Chapter 8

1918 Words
Book 1 Chapter 8 Welcome to all things Gray Nora I showered, then changed my clothes. I came downstairs to find Nixon going through my fridge while Nash sat at the table. “What are you doing?” I asked Nixon. “Getting a beverage,” Nixon said, grabbing a bottle of water and closing the fridge door. “Do you always raid people’s fridges?” I asked. “Listen, sweetheart. When you get involved with a Gray, the fridge is fair game,” Nixon said, sipping his water. I didn’t know how to respond to him. I sat down at the table. “So, you like Matthew,” Nash said, surprising me with his comment. “We’re figuring it out,” I said, not sure what to say. “Matthew is a good kid. He dealt with a lot,” Nash said. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know,” Nixon said, sitting down at the table. “Listen, Matthew is half/Gray and half/Harper. He’s crazy like a Gray, quiet like a Harper, and has his grandfathers’ tempers.” My eyes widened as my mouth became agape. “Don’t listen to Nix. He likes to scare children,” Nash said. “That was once, and Dad beat my ass for it,” Nixon said. Nash rolled his eyes. “Well, I’m not sure how that’s helpful,” I said. “Don’t piss off Matthew,” Nixon said, shrugging. The color drained from my face, and I gulped. “Well, you gave me nice advice, but I need to finish painting before bed,” I said, trying to get Nash and Nixon to leave. They shrugged, got up, and left. After both left, I locked my door. I was undecided about going out on a date with Matthew. What if I make him mad? I’ll keep my distance. I dealt with my dad mistreating me. ***** Matt I finished washing off the paint and changed my clothes. I came downstairs to see Grandpa and Nixon waiting for me. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water, giving one to them. “We talked to Nora,” Nixon said. I stopped mid-sip. “Why?” “We wanted to give her the heads up about a Gray,” Nixon said. “No, you wanted to give her a heads up. Leave me out of the equation,” Grandpa said. “What did you tell Nora?” I asked. “That you’re crazy, silent, and have a temper. Don’t piss you off,” Nixon said. I sighed. I left the house, heading to Nora’s house. I knocked on the door and checked the handle, finding it locked. I knocked. “Nora!” I kept knocking and calling Nora’s name. The door opened as Nora looked through the screen. “Yes, I have a temper, but I would never hurt you.” Nora furrowed her brows. “My uncle Nixon has a habit of being too honest and doesn’t understand diplomacy.” “Your uncle is crazy.” My lips curled into a half-smile, and I chuckled. “Yeah, Nixon is.” Nora opened the door, and I entered her house. She backed away from me as I stepped towards her. Nora’s back hit the wall as I stood in front of her. I reached up as she closed her eyes. I caressed her face. Nora opened her eyes. I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers, capturing her lips with mine. I moved my hand down and put both on her waist, pulling her to me. Nora wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me back. We broke from our kiss, and I placed my forehead against hers. “I would never hurt you.” “I couldn’t handle it if you did.” I held Nora’s hands in mine. “It’s you and me against the world. If I have to show you, I will.” “What are you saying, Matthew?” “Give me a chance to prove to you that we make sense.” Nora hesitated because of experiences. I saw it in her eyes. “Don’t break my heart.” I stood there, speechless. Nota diverted eye contact. “You broke it once.” My brows lifted. “I didn’t know.” My cousins told me a few things about what happened after I left. They left a few key details. I released her hands, moving her chin to face me. “I didn’t know.” Nora wrapped her arms around me, burying her head into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close to me. I didn’t think I’d meet someone who could make me feel the way Sadie did after she died. Then one night, I met this girl who made me laugh. As conflicted as I was about my feelings, my heart wasn’t. The heart wants what the heart wants, and my heart wants Nora. At that moment, I didn’t fall in love with Nora, but I’m in love with her. Now time for a date. ***** Nora Matthew stayed. We talked and laughed. It’s lovely spending time with someone who appreciates your company. Matthew left, and I went upstairs. I cleaned up the paint and myself, then went to bed. The next day, I woke up, got ready, and headed to work. I needed to figure out what I would do after work. I scrolled through different videos of home repairs, figuring it out. My phone rang, interrupting my research. “Hello?” What are you doing? “Matthew?” I checked my phone and saw a number. The last time I checked. “Well, I was researching home improvement videos because, well, I