The initiation

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"Um, ghost," I explained to James pointing at Robert, James nodded understandingly "he seems to know you, Robert Leatherman, does that ring a bell?" I asked with a shrug, "Haha, sure does, Robert was a good friend, part of the council actually, good guy, good guy" James leaned forward with elbows on knees he, maybe, started to think about the past. "Anastsia, I was thinking about your initiation" Robert began "What about it?" I asked "Clearly you have things to discuss with your ghost, so I'll leave you to it, it's nice to know you're ok Robert, I miss you" James announced as he got up "No, stop him, don't let him leave we need him" Robert shouted "Um, wait James, Robert says you shouldn't leave" I shouted after him, James stopped walking away and turned to face me, I shrugged "he thinks we might need you" I finished with my head tilted to the side, the vampire smirked a sexy smirk, wait, what? Did I just think that? Oh dear lord. "That's Robert for you, always needing me" he said, looking smug as he sat back down, I caught Robert rolling his eyes "So what's going on?" I asked, James sat awkwardly as he listened to our one sided conversation "You can't go to the initiation" he had already said this before so I said nothing just nodded as if to say go on "..during your initiation your prophecy will be revealed" "Wait that means...." I didn't finish as Robert interrupted me "They will know who you are, and will stop you, probably kill you" "Well is there a way to stop them?" I asked hopefully "You need your powers to stop them, which you would receive during the initiation" Robert announced sadly, I sat down on the bench next to James, what could I do now? I needed my powers to become a witch but I couldn't get my powers without being initiated but I can't have the initiation because that will reveal who I am "What do you think I should do?" I asked Robert, from the corner of my eye I could see James frowning, probably trying to figure out what is going on "Go back home, miss the initiation, James will look after you" "Wait, what?, why?, I don't need him" I whispered as to not be heard by the vampire sitting right next to me, do vampires have super hearing? Robert explained that if I don't turn up for the ceremony, nothing will happen, but it may mean I shall not be allowed into this realm without an immortals help, and my best bet was James, someone Robert trusted with everything he had. Robert walked away. I turned to the vampire and began to explain to him the conversation I had with his once trusted friend "Robert said I shouldn't attend the initiation, I will be in danger if I do, he also asked me to ask you to walk me home and stay with me, but you don't have to, honestly, it's just...." I shrugged just what? I had no idea "It would be my honour to walk you home and stay with you, mi lady" the man said, aahhhh swoon, seriously if I wasn't sitting down I probably would've fainted, I smiled and stood, there was an awkward silence between us as we walked towards the mountain that led to the cave, that led home. I didnt know this man, and I had to trust him? My dad always said I should listen to my gut, my gut was telling me I should trust him, but my head was asking me why I was trusting a complete stranger, a vampire, I will be alone with him for only God knows how long, he could rob me, kill me, drink me dry, the thought made me shudder not because I was scared but because I wanted him to drink from me, I wanted to know how that felt, I knew it was wrong and that scared me, that, the thought that I would allow this man to drink from me without even knowing him. Once home "Sweet set up" he exclaimed as we entered the study, his hands in his pants pocket looking all cool and sexy, oh what was happening to me, these feelings were weird, I had, had a crush in secondary school before but this was a whole new feeling, I wanted to kiss him, to touch him, to hold him, I had to control these feelings "My father must've set it up, I guess" I shrugged, I had never thought about how much skill it would've taken, James just nodded "would you like a drink?, Tea, coffee?, Do you even drink anything else but blood?" I didn't know what I was saying but James seemed amused. "I would love a cup of tea, I can eat and drink what you do, but it does nothing for the energy, we, as vampires, need blood to survive, I nodded, we walked towards the kitchen, on the way James saw a picture of my parents and I at the park two years ago, we were smiling, we were happy, "Are these your parents?" James asked, picking up the picture "My mortal parents, yes" "Mortal?" James seemed confused I shook my head a little, as if to say never mind, and I started walking again, James put down the picture and followed me, once we got to the kitchen I made two mugs of tea whilst James sat at the table and watched, once I was done I sat next to him, placing a mug in front of him and one in front of me I kept both hands on my mug "I guess I should explain who I am, right?" To which the vampire next to me nodded, as he took a sip of the tea, I took a sip too, as I began to explain about how my dad told me about his desk before he died up to the point we were at, I left nothing out, at first I was hesitant but once I started I believed I could trust him. By the time I finished explaining we were in the living room, sitting comfortably, I was sat Indian style sideways on the couch and James sat in the same position facing me, my right elbow and his left elbow