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As Dwayne leads me into his study, my mind is spinning. The events of the ceremony replay in my head - the strange blood ritual, the unexpected mate bond, and the threatening arrival of Jake. It's all too much to process. Dwayne closes the door behind us and turns to face me. For a moment, we just stare at each other, the weight of everything that's happened hanging between us. "Sit down, Rebecca," he says, gesturing to a chair. His voice is softer than I've ever heard it. I shake my head. "I'd rather stand. I think better on my feet." A small smile tugs at his lips. "As you wish." He moves to pour himself a drink, then pauses. "Would you like one?" The question catches me off guard. It's the first time he's asked what I want. "No, thank you. I don't drink." Dwayne nods and turns back to face me, leaning against his desk. "I suppose you have questions." I laugh, but there's no humor in it. "Questions? That's putting it mildly. Let's start with the basics - what exactly is a true mate?" Dwayne takes a sip of his drink before answering. "It's a rare occurrence among werewolves. A perfect match, both in body and spirit. True mates amplify each other's strengths, balance each other's weaknesses. The bond between them is... profound." "And unbreakable?" I ask, thinking of the bargain he'd offered me. His eyes meet mine, and I see a flicker of uncertainty there. "Traditionally, yes. But our situation is... unique." I cross my arms, anger rising. "Unique? You bought me, Dwayne. You threatened my family to force me into this. How can that possibly be the foundation for some destined bond?" Dwayne sets his glass down hard enough that I flinch. "You think I wanted this?" he growls. "I needed a Conduit, yes. I needed an heir. But this?" He gestures between us. "This complicates everything." "Oh, I'm so sorry my existence is an inconvenience for you," I snap back. We glare at each other for a long moment before Dwayne sighs, running a hand through his hair. "This isn't productive. We need to figure out our next steps." "Our next steps?" I repeat. "Don't you mean your next steps? I'm just the prisoner here, remember?" Dwayne's eyes flash with anger. "You're not a prisoner, Rebecca. You're my mate, my future queen. Whether we like it or not, we're in this together now." I laugh bitterly. "Together? You've given me no choice in any of this! You can't just decide I'm your queen and expect me to fall in line." "What would you have me do?" Dwayne asks, frustration clear in his voice. "Release you? Let you walk away? It's not that simple anymore." "Why not?" I challenge. "If you really cared about what I want, you'd let me go." Dwayne moves suddenly, closing the distance between us. I step back instinctively, but he catches my arm. "Because it's not safe," he says, his voice low and intense. "You heard Jake. Other packs will come for you now. They'll try to use you, to harness your power for themselves. At least here, I can protect you." I try to pull away, but his grip is firm. "I don't need your protection. I need my freedom." "Freedom to do what?" Dwayne asks. "To go back to your old life? That's not possible anymore, Rebecca. The moment you drank from that chalice, you became part of this world. There's no going back." His words hit me like a physical blow. I slump against the wall, the fight draining out of me. "So what am I supposed to do? Just accept all of this?" Dwayne's expression softens. He releases my arm and steps back, giving me space. "I know this is overwhelming. But we need to work together if we're going to survive what's coming." I look up at him, searching his face. "And what exactly is coming?" Dwayne moves back to his desk, leaning against it. "War, most likely. The other packs won't stand idly by while we have both a Conduit and a true mate pair. They'll see it as a threat to the balance of power." "So what do we do?" I ask, hating how small my voice sounds. "We prepare," Dwayne says firmly. "We train you to use your abilities. We strengthen our defenses. And we present a united front to the other packs." I shake my head. "You make it sound so simple. But how am I supposed to just... be your queen? I don't know anything about your world, your politics." "You'll learn," Dwayne says. "I'll teach you. And you're stronger than you realize, Rebecca. I've seen it." I'm quiet for a moment, processing everything. Then a thought occurs to me. "What about my family? My stepfather? Are they in danger now too?" Dwayne's expression turns grim. "Possibly. I'll send guards to protect them. But it might be safer to bring them here." The idea of my stepfather in this palace makes me uncomfortable. "I... I don't know if that's a good idea." Dwayne raises an eyebrow. "Why not? Don't you want them safe?" I wrap my arms around myself, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. "Of course I do. It's just... complicated." Understanding dawns in Dwayne's eyes. "Ah. Your relationship with your stepfather isn't good, is it?" I laugh humorlessly. "He sold me to you. What do you think?" Dwayne is quiet for a moment. Then he says, "Tell me about your childhood, Rebecca. Help me understand." The request surprises me. It's the first time he's shown any interest in my past. I hesitate, then decide that honesty might be my best strategy right now. "My mom died when I was ten," I begin. "Cancer. My stepdad... he tried, I guess. But he was never really cut out to be a parent. He drank too much, gambled away what little money we had. I practically raised myself." Dwayne listens intently, his expression unreadable. "And the debt he owed my pack?" I shrug. "I don't know the details. He always had debts. I just never thought..." My voice breaks, and I have to take a deep breath before continuing. "I never thought he'd sell me to pay one off."
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