What Has Happened

1924 Words
  As soon as the Queen fell ill, the castle went on lockdown. No one can enter and no one can get out. The security guards were tripled, as well as the security system was upgraded.  Amara locked herself in her office with all the books she gathered from the castle’s library. She kept searching and searching about the past that can affect the future.   While Amara does her research, Liam, Zab and Alex decided to go to Russia to tell the twins about the Queen’s condition. “What’s this visit about?”Lykos asked. “Mom let you out of her sight?”Lynox asked Liam.     Liam sighed. “Something happened.”Liam started, and the twins furrowed their eyebrows. “Mom was cursed.”Zab said, and the twins both stood up. “Cursed?” “Cursed how?”Roe asked. “Some witch put a cursed on her. Now she’s sleeping soundly and might not wake up again.”Zab said. “What the hell?”The twins exclaimed. “This witch, what did she do?”Roe asked. “From what I saw in mom’s mind, she was in the woods for god knows what. Then she’s in this old village, and a red head lady began attacking her. And then lastly she chanted ‘Under the darkened moon, the past will be rewritten. A Queen will fall, and a new Queen will rise.’ And then poof she disappeared.”Zab said. “And next thing happened, mom passed out. She wouldn’t wake up and the stupid rogues are attacking packs. The whole Kingdom is in danger, and we are in danger.”Alex said. “How are we in danger?”The twins asked. “The words the witch chanted, it wasn’t really a spell but a warning.”Roe said. “Warning?”Liam asked. “Yes. What were the words again?” “Under the darkened moon, the past will be rewritten. A Queen will fall, and a new Queen will rise.”Zab said. “The witch will definitely be playing with time. It seems like she’s going to make sure the Queen won’t exist in the past, in the present and definitely not in the future.”Roe explained.   The twins were both baffled with what their mate just said. “So if that happen, what will happen to us?”Lynox asked.   Roe looked at her mates. “You won’t exist, none of you will exist. No one from her bloodline will ever exist, her children, her grandchildren and great grandchildren.”Roe said, and the siblings felt scared.   They looked at each other, feeling scared at the possibility that they won’t exist, they will never meet their mates, and they will never have their children. “It is really dangerous to play with time. And this witch you are talking about, it’s definitely a black witch, a very strong black witch.”Roe said. “How can we fight that b***h, I mean witch?”Zab asked. “The same time the witch in our time was defeated, by a witch of light.”Roe answered.   Liam stood up from his chair and run his fingers through his hair. “For now the best thing to do is to strengthen the packs, and be ready for the rogue attack.”Liam said. “We’ll do that dad. What about Calie? Does she know?”Lykos asked. “We’ll drop her a visit next.”Alex said.     *******************************.   After visiting the twins in Russia, Alex opened a portal towards Australia. When they appeared in the Alpha’s Office, only the Beta was there, and he was really surprised. “My l-lord!”The Beta Rick exclaimed. “Do you know where my daughter is?”Liam asked. “D-Daughter?”Rick asked.   Zab rolled her eyes. “Calie, my sister? Duh.”Zab said. “Oh, she went out with the Alpha.”Rick said. “With the Alpha? Why was she with that Alpha who hurt her?”Liam growled. “Uhm, I guess I s-should wait for them outside.”Rick said and quickly left the office. “I’m famished; we’re going to feed for a minute.”Alex said. “We’ll be back soon so don’t kill the Alpha while we’re away.”Zab said, and then Alex opened a portal that leads towards the woods.   After Alex and Zab left, Liam sighed and run his fingers through his hair. Then the door opened and his daughter entered the office with the Alpha and the Beta. Liam smiled when he saw his daughter.  “Aren’t you going give your father a hug?”Liam asked and opened his arms.   Calie run to his arms, and hugged him tight.   “I missed you my pumpkin.” “I missed you too dad.”   When Liam pulled away from his daughter, his eyes went towards the Alpha. Zeke cleared his throat and then he bowed his and held his hand towards the Alpha Lord. “Alpha Liam, I’m Alpha Zeke Barton –“ “I know who you are Alpha.”Liam said, and then he glared at Zeke.   And without any word, Liam punched Zeke on the face. Both Rick and Calie were surprised of what happened. After punching the Alpha, Liam grabbed his collar and growled at him. “You’re the punk that hurt my daughter!”Liam growled and his eyes were glowing gold with red ring. And then Liam threw Zeke towards the wall and then vines appeared out of nowhere and it wrapped around Zeke’s neck, choking him. “Dad!” Calie exclaimed, horrified of what her father was doing to her mate.   