Chapter 384

3584 Words

I turn in the uncomfortable, hard bed pulling the sheets up over the itchy hospital gown and try not to wince with every single pain that runs through my body. Even with the number of drugs they have pumped into me, it's no picnic having broken ribs and a body that looks like it lost a fight with a train. I'm in agony and barely able to take a breath without the aching, burning shuddering waves, of a good old-fashioned beating. Tyler and his men are animals and I hate to think where I would be if Sophie had left me to them; what was inevitably my last night on Earth if they had their way. The girl didn't owe me a damn thing, but she saved my bacon, and now I will be eternally grateful to her even if we never see one another again. I'm woozy, waking with the throbbing of pain after a fitf

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