13 New me

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The visit to Annabelles grave was uneventful, the three guests had slept in the guest room, like they had every year, they had all argued with me when I said I would sleep on the couch, but when I told them I would return home they all listened. The three guests left in the afternoon, as they did every year, I apologised once more as they left for my rude behaviour, but they brushed it off, they all hugged me to show there were no hard feelings. Once they left James and I sat talking about each others life. After about an hour James's fangs elongated and his eyes went red, his veins popped out black "James? Are you okay?" "I'm fine" "Um, James?" I started carefully "I must leave, to feed, I'll be back later" he told me, my arm shot out from behind my back and stopped him from even turning away, James looked at my hand on his shoulder, then he followed the arm up to my face. "Drink from me?" I pleaded, and before he could say no I stepped forward to him and turned my face to the side showing him my neck "please" I whispered he hesitated for just a moment before he turned my face to him, he kissed me, passionately, he then proceeded to kiss down from my mouth to my neck, He then bit into my neck, it was ecstasy, I felt as though I was flying, I never wanted it to stop, my eyes closed and I was moaning, after about ten seconds James stopped drinking, he bit his wrist and told me to drink, I did, the wound healed. "Thanks" James told me, the red eyes gone now, his face had gone back to normal "come, let's sit" I told him, I sat down and patted the seat next to me, he obliged and sat down. We were talking about our past, I told him about my trip to India, and my trip to South Africa, I told him about how the cultures differed, he told me about how he hadn't visited the mortal realm as much as he would like since turning into a vampire, I told him he should go as the world has changed a lot in the last five hundred years. I heard footsteps outside once more, but these felt like danger I stood abruptly "Someone's coming" I announced, "and they dont seem friendly" I was facing the door, James stood in front of me protectivly Stay behind me" he convinced me, there was a knock, and James answered "On behalf of the council, Anastasia Long, you are under arrest" three men walked in, their stance of authority "On what grounds?" I asked whilst James bared his fangs to show his own danger, the council members were not fazed at all, instead they smirked, the first member stepped forward, he had brown eyes and brown hair gelled down, they all wore black suits with white shirts, reminding me of the men in black "You somehow got hold of the book of records and somehow signed your name, then decided to blame us, none of us initiated you, of that we're certain, which means you are a fraud" then without a pause they turned to James "you will not interfere, you will instead help us to....." they were trying to compel him "NO" I shouted I turned James to me and compelled him myself "no witch will ever compel you again" I told him as I looked into his eyes, weather that was a mistake or not only time would tell, what was done was done "No witch will ever compel me again" James repeated in a monotone voice, like he was hypnotized, "That's impossible, a mere witch cannot compel to that magnitude" another council member told me, he had curly black hair, his eyes were grey, I just smirked and told him to try and compel James, he did, he tried to compel James into assisting my arrest but the vampire did not listen, I laughed at them as they stared angrily. "Now, what to do with the three of you?" I said in my best evil voice, James smirked squinting his eyes, looking sexy, you know the way he always does. "Maybe compel them to lock themselves in the dungeon?" James suggested, the three council members looked scared, I tapped my chin, making it look like I was thinking about it "Nah, Thomas will just let them out again" I said, to which the three men relaxed a little "I've got it" I walked over to the first member, James, as if reading my mind, went to the other two, to stop them from leaving, I looked into his brown eyes, "you initiated me, I didn't steal anything, make sure you tell Thomas" "I initiated you" he repeated, in monotone voice, I repeated this process with the other two, and then we let them go, James and I laughed and gave each other a high five "What do you think Thomas will do?" I asked James "Probably have a cow" James announced like it was completely normal "I feel weird, like lighter than before, did something happen?" James asked all of a sudden "The council members wanted to compel you" I began, a little worried as to what his reaction would be, he nodded signaling me to go on "so I compelled you instead" I shrugged, not really wanting to continue. "Well, that's good, I trust you more than them, what did you compel me to do?" He asked in a sweet voice "Well" I said sweetly "I compelled you so that no witch will ever be able to compel you ever again?" I shrugged making it sound like a question "You did what?" he shrieked, "Anastasia, there is a reason why witches can compel vampires" he whisper shouted, as if someone could hear us "Well what reason could there possibly be?" I asked as if bored "Some vampires are evil, and want to take over both worlds, the witches keep them in check, if anyone finds out I can't be compelled they will throw me into the dungeon" he emphasized the me as if to say him instead of me. He turned away frustrated I went in front of him and touched his face "You're not evil, doesn't that mean something?" I asked in a small apologetic voice, I let out a deep breath "Not to the council, they will want to get rid of me, especially because of my involvement with you" he told me seemingly calm now, still touching his face I had an idea "Maybe I can compel you again?" I offered "It won't work, I can't be compelled, remember? He reminded me, touching my shoulders "I'm sorry, I was scared James, I didn't know what you would do to me, I didn't think, I just did it, I'm sorry" I was in tears James hugged me, and kissed the top of my head "Please don't cry, Anastasia, I don't like it" he whispered, I smiled liking the hug, I realised in that moment that I truly loved him, I guess I knew already but didn't want to admit it, and I wanted to be with him, I realised that the feelings I feared were Annabelles were mine, and only mine, I loved him with every fibre of my being, and the thought scared me, I never wanted this hug to end, I wanted to stay like this forever, but was it something I could say out loud? what would he think of me? How much did we know about each other? We've only just met, to declare love this early was un heard of and shouldn't happen, was it because he drank my blood that I felt this way? I had his blood in my system too, to heal me, could it be that I was feeling like this because of the feelings I got when he drank from me? Did others feel like this when he drank from them? That made me jealous, no one could love him like I could, I moved away from the hug taking a step back, James smiled not realising why I ended the hug. "Would you like a drink?" He squinted his eyes, he always did that, I noticed, it was sexy, I smiled too, with a nod of my head as if to say yes, my jealousy subsiding, the man is over 500 years old, I cannot be his first girlfriend, and I probably won't be the only girlfriend he'll ever have, although that's what I wanted, to be the only one he will spend eternity with, girlfriend, it had a lovely ring to it, I had never been someone's girlfriend before but what would he think? Would he want me? Was I good enough for him? I absent mindedly went to the couch and sat down, deep in thought.

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