13 - A Truce

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Triton “Ava,” I take her arm as she rushes through the castle, heading toward a room where she can shower. She stops walking and turns toward me. “I know you’re feeling all sorts of emotions right now. But I feel you’re starting to doubt yourself.” She shakes her head. “I’m not doubting myself, Triton. I’m just pissed off that it had to come to this.” She reaches behind her and opens the door she was almost leaning against. She pulls me inside. It’s not bad. The place is opulent, with a chamber with a large bed and a sitting room. The mounted paintings on the wall speak of a world filled with magic. “Don’t worry,” Ava chuckles. “We’re allowed to be in here. This is the room allocated to my family when we stay here. I don’t know why we stay here sometimes when we have a house not far away. But I guess when there are meetings or my dad is working late, he stays here. Anyway,” I smile and cup her blood-soaked cheek. “You don’t need to explain.” “If you give me five minutes, I’ll be right out. Make yourself at home.” Not even if my life depended upon it! However, I nod and watch Ava walk away. She enters another room and closes the door behind her. I could have cleaned her easily with a flick of my hand, but my mate wanted to shower with water, so that’s what she’s doing. I would give Ava anything and everything she wants. Nothing is out of reach for my mate. She was magnificent in that dungeon. Ava showed her true power, the power of never backing down. I could have taken over at any time and read their minds. But Ava asked me not to interfere, so I didn’t. Ava wanting her father to read Philip’s mind is a gesture of trust. Blaze is angry that I’m here and that Ava still wants to be with me, even without the locket and her memories. I must admit, I did not expect Ava to be so expressive with her sexuality. She’s not afraid to speak her mind, and I am going to enjoy every moment with her. “Here you are.” I turn to see Blaze behind me. I knew he was there; I heard him enter the room. However, I do not rush for anyone. “How can I help you?” “I want to talk to you about Ava.” I sigh because this back-and-forth bullshit isn’t getting anyone anywhere. Ava doesn’t need this stress. I am trying so hard not to be the man I once was. In the past, I would have eradicated Ava’s whole family for how they spoke to her and me earlier. But I am trying to be better for the woman I love. I never want to cause her an ounce of pain. “If you’re here to tell me to leave her, save your breath. Ava is my mate, and I have waited ten years to be with her. I will not give her up now. I know you have your reservations about me, and they are one hundred percent valid. I was a terrible person, and what I did concerning Ivy was even worse. “But I have had ten years to think about my part in it all, Blaze. I am not that man any longer. I had Ava to live for, and the day we could finally be together. Even without the locket, Ava still wants to be with me. “I thank you for taking care of Ava while I was gone. You did what you had to do to protect your daughter. But she’s not a little girl any longer. Ava is a strong and powerful woman. If I didn’t know that before, after what happened in the dungeons, I certainly know now that she’s not a woman to be messed with. “I know you’re worried, but I swear to you, nothing and no one means more to me than Ava does. I will protect her with my life.” Blaze raises an eyebrow with a smirk on his lips. “Well, I was going to ask how you really felt about my daughter, but you’ve answered that already.” I watch him without speaking. I’ve said my piece, and now, whether I like it or not, it’s my turn to listen to Ava’s father. “I’ve been hard on you,” Blaze admits, his voice low and gruff. “But it’s only because Ava is special to me.” I nod, understanding in my eyes. “And she’s special to me too.” “I see that. Ava has been through enough, and I no longer want to burden her with my misplaced anger. My little girl doesn’t deserve to feel she must choose between her family and the man she obviously loves, locket or no locket.” I try not to smirk, but this is amusing to me. I never imagined Ava’s father would stand before me saying this stuff. But it’s clear to me now that Ava means the world to him. All I want is my mate’s happiness. Whatever I must do to achieve that, I will do it, even if that means being friendly with her family. “Look, we’re never going to be best friends, Triton. There are some things that are hard to forget. But my mate is right, as is Ava. Too many of my family members are mated to Gods. None of those Gods have good backstories. They’re all assholes in one way or another. However, they love their mates, and no matter what they did in the past, we looked past that. Ivy has forgiven you for what happened,” Ivy told me as much the last time I saw her. She came to Atlantis with Azrael because she wanted to put behind her what happened. Azrael finally forgave me for attacking him and locking him away like a pathetic Omega Lycan, and I was finally ready to let go of the woman I had once loved. “Ava is all that matters to me right now, Triton. I have to know you will do everything in your power to keep her safe. I do not doubt my daughter’s strength, but she’s still my little girl. If you ever hurt her, there will be nowhere you can hide from me.” Gods, I hope I never even accidently have children. Daughters bring out the animal in a father. I know my sisters do when it comes to my father. I suppose it’s natural. “Do I make myself clear?” I smirk while nodding. “Perfectly.” “Good,” Blaze says, extending his hand. “So, for Ava’s sake, let’s call a truce.” I look at Blaze’s hand, and all I want to do is rip it from his body! However, I take a deep breath and remind myself that everything I do is for Ava. So, I take the offered hand firmly. “For Ava,” I agree. Just as we’re about to part ways, the bathroom door swings open, and Ava steps out, her eyes wide with surprise. Dressed in leggings and a simple blue shirt, she looks every inch the perfect mate she had become. Her eyes dart between her father and me, and I can hear her heart racing. “Am I seeing things?” I let go of her father’s hand as he says, “No, my princess. I came here to put things right. I don’t want you to ever feel that you don’t belong here because of who your mate is. You were right when you said I needed to realize you were a grown woman. I am your father, the first man who ever loved you, and I will not be the cause of your unhappiness, Ava.” My mate blinks, emotion evident as she runs to Blaze. “Thank you,” She