Chapter Two

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MALIKA'S POV The drive was long and boring as hell. I hated stopping in random towns for one night, so we chose to drive right through with only short breaks for food, fuel and bathroom breaks, as well as swapping out drivers. I slept on and off in the back of the luxurious car. There were two guards in the front and another two sitting opposite me in the vehicle that could easily seat eight people. It was similar to a limo but looked more like a long black luxury car. There were two seats up front for the driver and his passenger. Then there were three seats facing the back of the vehicle and another three facing the front. When we finally arrived at the Felidae Kingdom, it was the early hours of the morning and there were no people around. We drove straight to the Castle. I really needed to stretch and hopefully let my Lycan out for a run, she really needed to get some movement and burn off some pent-up energy. The car stopped and I waited for my guards to secure the area before I stepped out and stretched. I groaned as my joints all popped back into place. I might look like I am in my thirties, but my body knows the truth. I waited a few minutes before someone finally came out to greet us. “Your majesty, we are terribly sorry for keeping you waiting. We weren’t expecting you until later in the day.” I glared at the person before me. I had no idea who was even addressing me. Had manners gone out the window since I last left my kingdom? Ward stepped forward. “And who might you be?” he asked, crossing his arms across his broad chest. “Oh, I’m so sorry my name is Tom, and I am the personal assistant to His majesty King Haider,” the man said, bowing low. “If your Majesty would please follow me I will show you to your suite. It is the suite reserved for visiting royalty such as yourself, so it has the required guard rooms attached for your guards”, he said. I sighed and waved him on as my guards surrounded me and we followed him. He leads us through the large sandstone castle towards the rear of the building. We then took a huge staircase up several floors before arriving at a massive set of wooden doors. He opened the door and stepped back, bowing slightly. “Your majesty,” he said with a flourish of his arm. Ward and his mate entered the room first to check it for anything suspicious and when he gave the all-clear, I entered the room. It was nice, a little over-decorated for my simple tastes, but it would certainly do for a few days. Tom babbled as he explained where everything was and what everything did before showing my guards their rooms, which were off each side of the main lounge area. I wandered over and looked out the enormous window at the expansive forests bathed in the glow of the rising sun. “King Haider will meet you at breakfast in about an hour’s time. Please make yourself at home and call should you need anything,” he said, pointing at the service phone. I nodded and he left. I finally breathed a sigh of relief and plonked down on the large leather couch. “Well, that was interesting, fancy sending your PA to greet a visiting Royal,” I said to no one in particular. Ward came over and sat opposite me. “Yeah, that was weird. Every Alpha I have ever known greets his guests personally, perhaps cats do things differently”. I nodded and rubbed my face. I really hoped this was not a sign of how things were going to go for this whole trip. I sent two guards to have a rest and kept Ward and his mate with me as they had slept a little in the car. We were going to need to make sure everyone was sharp, since I had very little authority in this kingdom. “I want to go for a run after breakfast, my Lycan is edgy from being couped up for so long. Ajax and Evander can come with me if you guys want to have a rest”, I said as I turned to look out the window again. The forest and surrounding mountains really were beautiful that time of the morning. “No, I would rather be with you the first time you go out in another territory. We will rest after that,” Ward said, and his mate nodded. We just sat around going over some of the things I wanted to do whilst I was there and, before long, we were being summoned to breakfast. This King has rubbed me the wrong way already and I haven’t even met the guy. I had met the previous King, but this was the first time I would have ever met Haidar. The same personal assistant had come to summon us, he now led us back down the stairs and into a giant banquet hall. The King sat on a raised platform and several seats on either side of him were empty. A hush fell over the room as we entered, all eyes were on us. King Haidar stood and motioned us forward. “Welcome Alpha Queen Malika to the Felidae Kingdom, I am King Haidar. Please will you join me for breakfast?” I made my way to the raised platform and took a seat next to the King. “Please, your guards can sit and enjoy breakfast too.” I raised an eyebrow at him, but he just smiled and nodded. I motioned for Ward and Ramon to take a seat. They were stiff and on high alert. Before I could say a word, food started to arrive at the table. There were all kinds of cooked meats and even some raw meat dishes. I get that felines are carnivorous, but I was not expecting it to be all meat. I must have made a face unknowingly as the King spoke to me. “We had some other dishes made for you as well, my Queen. I am aware that Lycans are omnivores as opposed to carnivores like us felines and your wolf subjects.” I nodded. “Thank you, King Haidar,” I said with relief. A staff member brought out a few plates with scrambled eggs and all kinds of cooked vegetables and even some raw fruits. Out of habit, I scented the air, assessing for poisons. When your entire species has been killed, you cannot be too cautious. Once I was satisfied, I began to eat. We ate in silence for a while before I decided to check if it was alright to let my Lycan out. “King Haidar, would it be OK with you if I allowed my Lycan to go for a run?” His fork stopped halfway to his mouth, and he sat it back down to talk to me. “She knows not to attack my people?” he questioned. “Of course, she is not a young pup. We have walked this earth for centuries. We know not to attack unprovoked” I said through gritted teeth. How dare he even entertain the idea my Lycan would kill for fun? “My apologies, Alpha Queen, I just needed to be sure as I have never had the pleasure of meeting a Lycan, what with you being the only one alive. I meant no disrespect. You may allow your Lycan to run, but please be careful if you make it to the mountains. There have been increasing rumours of a Baihu living up there.” I gasped. The Baihu have not been seen for a very long time. They allegedly disappeared not long before my own people did. “I thought they were extinct,” I said. My interest peaked. “Yes, we believed that to be true, but there have been rumours circling lately of a large feral white tiger stalking around the mountains.” I was curious about these rumours. “Has it attacked any of your people in those areas?” I asked, intrigued. As a member of an all-but-extinct species myself, I have always been fascinated by other species that were thought to be extinct and the Baihu was one I have always found particularly interesting. “Not yet, but it has supposedly been taking livestock.” He said, sounding annoyed. I found this annoying, as the Baihu was still a feline and therefore one of his people, yet he talked like it was a major inconvenience to him. “Have you sent anyone to check and see if the rumours are true?” I enquired further. He sighed heavily and I noted irritation flash across his face before he masked it. “Not yet, no. I will get to it soon, I assure you. Our people cannot afford to be losing any livestock.” He replied and I gritted my teeth again, fighting my Lycan who wanted to beat the loving s**t out of him for not seeming to have any interest in the Baihu. I said nothing and returned to eating, but the food just sat heavily in my gut and rage bubbled through my system. “Am I to assume we will be taking our run towards the mountains Mali?” Ward’s voice filtered into my mind. “You would be correct; I think it might be wise to take all the guards with us just in case we find this Baihu” I replied. "What will you do if you do encounter the Baihu? He says it is feral, which could mean it is now completely Tiger and no longer human.” “We will cross that bridge if we come to it, but I cannot believe he hasn’t sent anyone to even see if the rumours are true.” Ward nodded minutely and we went back to our meal.
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