“But do you really believe he’s going to commit a murder?” asked Helen Larose incredulously. “I think he’s going to try to. Yes, I really believe he’s going to attempt it or there wouldn’t be any point in his writing to me. As I say, I don’t look upon this letter as a joke. The writer means business.” “Then send the letter on to Inspector Stone. You said you were going to write to him to-day.” Larose nodded. “So I will, and won’t dear old Charlie crinkle up his nose in scorn? He’ll take it as a joke, as you do. Yes, I’ll write to him straight away, and I’ll tell him, too, that after Thursday I’ll be up in town at the Semiris if he should want to ring me up and give me the news.” He laughed. “That’ll make him more scornful than ever.” So the next morning Chief Inspector Stone, one of th