Chapter 23 - A perfect life.

1116 Words

Riley We woke up in the early morning hours and Jeremy had yet another surprise for me. We left before breakfast, and I could only guess that he had given the staff the day off. I made sure the bed was made before we left, and the coffee mugs were clean. If I knew our staff, they would start there and then end up working the entire day. As the jeep pulled into a clearing, I gaped. In front of us was a helicopter and I looked at Jeremy who was happily smiling at me. Before we took off, he checked that I was strapped in properly and when he nodded to the pilot, we took off. I squealed with laughter as my stomach made a little flip. It was a completely different experience to the private jet we came there on. The flight was short but incredible, and we landed just outside of town. Another j

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