have no life.” Matthew chuckled. “How did you get my number?” I have my connections. “Huh?” I called Presley. “Oh.” Remind me to hurt Presley when I see him. “Do you make it a habit of hunting down people?” Matthew chuckled. Only the special ones. My cheeks heated as I cleared my throat. “I’m swamped.” With what? Because I’m not there, so I know it’s not with me. Whoa, uh, my body temperature rose. “Important life-saving techniques.” I tried to maintain my composure. I know a life-saving technique. It’s called mouth to mouth. You know about that, don’t you? My cheeks were on fire, as was my body. I’m changing your plans. Expect a surprise when you get home. Before I responded, Matthew hung up. Oh, my lord. What did this guy have planned? I went back to work, and my mind kept drifting to Matthew’s plans. Every scenario went through my head. I didn’t know, and it drove me crazy. After work, I drove home. I exited the car and opened the screen door to find red roses and a note. Dress casually and be ready at six. A smile curled upon my lips. I opened the door and grabbed a cup, putting water in it, then added the flowers. I set it on the table, went upstairs, showered, then put on casual clothes. I put my hair up in a clip and came downstairs. I checked the time, and it was almost six. I sat on the couch and waited. At six o’clock, I heard a knock and jumped. I stood up and inhaled, trying to calm my nerves. When I opened the door, I found Matthew, dressed in a button-up shirt and jeans. I grabbed my keys and left the house, closing the door behind me. “When you said you wanted to take me on a date, I didn’t realize you meant today.” “I like to surprise people. Did you get the flowers?” “Yeah, they’re beautiful.” “Just like the person who received them.” I smiled. We walked down the driveway. Matthew opened my car door for me. I got into the car, and he closed it. Matthew walked to the driver’s side, getting in. He backed out and drove us to Leo’s Coney Island. We got out and went inside. We sat in a booth, facing each other. The server brought us menus. I chose a burger and fries with a chocolate shake. The server returned to take our order. “What can I get you?” The server asked me. “A burger, fries, and chocolate shake,” I said. “That sounds good. I’ll have the same,” Matthew said. The server took the menus and left. “If I forget to tell you, I had a great time tonight.” “The night hasn’t started yet.” “I forget things.” I shook my head. Matthew laughed. “Well, that’s a bonus. It would suck if you had a lousy time.” I laughed. The server returned with our food, and I picked up my burger and ate. We talked while we ate. “So, did you date a lot? I wouldn’t want to date a lothario.” Matthew arched an eyebrow. “No, that is Presley.” I bit a fry. “I dated one girl, and she passed away.” I didn’t know what to say. “Sadie had issues. It took time to understand why.” “I’m sorry.” I furrowed my brows. I think I killed the date. “Nora, Sadie is my past. I can’t change it, but I don’t want to dwell on it either.” “I didn’t want to offend you.” “You didn’t. Some subjects are iffy. You don’t know people’s reactions. But I don’t want to talk about Sadie. I want to talk about us.” My cheeks heated. “You look adorable when you blush.” Matthew smirked. I covered my cheeks as Matthew laughed. “You’re such a flirt.” “Yeah. I’m much more than that.” Matthew winked. Whoa. I don’t know what I’ll do with this guy. He’ll flip my world upside down. We finished our meal, then Matthew paid, and we left. ***** Matt I drove us to the movies after dinner and let Nora pick the film. We got our tickets and entered the theater, finding our seats. We sat down, then Nora started playing with the buttons on the seat. I watched her. “What are you doing?” “Nothing.” Nora giggled. I chuckled and joined Nora. Once the movie started, we lounged in the seats, watching the film. Nora laid her head on my shoulder. I glanced at her and smiled. I leaned my head on hers. During the movie, I slid my hand into Nora’s, intertwining our fingers. I missed another person’s affection. Someone leaned down and said, “I see you stopped acting like a monk.” I lifted my head and looked at Markus, who smirked. Nora saw Markus, Hayden, Mason, and Skylar behind us. “What are you tools doing here?” I asked my dipshit cousins. “Spying on you but enlisting our dates. It would be weird if I only brought Mason. I’m not into loving your cousin,” Markus said. “Thank God,” Mason said. Nora laughed. I gave Nora a skeptical look. “Really?” “Sorry, it was funny,” Nora said, shrugging and laughing. I shook my head and chuckled. We continued watching the movie. Leave it to my damn cousins to crash my date. Welcome to all things Gray.
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