Chapter 5

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Book 1 Chapter 5 Let’s try this again Nora I had the day off from work. I figured I would try to fix the light fixture. Then I remember Jerry was loose in the basement. I looked at the hanging light fixture. Maybe I could ask Clarence to help me. Someone knocked on my door, and I answered it to see Matthew standing there. “Let’s try this again and try not to electrocute me.” “I would if I didn’t have a problem.” “What’s your problem?” “I have a mouse.” I winced. “A mouse?” I cringed. I hate mice. I don’t care if they’re outside, but inside is a no. Matthew opened the door and came inside, setting his toolbox on the floor. Matthew walked to the basement door and went downstairs. I didn’t follow because I refuse to hang out with a mouse. I stood there until I heard boots hitting the steps. Matthew came upstairs, holding a container with a mouse in it. The mouse was scratching, trying to escape. “It’s a field mouse. They get into houses looking for warmth, food, or water.” Matthew took the container outside and opened it. He released the mouse, and it scurried towards the backyard. Matthew glimpsed at me. “Well, it seemed scary.” I shrugged. “It’s best to let mice go, then feed it poison. Other animals consume them. The poison will kill the other animal.” “I didn’t realize you had a soft spot for rodents.” “I read a lot, and it helps to understand what harms animals.” “Are you a vegan?” “No.” Matthew chuckled. “Animals help the environment. Plus, they deserve a chance at life. Now, let’s fix your light fixture, and you touch nothing.” We went back inside, and Matthew worked on the light fixture. He made it seem easy. Matthew finished, placing bulbs in the sockets and securing the globe. He stepped down, returning to the basement. A few minutes later, he flicked the switch. The light came on. “Now your kitchen has lights,” Matthew said. “Where did you learn about home repairs?” “Grampa Nate and Dad taught me. Grandpa Nash was busy running the bakery.” “My dad taught me to fear him.” Matthew furrowed his brows. “Sam left, then Britt followed, leaving me to fend for myself.” I sat down in a chair. “Since I was the youngest, I didn’t have a choice.” “You shouldn’t live in fear of someone you love.” Matthew sat down in another chair. “Well, now, I don’t have to. I own my home. It’s not much, but I can fix it up. Plus, I have a job at the hotel.” “Hotel? I thought you went to school to draw graphic comic books.” “Well, I needed a job since my dad cut me off and had to change majors. When I applied at the hotel, I hoped to get promoted to manager. But housekeeper seems much more glamorous.” Matthew gave me a concerned expression. I didn’t want to weep in front of him, exposing my failure. My father was right. I would never amount to anything. ***** Matt The girl I met when she visited Britt isn’t the same girl sitting here. I listened to Nora joke, hiding the truth. “There’s nothing wrong with working as a housekeeper. It’s an honest job, and most people don’t give them credit.” “Oh, I know. Some people leave rooms trashed. It’s job security.” Nora shrugged. Nora has changed a lot since I saw her. Her face matured, and her brown hair was longer. She’s striking. “So, I never asked. Did you meet anyone?” Nora asked me, changing the subject. “Yeah.” “Oh? Is she a sweet girl?” “Yeah, she’s adorable. The girl is kind, funny, smart, and beautiful.” I kept my eyes trained on Nora. I watched a smile curl upon her lips. “That’s great. You deserve someone special, Matthew.” “Well, I’m feeling out the situation. I don’t want to freak the girl out.” “Yeah, that would suck.” Nora smiled, fidgeting in her seat. “I was thinking if you needed help with home repairs, I wouldn’t mind helping you. I’m handy with home improvements.” “That would be great. I promise not to electrocute you.” Nora giggled. I chuckled softly. It’ll give me a chance to spend time with Nora. After I beat Markus’s ass, I would thank him. ***** Nora It’s great Matthew met someone, even though I wanted to die inside. Once again, I smiled and watched someone else achieve happiness. “I’m going to grab lunch. Do you want me to grab you something?” Matthew asked me. “It’s unnecessary.” “It’s not a problem.” “I could go for a burger, fries, and a pop.” “Okay, I’ll be back.” Matthew left. I sighed and shook my head. Great, I get to hang out with Matthew, and nothing would happen between us. I laid my head on the table, banging it against it. Maybe God will take pity on me and give me a cat or dog. My luck, they’ll runoff. ***** Matt I returned with food, setting the bags and drinks on the table. Nora opened the bag as I sat down. I pulled out my food and started eating. “Can I ask you a question?” I asked. “I guess.” Nora bit into a fry. “Why don’t you think you’re good enough for someone?” Nora tilted her head and arched a brow. “What do you mean?” “You don’t give yourself enough credit.” “After Mason and I broke up, you left. It’s difficult to meet someone decent.” Nora sipped her drink. “Is it because you had issues with guys, or was it something else?” “I don’t know what you mean.” Nora sipped her drink. “This drink is delicious.” “It’s funny. When you came for Christmas, I came to see you, but you had left.” Nora spat out her drink and coughed. I got up and patted her back. “Was it something I said?” “No, no.” Nora coughed, grabbing a napkin. I stifled my laughter and sat down. “Uh, I don’t think the girl you met would appreciate you hanging out with another girl.” “I’m sure the girl I met would know I have no interest in anyone but her.” “Uh.” Nora gulped, shifting in her seat. “So, you came to see me.” Nora regained her composure. “Yeah, Markus told me that you and Mason broke up.” Nora’s eyes widened. “I didn’t know when you had texted me.” Nora stared at me, then rose from the chair quickly and headed to the kitchen sink. She turned her back to me. “Well, you didn’t ask.” I stood and crept towards Nora. She turned to face me. “No, I didn’t. I’m sure it would have helped.” My blue eyes met Nora’s eyes. “Matthew, what do you want?” Nora stared at me with wide eyes. “I think you know.” I leaned into Nora. “No, I don’t think I do.” Nora furrowed her brows. Actions speak louder than words. I leaned in and captured Nora’s lips with mine. She put her palms on my chest as I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her to me. I deepened the kiss as she kissed me back. After a few minutes, we broke from our kiss. We gazed at each other. “I have to go.” I removed my hands and left. ***** Nora I stood there, perplexed. Matthew kissed me, then left. I didn’t understand what he was doing. Matthew tells me that he met someone, then kisses me. Then he leaves. I sat down at the table. Matthew’s actions confirm I suck with guys. One looks at other girls, another doesn’t want me to dirty his car, and Matthew plays games. Am I terrible? I sighed. I’ll stick with YouTube and repair my house, myself. I can do this because I’m self-reliant. I put my head down and groaned. Someone above hates me.
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