Liam’s arms burst on fire. “She’s my precious daughter and you dare kidnapped her and locked her up! You even forced your f*****g mark on her! What kind of f**k up mind do you have?!” “F-Forgive me A-Alpha. It was –“ “I don’t f*****g care!”Liam cut him off. “If it was for me I will kill you right here, right now! But I don’t want my daughter to hurt more than she already did! Now you listen carefully you punk. Never ever dare hurt my daughter again or else I’ll rip you to shreds and I’ll burn you over and over again!”Liam growled.  “I just left you for one second and you’re threatening the Alpha.”   They turned around and they saw Zab and Alex standing by the door. “Zab, Alex, what are you doing here?”Calie asked. “Meeting.” “Come on dad, let him go. I already had beaten him up.”Alex said. “You did, but I didn’t.”Liam sneered. “Dad, we’re cool.”Calie said, and everyone looked at her.   Liam looked at Calie and his eyes softened, and the fire around his arms disappeared. “You’re cool? Sweetheart you were kidnapped and locked up; he even forced a mark on you.”Liam said. “I know that dad. I still carry the mark. Just let him go, we just came from a date and here you are beating the crap out of him.”Calie said.   Liam growled and the vines let go of Zeke’s neck, before disappearing. Zeke leaned back on the wall before heaving a few deep breaths. As Zeke walked towards his desk, Zab approached him and then she slapped him and kneed him in the groin.  Zeke groaned and cupped his groin, before dropping on the floor writhing in pain. “Hurt my sister again, I’ll castrate you with my claws.”Zab said, looking down at Zeke with her pink eyes. “Baby, I won’t let you touch someone else’s nuts.”Alex hissed, grabbing his wife’s arm and pulled her to him.   Calie heaved a deep sigh, rubbing her forehead and Rick went over to Zeke and helped him sit. His face was all red and beads of sweat began rolling down his forehead; clearly still in pain. “You should put some ice on that.”Calie told Zeke, and then she turned towards her family. “What are you guys doing here? Why the sudden visit? And is the beating necessary?”She asked, and Zab nodded.     Liam on the other hand heaved a deep sigh. “We need to discuss something with you?”Liam said, and then he turned towards Rick. “Is there any place in this pack house where we can talk without anyone listening?”Liam asked Rick. ****************************.   After the meeting in the Australia, they went back to Stone castle. They were having tea in the family room with Creon, Sahara, Roe and the twins in video call when Amara came running towards them. “Did you find something?”Liam asked.   Amara nodded and pulled out an old book. She flipped the pages and showed a portrait of a red head woman. Zab stood up and looked at the portrait, and she pointed it out. “That’s the b***h that attacked mom!”Zab exclaimed. “That’s Rowena Shien, Alpha King Lucian’s witch adviser/side chick.”Amara said. “Wait; does that mean grandpa cheated on grandma?”Creon asked.     Amara shook her head. “They were a thing when Alpha King is still single and trying to take over the Vampire lands. But then he met Queen Camilla IX and the witch was tossed in the sides.”Amara said. “So she’s the psycho ex girlfriend?”The twins asked. “Seems like it. So what’s her deal?”Sahara asked. “Rowena wanted to be the Luna Queen but she didn’t become one. She lost to a vampire, to a species that lycans fought with for a long time.”Amara said. “And then what happened?”Alex asked.   Amara pulled out a very old journal. “This is my mother’s old journal. I read that when the Queen was pregnant with Camilla your mother, Rowena attacked her and tried to kill her.”Amara said, and Liam growled. “So she tried to kill my mate even before she was born?!” “But she messed with a pregnant Vampire Queen, so she didn’t succeed. And then my mom comes along and then they locked her up in something. And then your mother was born and the rest is history.”Amara told them. “So these black witches, did they bring that witch from the past?”Sahara asked. “More like they freed her from wherever she was locked up, and bring her here to bring chaos.”Roe said. “So what are we going to do to stop this b***h and save mom?”Zab asked.   Amara looked at them, her face was serious. “Someone have to travel back in time.”    
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