Chapter 6

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Brooklynne's POV: After breathing in some more of the salty air I walked back into the bedroom and into the closet. "Holy crap! This closet is huge!" I whisper yelled when I walked in. It's twice the size of the closet if not bigger than the one I had back at home. I will have fun filling up this closet with my clothes, shoes, and accessories. I walk through the door into the bathroom and was met again with an amazing bathroom. The garden tub was up two steps and had full-size windows that looked over the ocean. I walked over and got into the tub and looked out the windows to see if there was any way for anyone to see me. I couldn't see anything other than the ocean which made me feel much better about being naked in this tub. Wow, just wow. I crawled out of the tub and walked over to where the shower was. It was a walk-in shower. There was no door on it since you walked in and then had to turn and take a few steps into it. It had a stone wall partway up with frosted glass the rest of the way for some privacy. I'm glad at least while you are in there, if someone would walk in they wouldn't be able to see you. There was a double vanity with a large mirror. I can't get past how luxurious this place was. There was nothing that I could see that was skimped out on in the money department in any way. I quickly undressed and walked into that amazing shower and turned it on. The shower turned on above me and it had sprayers on the sides that could be turned on just by going through the options of the touch screen. I grew up in a world with technology so it didn't take me long at all to figure it out. I even set it to memorize the temperature of what I wanted to have. Only the larger cuts burned a little from the water since the smaller ones were pretty scabbed over now. After I relaxed in what felt like a shower from the rainforest I washed my hair and body but had to be careful around my eye and lip since those areas were still very sensitive. I then got out and grabbed the cream-colored towel that was hanging on the rack at the entrance of the shower. There was another towel so I grabbed that one as well and wrapped my hair up in it. I stepped out of the bathroom and noticed right away that there were clothes that must have been just brought in and hanging up in the closet. There wasn't a lot, just a few. Looked like there were a couple of sundresses, some tops, and some skirts. I sure hope they fit since he never asked me what my size was. I was feeling in the mood to wear a sundress so I grabbed the cream-colored one and some undergarments and got dressed. The dress was a little loose but other than that it fit pretty well. I walked over to the full-length mirror to check out my look. The color of the dress made my skin look paler and brought out the color of my auburn red hair. I wasn't sure when this Mr. Hawkins was going to be returning home. Who knows, maybe he spends so little time here that I won't ever see him here anyway. I would be okay with that. I'm used to living alone and not socializing with anyone so I'm sure I could find plenty of things to do here. I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me. I don't know if I have to shut the door but every other door in this hallway was shut so I shut mine as well. As I walk through the hallway I couldn't help but notice that there was a nightlight in an outlet in the hallway. I didn't see that before when I first walked through here with Harrison. Maybe it's so you don't miss your footing at night? I just kind of shrugged it off and continued through the hallway towards the staircase. I wanted to explore more of the house. I walked carefully down the stairs in hopes that I didn't fall down them. That would be a great addition to all the cuts and bruises I already have. This reminds me, this Hawkins guy ordered Harrison to do those things to me. What if he's some kind of man who has fetishes for cutting people? Oh great, maybe that's what Harrison meant by not knowing what I did. I guess the only way I'm going to find out what kind of creep, or pervert, or sicko this guy is, is by meeting him. So I'm going to have to stay up late if I have to so I can meet him tonight. I walked through the entrance, admiring the paintings that were on the wall. One of them caught my attention. It was really gorgeous. It was a painting of an average-sized home back in the woods. The sun was setting and it looked like the season was autumn. It had beautiful attention to detail in the changing of the leaves. There were rocking chairs out on the front porch and just all in all a very good painting. I looked in the corner of the painting to see who the artist was. All it said was E. Hawkins. Did Mr. Hawkins paint this? Oh wow is he good! I wanted to touch it but I refrained from doing so. I looked at it for a few minutes later and then took a step back. I turned to look around and there was another one. A nightlight. What is it with these nightlights? Maybe he doesn't want to stub his toe in the middle of the night I guess. I walked through a large opening that led into a large living room. It had double high ceilings with floor-to-ceiling windows also looking out on the ocean. This house is really capturing all the amazing views of the location. There was a huge fireplace in the center of the room with windows on both sides of it. There was a black grand piano in the corner and a few couches and rugs and a bar near the entrance into the room. It was very warm and inviting. I put my hand to my stomach when I felt a growl run through it. I didn't realize how late it was getting. I didn't see that the sun was already setting in the distance. I would think the kitchen would be around here somewhere close to the living room. I walked out of the room and not too far away was the kitchen. It reminded me of one of those industrial kitchens with a huge vent hood and double ovens. I wasn't going to try to make something when I was in this house all by myself in case I were to cause a fire. I opened up the fridge and pulled out the fixings to make a sandwich. This will be good enough for me for now. I made the sandwich and put everything away before sitting on one of the barstools to eat. I look around the room and see that it is plainer here when it comes to decorating than anywhere else in the house. Oh look, there's another nightlight! Is there one of those things in every room of the house! I didn't see one in the living room but maybe it's because I wasn't looking for it. I'm starting to think that this guy is a big wimp and can't handle being in the dark by himself. What kind of mafia leader is scared of the dark anyway? I laughed to myself as I thought about this mean tough guy crying because the lights got turned out on him. That would be a sight to see now, wouldn't it? I finished my sandwich