Chapter 378

3281 Words

Natasha s?POV ~ Life after Sophie ~ "I watch Arrick push his food around his plate distractedly, eyes on what he s doing, yet he seems completely detached from the here and now. We re in a busy restaurant, the food is good, the company not so much; he has barely said two words the whole time we have been here, and he has had about four beers with dinner so far. " "Arrick never drinks excessively, normally, but I guess this sums up our life of the past three weeks. I m irritated, upset but I am trying to keep the pleasantries going. I am trying so hard to not let it get to me, to keep a smile on my face, a positive outlook that we can get through this bump in the road of our relationship, but he makes it so hard. " "I try not to watch him too much as I eat my own food and give up on

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