says, throwing her arms around her father’s broad chest. His muscles tense for a moment before he wraps his arms around her in a tight embrace. “Thank you, Daddy. This means everything to me.” “You’re welcome, Ava,” Blaze murmurs into her hair. He releases her, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. Oh, bloody hell, that’s ridiculous! I am not in tune with those kinds of emotions. I understand the whole parent and child bond. My mother is forever smothering me. But being on the outside of the situation is strange to me. “Now, you called for me. So, what can I do for you, my little princess?” Ava steps back, her gaze dropping to the floor. “I called you because I need a favor.” Ah, so that’s why he was really here. Ava called him about the Philip thing. “Well, I was wondering if you could read Philip’s mind,” Ava looks at her father. “Find out where he’s hidden the locket. It didn’t matter what I did to him; he wouldn’t tell me anything other than a stupid riddle.” “What riddle?” Ava moves closer to me, and I wrap my arm around her shoulder as she recites the riddle. Blaze narrows his eyes, listening intently to his daughter’s words. Blaze’s expression grows serious. He knows the locket’s significance —a symbol of my love and protection for his daughter. “I have no idea what the riddle could mean. But it won’t matter. I’ll look inside his mind and find where he hid it.” “Thank you, Daddy.” “I would do anything for you, Ava.” My mate smiles. “I know that, Dad.” Blaze leans in and kisses Ava’s cheek. “I’ll leave you with your mate for a while. I’ll call you when I’ve finished with Philip.” “Erm, Dad. You might want to prepare yourself. I wasn’t exactly nice to Philip or Yolanda. She’s dead, but I kept Philip on the brink of death.” “That’s my girl,” Blaze winks, making Ava laugh. “Don’t worry about anything, Ava. I’ll deal with this.” Blaze tips his head at me and walks away. He leaves the room, and Ava turns in my arms. She wraps her arms around my waist, and I hold her against me. I kiss her head before she pulls away and looks into my eyes. I can’t take my eyes away from her. She is everything I have ever dreamed of. Yes, I have loved before, but not like this. This is all-consuming. “You’re staring at me like I’ve got two heads, Triton,” Ava says, a playful smirk curling at the corner of her lips. I swallow hard, my eyes unable to break away from hers. “It’s just... I never thought we’d be here,” “And why is that?” She asks, tilting her head to the side, her dark hair cascading over one shoulder. “Because you’re...” I struggle to find the right words. “You’re like a myth come to life after all these years of waiting.” Her laugh is soft, a melody that fills the room. “Myths are just stories, Triton. I’m real, and so is this.” She reaches out and places her hand on my chest, feeling the rapid thump of my heart beneath her palm. “You’ve waited long enough, and so have I.” With that, she takes my hand and leads me over to the couch, the velvet upholstery a stark contrast to the hotness of her skin. I feel a jolt of electricity as our hands touch, sending a shiver down my spine. Ava pushes me down onto the couch, straddling my lap with a grace that seems almost predatory. She leans in, our bodies close enough that I could feel the heat radiating from her. Ava’s eyes search mine, looking for any sign of hesitation. Finding none, she leans closer, her breath hot against my neck. “You want this, don’t you?” She whispers, her voice a Siren’s call that I can’t resist. I should resist. This is wrong. Without the locket, there is no mate bond for Ava, so doing anything with her right now would be wrong. But if it’s wrong, why does it feel so right? On instinct, my hands find their way to Ava’s waist, my fingers digging into the fabric of her shirt. I can feel the muscles of her stomach contract as she moves closer, the anticipation building like a storm in my chest. “More than anything,” I manage to croak out, my voice barely above a whisper. I have never had a woman be so forward and dominant with me before. Like most men, I was the one in control. Not even Melusine, my betrothed, ever made me feel like this. Ava’s mischievous smile is on display as she places her hands on either side of my face, guiding it up to meet hers. “Then take it,” She says, her eyes gleaming with a challenge. I smirk before pressing my lips to Ava’s. Our first kiss is explosive. It’s like nothing I have ever experienced before, a clash of passion and need that leaves me reeling. Ava’s lips are soft yet demanding, and the taste of her is like nothing I have ever known. Our tongues meet in a dance that is both fiery and tender, and I feel as if I were falling into an abyss of pleasure. I can feel Ava’s breath hitch in her throat, her body trembling against mine as the kiss grows deeper. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her closer to my body. Her heat presses against my erectio.n, causing me to groan into the kiss. I’m in heaven! When we finally break apart, both gasping for air, Ava’s cheeks are flushed, and her eyes sparkle with happiness. “Everything I dreamed of,” She murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. “And more.” “I know what you mean.” My heart is racing, my chest heaving. I have waited ten long years for this moment, and it was worth every second. “I’ve never felt anything like that,” I confess, my voice hoarse with desire. Ava giggles, a sound that is both innocent and thrilling. “Well, then, if you liked that,” She says, leaning in for another kiss. She quickly pulls away, leaving me dazed. “You’re in for quite the adventure. I am going to take you to the moon and back, Triton. The moment we make love, you won’t remember anyone who came before me.” She slams her mouth against mine again, not allowing me to reply. This time, the kiss is slower and more deliberate. I savor the taste of her, the feel of her body against mine. My hands slid under Ava’s shirt and up her back, feeling the smoothness of her skin beneath my fingertips. Ava moans into my mouth, and I can feel the tension in her muscles as she arches closer, her breasts pressing into my chest. When we part again, Ava’s eyes are dark with lust. “I wish we could take this to the bed. But my dad just called. He has information for us.” “You expect me to speak with your father while I have an erectio.n?” Ava laughs with her head tipped back. She leans down and pecks my lips. “You might as well get used to the hard-on, Triton. You’re going to be sporting one almost every moment we’re together.” Damn, she’s going to be the death of me!
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