CHAPTER TWELVE- How dare you come here to tell me what to do with my body?!"

2002 Words

Chris handed the piece of paper to Adrianna and smiled at her purely, "Congratulations, Madam Adrianna! It clearly says on the report that you're five weeks pregnant!" "Impossible!" Adrianna snatched the paper from the doctor's hand with a regretful sigh passing over her lips. How could she have gotten pregnant? She looked at the report adamantly, refusing to let her eyes overlook any detail but... No matter how much she looked at it, it was the same. Her pregnancy was real! A feeling she did not understand passed through her and the next thing she did was cowardly. She ran! Out of the clinic. She did not know how much time passed since she ran off but she couldn't stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. Getting her revenge on her ex-husband was one thing but getting pregnant w

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