and continued my walk through the house. I went back into the living room first in search of one of those nightlights. Just like I thought, there was one in there too. Now I have it my mission to see if there is one in every room of the house. I have found so far 4 of them. I went to open a door on the second floor but it was locked. I guess I won't be looking in there. Wait, why is it locked? If he is the only one who lives here, why would he have a door locked? If the maids don't go into all the rooms then what would he be wanting to hide? Does he have dead bodies in there that he collects? Maybe he keeps the faces of all the people he has killed and puts them on a stake and puts them in there on display. To remind him of everyone he has killed. Well, I guess this room is one I won't be looking in. At least not right now. Maybe someday I will get my hands on the key and go in there just to see what he is hiding. Most of the rooms on the second floor were empty except for one. I would think it would be his room but I wasn't sure. It was very luxurious on its own and quite a bit bigger than mine which suggests that it would be the master bedroom but it was accented in lavender colors. Dark and light purples. There were also more paintings in the room that were done by E. Hawkins. One of the paintings was this beautiful landscape painting with all of these trees with a cliff that was over the ocean. Wait! Is this a painting of this property before the house was built? I stepped a little closer to the painting to take a look at it. Of course, the land would be a little different since a house was built here but I think it is. The area around it looks very similar to the area around this house. Wow, it was a sight then too! I didn't see any photos of anyone anywhere in the house so there was still nothing to tell me what this guy looked like. This room was the only room that did not have a night light, which I was rather surprised about. All the other rooms had one, including the dining room. This room also had a balcony and faced the side of the house that looked over the ocean. This room was directly over the patio and pool area while mine was farther down. I was kind of glad now for those nightlights because the sun was almost set now and it helped me find my way around. I found the library and grabbed a book to read but decided instead of reading it down here I would go up to that comfy bed of mine and read it there. Besides, this house at night, by myself is a little scary. I'm not familiar with everything here and it's sort of making me nervous. I took the book back upstairs and shut the door quickly and crawled into the bed. I didn't get very far into the book before I felt myself starting to nod off to sleep. I slid down on the bed and laid the book down and closed my eyes. --- I was suddenly awakened by the sound of music. I looked over at the clock that was beside the bed and it read 11:42 in the evening. Who in their right mind would be playing music this late at night! Oh, that's right, the guy lives here by himself. He probably doesn't care what time it is when he turns the music up. At least I'm up when he's here so I can't complain too much about the music waking me up. I crawled out of bed, still, in my sundress, which I had put on earlier, and walked out of the room. I was pretty quiet since I didn't have any shoes on. I don't really see the point in wearing any if you are inside the house. The closer I got to the staircase the louder the music got and the more it sounded like a piano. Is he playing on that grand piano in the living room? Wow, this man is talented. He can paint! He can play! Too bad he was scared of the dark. Maybe his looks will make up for the fact that he's a total wimp. Or maybe I will be completely wrong about this guy and he will have warts all over his face and a huge beer gut. Ugh, I sure the heck hope not! I can't have this amazing fairy tale ending where I am whisked away to this amazing mansion only to be greeted by a troll! I get to the bottom of the stairs and slowly walk towards the entrance of the living room, where the music is coming from. I quickly, on my tiptoes, get to the wall and slowly peek around the wall. Unfortunately, the way the furniture is placed, I can't see him. I walk more into the room and over to the side. I'm far enough behind that I wouldn't be in his peripheral vision, at least I hope I wasn't. I stood there and watched. His hands moved gracefully over the keys as if they have complete control over them. The emotion that is coming from that piano just from his fingers was making my heart beat rapidly. I couldn't really tell by looking at him in this direction about what he looked like. He looked to be pretty large. His hair looked like in this lighting to be black and it was slicked back except for some pieces that have fallen forward into his face as he plays. I take another step to the side to try to get a view of him when I accidentally bumped into a side table, knocking over the lamp. I tried to catch it but fumbled it through my fingers and it fell anyway onto the floor, breaking the bulb inside. I stood up quickly with my hands covering my face. I was hoping he didn't hear me but I was wrong. Boy was I dead wrong. He was turned on the piano bench glaring at me. Damn! He was hella hot! "Who the bloody hell are you!" He yells and stands up from the bench. Oh s**t! He's huge! Like really really huge! That look on his face I am so dead. Like really really dead. He took long strides closer to me and I could see he was clenching his jaw and the veins in his neck and forehead wanted to pop and explode. "You better think about how you answer that question or it could be your last." He threatens me in that sexy British accent and as I step back I see him reach behind him and pull out a gun. I heard the awful sound of whatever that is on a gun, causing me to yelp in fear. I continued to back up as he came forward. I never looked behind me and within seconds I hit the wall with my back, almost knocking the air out of my lungs. He continued to walk closer to me till he was so close the gun was only a few inches from my head. "I asked you a question. Who......the bloody hell.......are you?" He asked again growling deep in his throat. "I. um. I..... my name um." I couldn't take my eyes off of the gun that was pointing at me and it was making me lose all my education and speaking abilities. "Speak!" He yelled at me making me jump. "Brooklynne! Brooklynne McLin!" I screamed out as loud as I could scream. "I should shoot you now just because of who you are!" He said through clenched teeth. I closed my eyes as the tears fell down my cheeks and my entire body was shaking in fear. I guess I really didn't know what I was getting myself into and now I am really wishing to be back home.
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