating his shaft. His hands find my breasts, teasing my nipple.s into stiff peaks as he kisses my neck. Goddess, what he does to me! My breath hitches in my throat as I feel his teeth graze my skin, sending shivers down my spine. This is what I wanted, what I needed – to feel alive, to feel wanted, to feel like I am the most important person in the world to him. Well, the best thing would be having him inside of me. I can’t have that yet, but this is the next best thing. Goddess, help us when my heat hits. I’m not sure we’ll make it out alive! Triton’s hands move lower, sliding down my body until he reaches my clit. He begins to rub it in slow circles, his thumb flicking over the sensitive bud with a skill that makes my eyes roll back in my head. No one in the universe could make me feel the way Triton makes me feel. Every touch is with skilled precision. He touches me with such tenderness, care, and love that I could die happy in his arms. “Cu.m for me,” He murmurs, his voice a seductive rumble that seems to resonate through my very bones. My legs tighten around Triton’s waist, my nails digging into his shoulders as I ride the wave of pleasure that is building. “Yes,” I breathe, my voice shaky. “I’m going to cu.m for you. I want you to cu.m with me, baby.” With a growl, Triton stands, lifting me effortlessly, and grabs my ass in his hands, forcing me up and down the length of him until I’m screaming through a powerful orgas.m! I shudder and shake as Triton calls my name, spilling his seed on his stomach. I smirk, scoop his seed onto my fingers, and push them into my mouth. I moan at the taste of him. I cannot get enough! “Ava,” Triton groans. “You are mine, Triton, and don’t you ever forget it.”
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