She's not a gold digger!

1701 Words

Ruhani's pov  The following month went smoothly as we slept together but didn't have s*x. Arjun is behaving strangely, not like his usual nature. He didn't touch me even or didn't scream at me anymore. My exams went quite well and peacefully. Everyone in the family including Arjun's mom, dad, uncles and aunts, granny, Naina, Rohit, even the servants supported me. They gave me proper atmosphere to study. I'm really lucky to be a part of this family.  Kundan visited our house often and I couldn't miss the way his creepy eyes roamed all over me. I don't like this guy at all but our beloved Naina is madly in love with him. They both got engaged in a very private ceremony at our house and only the families of Naina and Kundan had joined the function. Kundan insisted to do so, this was strange

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