Chapter 43 - Facing off in the ring ...

1100 Words

Riley Susan and Lilly woke me up to get me ready for another day of prancing around like a pony, but I had other plans. Thankfully, I didn’t have to have breakfast with everyone like I did when we had alpha conference and everybody was expecting me to dress up, so I could look pretty and keep quiet. “Can all of you give me a moment please. I just need some time on my own. I can get into the dress myself. I will meet all of you downstairs.” Susan raised a brow and I almost burst out laughing. I was not wearing that damn dress and I sure as hell wasn’t going to sit around and just look pretty! They had no choice. Even though I had asked, I used my alpha tone, and they had to obey me. Caleb I was half expecting Riley to come out with her staff, but it seemed she wanted to make an entranc

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