The ending...or not

559 Words
I'm slowly walking up the stairs to my bedroom. Closer to the sounds of my husband cheating on me with my twin sister, Yasmine. Only I'm not mad, or surprised, or even shocked. My twin loves taking my hand me downs. Oh, sorry I'm so rude. My name is Jasmine Sul- sorry, that's my soon to be ex's last name. Jasmine Holt. and this is how the ending of my marriage started my new beginning. In the beginning, Me and Yasmine was 2 peas in a pod. We were best friends. our parents, Calvin and Gloria, loved us equally. Everything changed our 10th birthday. Yasmine wanted a pink princess birthday party but I wanted a harry potter themed party. Yasmine whined to mom and she made the party Yasmine theme. Every since then Yasmine knew she could manipulate mom into making whatever she wanted come true. Dad on the other hand wasn't so easy. He treated us both equally and didn't fall for Yasmine lies. If mom would punish me for something Yasmine did, dad would find out the truth and punish Yasmine and she hated that. It got worse in high school. I didn't have many friends. I let Yasmine think it was because it was her doing but I would watch people, and if they fell for Yasmine lies I decided then that I wouldn't be around them. Yasmine was the popular, air headed cheerleader who thought she was the Regina George of our school. I was the quiet bookworm that was on the debate team. Her and her croonies would try to bully me, but once I punch Yasmine in her face for slapping me, all that stopped. Spent a month grounded but worth it. I also never dated in high school. I knew Yasmine would try to steal them so I would purposely spend a lot of time around a guy just to watch her fake fawn over them and convince them to not hang around me anymore. This worked until I met my best friend Mike. He came to our school our sophomore year and he was a total dreamboat. Tall, bronze skin, hazel eyes, his left cheek had a dimple, curly black hair, muscular. Everybody wanted him. We got assigned to be lab partners in science class and that's how we became friends. He's super smart and a very down to earth guy. Yasmine did everything to try to get his attention and make him stop hanging around me, but Mike never fell for her lies. After that she tried to have mom ban him from coming over so dad let me go to his house to work on projects. She started a rumor that Mike was sleeping with me and me and mike played into it until it became a running joke at school. After graduation Mike went into the army and I went college. That's where I met my ex-husband, Dylan. It was love at first sight. We dated all through college and got married as soon as we graduated. Only dad came to my wedding. I went no contact with Yasmine and low contact with my mom. I helped Dylan start his programming business and even funded it. I know, I know. For 4 blissful years we were happy, Then, somehow Yasmine found us and showed up on our doorstep.
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