Chapter 21 – LossThursday Afternoon, September 24th, Morelville General Store –––––––– “It’s a total loss,” Chloe told Faye. “There’s nothing left down there but a big pile of mess.” Faye clucked her tongue and then let out a heavy breath. “When you called during our meeting, Kent lit out of there like his own pants were on fire. The way I understood it, he never kept much of anything in that building. Lord knows, if he wanted to replace it, it wouldn’t be a hard thing or even an expensive thing to do but I don’t know that it’s any great loss to him.” “What did he even own it for if he wasn’t using it?” Faye shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine. The land I guess. He wants the opera house too so I suppose, whatever his next grand plan is, it included leveling both of those buildin