rested on the couch back. We sat in silence for a while, he asked me questions along the way, to which I always answered, in the end all he could say was wow. After about five minutes of silence I broke it "So can I ask you some questions, please, you know, about you, and you know, vampires?" James smiled and gave a nod, encouraging me to go on "as a vampire, you need blood" he nodded "do you kill?" I was scared to ask but I needed to know "Since turning, I've only killed animals, does that count?" I shook my head no, "then no, I haven't killed anyone" he assured, I nodded, pleased with his answer "As vampire do you need to be invited in?" I asked my next question "Only in the mortal world, and only if the house belongs to a human" he answered this house belonged to me, a witch, so no invitation was needed "When you're thirsty, or hungry, for blood, does your face change?" I had seen face changes in movies, I wanted to know if there was some truth to it, but James didn't laugh, and answered with seriousness "Personally, my eyes change from blue to red, and the veins, around my eyes, become a visible black and my fangs come out, ready to drink" he explained, I had no idea where this next comment came from "I want to see, your fangs, I mean, can I see, please?" I covered my mouth, "sorry" I said through my covered mouth "I don't know why I said that" I was so embarrassed I stood up and started walking away from him towards the kitchen "Please stop" he asked as he too stood, I did, my body obeyed him, and I stopped "turn around" it was barely a whisper, but again my body obeyed, he wasn't controlling me, no, I wanted to listen, his fangs were out, they looked so sharp, I gasped, but my feet moved forward, towards him, on their own accord, my hand rose, by itself, he gasped but I kept going, I touched his left cheek, wanting to get close to his fangs, was that weird?, he closed his eyes, his mouth opened a little and he quickly turned away, "Sorry" he whispered, "I can't, I can't let you see" he walked away, into the kitchen, and I walked to the couch and sat down, that was so stupid, why did I do that? After around five minutes, which felt like an eternity, he came back in, he apologised once more as he sat down next to me, he sat with his elbows on his knees I mimicked him "When my eyes change colour, it scares me, and everyone else around me, and if you're to trust me and let me stay here, I can't allow you to see", I nodded, I kind of understood, when I began to apologise for my foolishness he just shook his head, then, thankfully, changed the subject, "so tell me about you, how old are you?, do you go college? Do you work?", I smiled and leaned back on the couch, I folded my hands on my lap, and I shrugged "I'm twenty, I work in a cafe, I'm actually working on a book right now, but my creativity isn't flowing" "Well, what are you working on?, maybe I can help" I laughed at his question, this should be good, I did start writing this book before my dad died, before I knew vampires exist "It's a fantasy, about a girl that falls in love with a vampire, but she doesn't know he's a vampire, and when she finds out she runs, but they get back together, but I'm stuck on how she comes back, how do I make her fear change?, I dont know, I'll figure it out" I shrugged "Well, think, if it was you, what would you do?" "I dont know, that's the problem, I've never met someone I'm scared of" "You've met me" "I'm not scared of you James" I rolled my eyes smiling "Why not? I'm a vampire, I could drink you dry, leave your body here and no one would ever find it" he leaned forward bringing his face really close to me, my breathing hitched, my heart raced, but it wasn't fear, it was lust, I looked at his lips, and my mouth opened to say something but I closed it, not knowing what to say, he looked confused, I bought my face forward, I stopped before I got to close, but I was close enough to feel his breath on my lips, knowing he wasn't going to move, I moved the rest of the way, and merely touched his lips with mine, I moved my head back a little, to see him looking more confused, I smiled and kissed him again, my hands moved to his hair and his hand held the back of my neck to hold me in place, but he pulled away, quickly and turned away, "What's wrong?" I touched his shoulder, and tried to get him to turn, but he wouldn't budge "Nothing" he whispered, he let out a breath then turned to me again "Did your face change? are you hungry?" He shook his head "I'm not hungry, it was um, you, the kiss, it uh, it made me change" I smiled a little shy, and embarrassed understanding what he meant, I mean yikes! I lay my head on his chest. He explained that his emotions were magnified, as a vampire, and sometimes his emotions blurred, when he was hungry, angry, and feeling lust, or love his eyes changed, and his fangs protruded, it was all tied together, I became really shy, and wanted him to shush, my cheeks burned. Thankfully he couldn't see my face, but he did chuckle, and his chest vibrated when he did that. I felt faint, my head hurt, I stood up, thinking of getting some water, but I saw black dots in my vision, James was just a blur as I fell to the floor, I didn't feel any pain, but I did feel like I was being lifted, and being placed on something soft, the couch, James was kneeling next to me holding my hand, I knew he was saying something but I couldn't hear him, nor could I figure it out. That is the end of the chapter, tell me how it was please?
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