Chapter 3 - First Touch

1453 Words
Wednesday 11th August ---- Jane ---- I wake up this morning and I have no idea what came over me yesterday evening with Neil. I don't ever remember being so rude before.. and to someone who has been nothing but nice and respectable to me. I mean, he hasn't been the one bringing relationships or flings up... that has been all me. After I said all I did yesterday evening, he had just said Goodnight and taken his leave. I put my head in my hands and wish that time would rewind so I can fix it, I can't go grovelling now... pride you know. Looking sideways at the clock I notice that I've slept through breakfast and if I want to get on the trip the hotel has organised, then I need to get my skates on. The trip is to visit San Carlos, the original hippy town. I hop out of bed, jump in the shower and put another loose tennis dress on. Racing downstairs to the hotel lobby I am just in time to catch the coach. The coach is packed with tourists but our guide points me in the direction of the back. I find the seat that the tour guide is pointing me towards and then I notice who my companion is. None other than Neil and if it is possible my heart sinks but my belly gets butterflies at the same time. "Hi," I say to him shyly. "We've got to stop meeting like this," he replies, smiling. "You don't look like a day trip kind of guy Neil," I put it to him. "What sort of guy do I look like then Jane," he replies softly. "I don't know," I whisper. "Would you like to find out?" I stare at him, completely tongue tied, not knowing what to say or do. "Just say yes Jane," he whispers. I stare into his blue eyes, completely mesmerised and say "Yes," whilst I feel tingles go up and down my spine. I am vaguely aware that our guide is saying something important but my brain is on overload already, it can't process anymore. I can do a holiday romance. It's probably just what I need. "Good," he replies giving me the biggest grin imaginable. "Now let's enjoy this trip," he says, taking my hand in his, rubbing his thumb all across my knuckles in a circular motion. The feeling is very tender and sends messages to parts of my body only seen and touched by Gary before and it makes me bite my bottom lip. For a moment I feel guilty, but that is only fleeting because then I remember that I am just Gary's mistress and this is just a fling. The coach drops us at San Carlos but it could have been anywhere, my eyes glaze over and my mind is floating in my own castle in the sky. I am very aware that Neil is gazing over at me, but I can not bring myself to turn and look into his eyes. "Jane... earth calling Jane," he laughs. Damn it he's forcing me to look at him.. "Just admiring the view," I say, although I don't think he believes me as I have no idea what the view is. Holding out his hand to me to take he says, "Come on, let's catch everyone up." I slip my hand into  his big warm one, give him a smile and say, "Deal." The tour guide leads us to a bar to have lunch in and to tell the truth I'm glad for a companion, I didn't feel like the odd one out. We are all sitting around a group of tables. The families yabber with each other as well as the couples and groups of friends. Neil towers over everyone here.... it makes me wonder quite what size he is below. I can feel my face flush from just the thought of it and delicious moisture appear on my knickers. Neil turns to me, studying me. "Dinner at 7pm in the dining room." It's a command rather than an offer and so I find myself just saying, "Ok." For some reason it turns me on. "You are a woman of few words Jane and I will be honoured to learn more," comes his sultry tone. I gather myself together for the rest of the trip. We do see some hippies but not how I had imagined them. If it hadn't been for Neil my trip would have been a huge disappointment. ---- Neil ---- I can't get Jane out of my head and I can't work out why. After how she had dismissed me last night, I went back to my room and chilled for the evening. Well that was after I booked myself on today's trip as I heard the tour guide letting reception know who would be out. Today I feel like we are getting closer but there is still something strange about her, my wolf can't tell either. Believe it or not, my non working vacation, actually comes complete with a mahogany desk, phone line, laptop, obviously Internet, a leather desk chair in an office with big windows overlooking the beach. All that is an extra in my suite. So today I'm going to make use of it. I use the phone first. "Blake.. we need to do some work." "Be right with you Alpha." I sigh and run my hand through my hair. This feels like an intrusion into her life, but I have to know. Then Blake knocks at the door in the significant way he does. Knock pause, knock pause, knock. "Come in Blake," I wrly say. On closer inspection he looks slightly dishevelled. "I disturbed you?" I ask raising my eyebrows, an amused smile playing on my face. "Nothing that can't wait longer," he stiffly replies. "Come, I needed your computer genius like an hour ago," I laugh at him, gesturing towards the laptop on the desk. "What do you need me to do?" Blake sighs while a smile twitches at the corner of his lips. "I need you to find out everything you can about Gary Collins and Jane Moon, starting with the former." While Blake slides down into the seat and switches on the laptop, I start to pace the length of the room, backwards and forwards. I play with my hands nervously behind my back. "Will you stop doing that Alpha.. please, I'm trying to concentrate!" Blake yells at me. "I'll go in my living room," I mutter and storm off. It seems like an age before Blake exits the study and comes over to me. His face says it all. "Spit it out Wes," I say, calling him by his first name for once. He sits down next to me and opens up a notebook, yes a f**king notebook that he's managed to create. "Starting with Gary Collins. He is the C.E.O. of Umbrella Express Ltd. I thought that he was going to be just already married, a kid and mistresses, but it's so much more." "Go on," I say impatiently tapping my foot on the floor. "He is the Alpha of the Redwood Pack. He never met his fated mate. He has a Chosen Luna. He enjoys meeting human women for s*x, I need to dig more," he says. "So where does Jane fit into all of this and the married woman?" I ask getting more and more pissed at Gary. "Well, it does appear that one of these human women, is pregnant with his heir. Jane works as a librarian for Molesey Village Library. Checking back in her history, it appears that Gary has been coming in and out of her life since she was about 15." "Do you have any idea why?" "No, I don't. She was with her human family since birth." "Do you believe Jane is aware of who Gary really is?" "No, I don't believe so, but only Jane can answer that." "So why do I feel this pull towards her then? I've never felt it before....not with anyone. Even my wolf feels calm around her." I punch the wall, creating a massive hole. "I don't know Alpha. Are you attracted to her?" "Yes and they had better put that hole on my bill," I sigh then slump back down into the sofa and place my head in my hands. "It's ok Wes, get back to what you were up to before I called you, I have a dinner to attend." "Yes Alpha. Oh and Neil" "Yes?" "We'll solve this, together, I'm on it." "Thanks Blake, I mean that." I watch him retreating before I get on with my date.

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